Traffic-10 Most Effective Ways To Get Traffic To Website Success


Create Traffic To Website With Analytical Tools

Traffic to website generation can be a complicated process for online marketing.  The good news is there are fantastic tools available to help automate the process by using analytic programs, keyword research tools, linking software and other internet tools.  Learn how online marketing experts use specific strategies to drive targeted customers to their business.

Semrush Free Tools For Website Analytics

Semrush PPC and SEO is more than a keyword tool.  Find out what the competition is doing by comparing domain vs domain and see common keyword selections within that particular website.  Collecting data is crucial in developing strategies for online marketing success.  This will enable the blog author to use relevant link selection for ranking in search results.  Sermush has over 1 million users and has analyzed over 129,000,000 domains using the site audit tool to check your website health and web optimization progress.

Benefit from your competitors by developing content advertising strategies for your business.  Features include tools analytics reporting and projects to get insights to your competitor’s methods of marketing with link building, strategies, organic and paid search SEO and display advertising.

organic research tool allows you to type in a domain, for an analysis to see competitors best keyword selection, discover new organic competitors and observe changes in search engine ranking.  Discover your competitor’s advertising strategies with the advertising research tool in Semrush to learn how campaigns in online marketing are being conducted.  How will this information benefit you?  Get insights from successful business owners, then apply those same techniques in your business.

For Tips finding website optimization opportunities for your business.  Digital marketers today are specifically tasked with addressing business issues such as web design, advertising, link building, content writing, sales and product development.  Evaluating time spent on running a successful campaign and comparing how much time was spent on a particular project can lead to a more efficient way of conducting business.

  • Audit the competitor’s website and industry
  • Similar Web offers analytics for top websites and categories
  • Google Display Planner Tools to find trending industries, news
  • A/B Testing to see what is working and what improvements need to be made.
  • Use keyword research tools for better SEO
  • Run a competitive analysis to see what the competition is doing


From Visually.

Uncover your competitor’s advertising budget and methods for online marketing to see how their budget is being spent.  Carefully analyze your rivals keywords and ad copy for an in-depth look into their business.  Localize your ad campaigns by discovering new competitors in Bing and Google AdWords.   Conduct deep link analysis in a domain to understand domain name authority, spot links geolocation, check back links type for analysis.  Drive more traffic to a website with this fantastic free tool service in their feature page to access.

Optimizely Find the Right Product For Your Enterprise Business

Optimizely is an American company that makes customer experience optimization software for other companies and is the world’s leading experimental platform.  Enabling business to continually deliver personalization and experimentation across their website. connected devices and mobile apps.  Optimizely uses technology to provide businesses with an in-depth experiment to stack broadly across the customer experience.

Currently, developers, online marketers, and managers have delivered over 700 billion experiences specifically tailored to the need of their organization  The platform ease of use and speed of deployment empower business owners to create bold experiments to use data in driving marketing decisions for faster growth.

Built on the world’s most trusted platform business such as Sony, CNN, Weight Watchers, New York Times, SaleForce, HotWire, Microsoft, Spotify and Atlassian is just a sample of popular business that use this service to drive more traffic to website opportunities.

A/B testing can transform your business into a well-polished business by testing traffic methods.  Find out how to generate traffic that gets conversions and sales of your products and services.  Testing results will clearly show what is working and what needs improvement.  Use technology to retrieve the pertinent information you can use to improve online marketing methods.



Ahref- Out Rank The Competition

Ahref tools to improve traffic to website by monitoring the competition with tools for research analytics. Ahref helps you outperform other niche websites in your industry by showing you their strategies and how you can improve your advertising methods.  New tools and methods are added every week to include keyword research, content research, backlink research, competitive analysis, web tracking and rank tracking.

Analyze search traffic of your competitors with an organic search report to see what the competition’s keywords are ranking for and how much traffic to website it brings them.

Ahrf has data for over 240 million keywords in the united states alone and over 100 countries worldwide so you can be sure to receive the highest quality of service in keyword research.  Research organic traffic to any website to see which keywords they are ranking for.  Start by looking at the top pages to uncover the top visitors to their website and analyze the keyword used.

Research backlinks for your website.  Are you searching for specific link profile for your website?  Just put it into Site Explorer and navigate to the “backlink profile section” of reports.  Ahref has the fastest backlink crawler in the industry and has the world’s largest index of live backlinks listing over 15 trillion links which make Site Explorer the best tool for backlink research.

Learn how to write content that naturally attracts backlinks driving targeted traffic to the website.  Ther are five ways to attract backlinks to your website building a good foundation of linking through blog posts, email marketing, content writing, SEO organic search engine optimization, infographics and guest posting all generate links back to your website.

Tips for Generating Backlinks and Increasing Traffic

  • Backlinks can be any type of content, infographics
  • video
  • digital images
  • Comprehensive guide
  • Interactive content (quiz, calculator, survey)

Links generate a ton of free organic traffic to website increasing page rank authority giving more visitors to your business.  The term “linkbait” aslo ranked very well and can drive a ton of traffic for this generic term.  Using linkbait to attract a targeted audience is essential to growing your business and brand by connecting reader to your content in a particular niche market.

No business will be profitable without traffic to their website.  Learning how to collect leads and create a strong advertising campaign is cuucial to success.

Use these tools to extract the information you can use in your business for collecting leads, using keyword correctly and surpassing your competition.  Linkbait is about creating something unique and visually attractive to the reader.  Use infographics to break up the text showing illustrations that are snippets of visual content to explain a topic or relevant information.  This will attract a huge amount of traffic to a website through backlinks.

Do You Want More Traffic?

Domain Hunter Plus  (DHP) is a google chrome unresponsive extension app that allows the user to scan the current web page, check for dead links and available domain names.  Simply load the web page and click on the DHP icon in the toolbar to start the scan. Watch as the DHP scans the page and notifies you of dead links.  Once the DHP finds dead links it contacts the register to see if the domain is available to register.  If so the link takes you directly to the registration page.

Old domains have value in search results by already having backlinks within the website.  A website that has a good history of links will generate traffic to their website.  Whether you are hunting for good quality domain names to purchase or just doing broken link check Domain Hunter is a great tool for online marketing. Easy to use features include crawling hundreds of clicks on one page, DHP returns all outbound links with status codes and lets you know if the domain is available for purchase.  If you want to purchase one domain or several domains you can select the one you want and navigate directly to Godaddy for registering.

For each error and status code, DHP shows you SEOMoz data from their link scape API analysis on the number of broken links to that specific page and domain name.  You also have the option of Opening the Open Site Explorer tab right from DHP interface.  If you are interested in obtaining a full report you have the option of exporting al of DHP results into a .csv file for later use.

What Is Google Answer Box

How to appear in Googles Answer Boxes on the top page of Google.  What is this box displayed on the top of most google page in search results?  Is it paid advertisements?  Google started experimenting with the answer boxes back in 2015 to answer the most basic quarry questions.  Individuals who are looking for answers to questions such as ” What time is it in France?”  or ” How to cook a chicken?”  you don’t need to visit a website to get an in-depth answer to your question.

Google Answer Box is used for featured snippets of information known as SERP that appear every other organic search engine result.  Generate more traffic to a website with higher click through rates known as (CTR) and is both mobile and desktop responsive.  The Google Answer Box takes up a huge amount of SERP real estate making the only logical choice for that particular website.

If you want to get placed in Google Answer Box there are suggestions you may want to consider.  When writing content for your blog make sure all of the information is accurate, informative and match trusted sites.  Google uses an algotherm to search for the best answers to questions for the top placement in the google answer box. Using keyword research shows you exactly what people are looking for and use those specific keywords in titles, heading tags, and content.

Answer questions and quarries to a broader spectrum to give targeted information, stats or statistical answers to a particular topic. If you want to take the number one position in the Google Answer box for a specific issue simply conduct a search quarry in google search and see what the answer is.   Write a better answer or article to reach the top position on a topic wait and see if you are chosen for the top position.

Use proper formatting techniques and language for good results matching paragraphs, images, text, titles and headings all relating to the topic of interest.

Generate traffic to the website using charts, lists, and paragraphs in your content.  This information may be pulled into Googles Answer Box along with a link back to your website.  The potential for increasing traffic is enormous for being at the top of Google search results.  Statistics show that google uses paragraphs at 63%, Tables at 16%, and lists at 16% for the Google Answer Box giving relevant answers to quarries from users.

Need Help With Online Marketing?

Affilorama online marketing solutions can help with building a niche website, generating traffic to your products and services with a fully comprehensive program designed to take your business to the next level.  Get access to mentor, tools and information you can use to build a profitable business online. Create streams of income using the latest techniques and strategies the top online marketers use in business today.

Let me what you think.  Leave me a comment and be sure to share this post with friends.


Patricia Lynn

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Patricia Lynn

Author of Business Today Pro. Providing the latest news and update information on business, online marketing, tech, how to make money online, how to make money with advertising, websites, blogging, affiliate marketing and much more...