10 Tips on How to Start a Nonprofit Charity


Patricia-Lynn -Contributor


Patricia Lynn Author

Starting A Nonprofit Charity

Starting a nonprofit charity is a great way to give back to your community or someone else in a distant country. Follow these tips on how to start a nonprofit charity and help those in need.  Find the resources you need to make your charity a complete success from the very beginning.  Use resources and advice from professionals who want to guide you in the right direction.  From filling the right paperwork to establishing your nonprofit online presentence is essential to your success.

In the nonprofit world donations and financial resources typically come from privet donations, corporations, individuals, personal trusts and other organizations.  Fundraising for a nonprofit charity organization is an ongoing process throughout the fiscal year.  There are several new and exciting ways for these groups to make money and lower expenses through online versions of their fundraising activities.  Specific strategies are used to launch a business or nonprofit charity successfully.

Making Money With Online Nonprofits

The United States exceeds 3 billion annually in nonprofit donations.  Online gift-giving is on the rise as individuals want to make charitable donations to a specific cause they are interested in.  On average through online gifts, charities collect two to three times more than they do from traditional fundraising activities. Follow these basic strategies for nonprofit success and take full advantage of the surge in online giving.

Technology has made working online from any location a breeze with the use of computers, internet, iPad and mobile devices.  Starting a nonprofit business and staying connected to all of your contacts on the internet, makes working online an optimal choice for a large part of the population.

Gain control over your busy schedule and manage your workflow and time more effectively while earning an income online.  Automate the process and build a residual income that generates money for your nonprofit charity organization on a regular basis

Starting a nonprofit business online takes a lot of work and commitment on a daily basis.  Having the right tools and resources can make your job so much more productive.  Having a good website in a particular niche can earn you a good income if your website is properly optimized to maximize your income.  There are great resources that can analyze your website for free and give you instant suggestions on how to improve your SEO online.  The results will be more visitors to your website and your charity business will grow.

Starting your Business Online

Starting a nonprofit or any business will require you to create a business name that will be associated with your business called an Entity Name.  Check to see if the name you are considering is available for free at Legal Zoom Entity Name Check.  An entity name check can determine if your desired business name is available for you to reserve or is already in use.  Find the perfect name for your organization and fill out the necessary application to reserve your business entity name. There will be a small fee for this service.  Print out your documentation and file it for future reference.

Create a name that will be easy to remember and identify with.  You want your nonprofit charity name to be easily recognized online and social media like Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, Instagram and a host of 40 or more social networking sites.  Your name will tell consumers about your charity and the goals you want to establish as a brand.  This name will be on your website, social media posts, letterheads, envelopes, advertising, promotions, t-shirts, promotional items, directory listings, press release, articles, books, eBooks, literature, logo, business checks, invoices, receipts and more…  Your entity name should be considered an important part of building your business name and brand.

Starting a nonprofit charity organization takes big heart can be a tedious process.  The checklist for starting up your business can be a very time-consuming process.  Finding the right resources and employees can help you get your nonprofit up and running.  Finding someone to develop a website, create a logo, pamphlets and advertising, infographics, eBooks, legal aid, financial aid, and applying for grants to fund your nonprofit can be a chore.  Find an attorney and a qualified account to help get you started. Use press release services to promote your business effectively announcing your event.

Establishing a nonprofit charity is a great way to give back to your community or someone else in a distant country. Follow these tips on how to start a nonprofit charity and help those in need.  Find the resources you need to make your charity a complete success from the very beginning.  Use resources and advice from professionals who want to guide you in the right direction.  From filling the right paperwork to establishing your nonprofit online presentence is essential to your success.


File Business Address For Nonprofit Charity

File a business address on your website.  Use a mailing address separate from your personal address.  If you have a brick and mortar business location use that as your business address or use a P.O. Box address from your local post office for your address.   Show a map on your website to attract donors and customers with Google Maps.  This will show potential customers that you have a place of business for your nonprofit charity.

Using a P.O. Box for mail collection is especially nice currently offered by the UPS Store or USA Mail in the US.  If you have a P.O. Box service to collect mail and packages you essentially have someone on call to handle your mailing and receiving mail needs for one very low monthly fee.  If you are out on location conducting business or traveling there is always someone available to take care of shipping and receiving.  That is the equivalent of having an employee on hand 6 days a week to handle the mail service. Very convenient!

Google Voice Free Telephone Number for Business

Do you need a  Telephone Number for business?  Google Voice offers customers a free telephone number, texting, voice mail and transcribed call to your email [provider in the US. Keep your personal and business contacts separate with your own business telephone number.  Find new ways of telecommunication with Google Voice services.  Technology has given us the ability to communicate through all of our devices.  Access Google voice right from your computer, iPad, iPad Touch.

Send FREE SMS messages to US phones and make international calls at very low rates.  Get transcribed voicemail and save time by reading not listing to your personal messages.  Get phone services for Google Voice and GTalk from Google Play.   Call and text your Gtalk friends for free.  Call anyone anytime from anywhere as long as you have an internet access.  GV Phone brings free calls and texting right to your fingertips.  Google Voice phone is the ultimate consumer solution.

Web Design Made Easy

WordPress is web software you can use to create a beautiful website, blog or app and is free to use and considered priceless.  Over 60 Million people have chosen WordPress for their software needs in order to create a business that can generate an income online.  The core software is built by thousands of community volunteers and when you are ready for more there are thousands of themes and plugins to choose from and transform your website into almost anything you can imagine. If you are new to creating websites don’t worry watch the full tutorial on how to make a WordPress blog and learn how to profit from your website.

Making money online with a WordPress blog has become a common part of any online business.  There are many ways to be successful with your WordPress blog.  This article lays out step by step instruction giving you the foundation you need to start your WordPress blog and has found to be the most reliable and sustainable method.  Watching the video tutorials and spending time on each lesson and taking consistent action every day.  You have a much higher chance of being successful online.


Online Email Marketing & Increased Traffic Equal Increased Revenue

Nonprofit charities and organizations make money online in a verity of ways.  Email marketing is one of the best ways to reach potential customers online.  Set up an autoresponder and send emails out to clients including a brief description of your email.  Include a URL link taking consumers back to your website and asking for a donation. Reach customers and new clients worldwide with email marketing.

Succeed with email marketing sending direct messages to your customer base automatically using an autoresponder.

The most important asset for any nonprofit organization is the database, email list or more specifically your subscriber’s list.   Email marketing is an in-house generated list of contributors.  Using this compiled list of subscribers is the best way to market through email.  The more subscribers you have in your email list the more income you can generate. Email communication can be sent out once per week using an autoresponder.  Staying in constant contact with your subscribers will remind them about your charity.

Sending mass emails at once to promote your nonprofit charity and directing them back to your website to make a donation.  Follow the guidelines of email marketing industry. Read all the terms and conditions of any autoresponder service before you send out any emails to make sure you are compliant with their rules and regulations. Avoid putting affiliate links in your newsletters.  Add the URL to your website instead.  Driving more traffic to your site.

Collect emails through a subscription opt-in box on your website.  Once a week, send out a newsletter about your charity including a brief description of your nonprofit work or send out a brief paragraph about the progress your charity is making.  Including links back to your website and request a donation for your cause.  Remember the more traffic you get back to your website through email marketing, advertising or banner ads the more money you will be able to earn for your cause nonprofit charity.

Send an email encouraging donations to your donors, clients, organizations, partners, and volunteers.  Include an active link to your website URL.  Your address and business information, phone number, email etc.

Converting the traffic into actual donations will result in increased revenue for your charity.  Increase the number of inbound and outbound links will also increase traffic to your site considerably.  Use social media marketing on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Stumbleupon and 40 Plus other social and bookmarking sites, articles with links, reviews, comment on other blogs and forums leaving a link back to your URL  to build the link profile on your website.


Directories & Listings

Once you have your new domain and website built you will need to list your URL in the online directories.  This can be a long and tedious process,s however, there are services available to make the process run smoothly. Promote your nonprofit organization by submitting your URL to the online directories.

Enter your URL to the online directories with Google, Yahoo, Bing, Ask and many more once every 30 days to ensure that the search engines will be able to index your website and content.  It is recommended that you also list your nonprofit URL organization with as many internet charity portals or special charity search engine directories.  Check out the list below for a few examples of search engines specializing in finding the right nonprofit organization to meet the donor’s needs.

Directories equal link diversity in your link profile.  You should not only rely on directories for link building but this cannot be ignored either.  The goal is to diversify your link profile by submitting you’re your URL to different search engine directories.  Some Webmasters have abounded using directories due to their bad reputation.  The truth is that submitting your website to unique and good quality directories increases your link profile, visibility, and SEO. Look for directories related to your business and keep in mind where your listing will be seen. Check the directories listing to make sure your website is listed in the correct category.  Your nonprofit charity organization will get traffic from search engines over time increasing profits for your charity.

Correctly submit your URL to directories in the application form and submit your URL to the correct category for your nonprofit. Write a good description of your cause.  Capitalize your website Name ( the name of your URL).  Write a unique description for each directory submission.  Do not copy and paste the same description in each submission.  You need to compose an interesting description about your website, describing what the site is about.  Choose the correct category for your niche. Directories will allow donors to find your website and donate to your nonprofit charity.

Once you register a domain name and develop a website or blog you must list your URL in the internet directories.  This will enable users to find your business when they conduct a quarry search.  There are over 400 directories available for you to list your business in.  This process is very time-consuming, however, there is programs available to automate the process and make directory submissions a breeze.

There are different kinds of directories for individual business types such as blog directories, business directories, infographic directories, article directories, Engineers Edge, Donations Directories, Search Engine directories and Social Media directories with Facebook, Twitter and more.  Not every directory is right for your business.  Be selective when choosing the right directories for your site.  This will give your business a professional look and feel to customers as well as increasing visibility and authority in your niche.

What is Search Engine Optimization?

SEO is marketing focused on growing visibility in paid and organic search engine results.  SEO includes both creative and technical elements required to improve rankings, drive traffic and increase brand awareness.  Drive free traffic to your nonprofit charity with good SEO strategies. There are several ways to use SEO tactics in a way in order for search engines to understand your websites, blogs, images, videos, content, infographics, and advertisements.  Using a structured formula for good search engine optimization encompasses the use of keywords in titles and content that is relevant to your article and adding related images will increase rankings.  SEO is not about building a website but creating something of value for consumers.  Business Today we believe these principles are the foundation of good SEO.

Using Search Engine Optimization you can create a flow of targeted visitors to your website, earning you more money for your cause. Using a structured formula for good search engine optimization encompasses the use of keywords in titles and content that is relevant to your article and adding related images will increase rankings.  SEO is not about building a website but creating something of value for consumers.  Business Today we believe these principles are the foundation of good SEO. Use SEO organic traffic to drive targeted visitors to your business and website.

This step by step SEO guide is designed to cover all aspects of SEO form choosing the right keywords, terms, and phrases, creating titles and structuring content that search engines can understand and drive traffic to your website, how to make your site friendly to search engines while building links and marketing your site.  If you are confused, you are not alone.  Follow this guide and you will achieve success in the search engines as you learn SEO

Search Charity Tips

Just Give is a website for nonprofit donations located at www.justgive.org for consumers.  Their goal is to create resources and tools that encourage people to make charitable donations part of their life.  Matching charities with a donor who wants to make a monetary donation to the charity of their choice.  Connecting people with the right charity and causes they are interested in around the world.

Find the Charity Search Engine covers over 1 million charities.  Donors often review these websites to help them with their research. It is crucial to keep your listing up to date in the directories and charity listings.

Who Can Benefit From a Nonprofit Charity?

There are enormous benefits financially and ethically to starting a nonprofit organization.  The tax benefits for the organization and donors make this a good business to start.  Helping those in need by donating money or volunteering your time can improve someone else life by proving food, shelter, medicine, spiritual enrichment, education, social and emotional empowerment and caregiving.  Charities can raise enough money to save endangered species, give shelter to the homeless, rescue children from starvation and find cures for diseases.  Who do you want to help?



Create Affiliate Programs For Nonprofits

You can help not for profit businesses by setting up affiliate links for their website.  Visitors to the nonprofit website can click on an affiliate link and each time a person buys that affiliate product your organization can make money from that purchase.  The earning potential is huge in affiliate marketing.  Think about the potential income from affiliate sales and commissions go to your nonprofit organization.

The income or sales commissions range from 5 percent to 50 percent or more for digital books containing affiliate links.  Sell these books on Kindle, Amazon Books or on blogs to generate an income for your charity.  This can yield your nonprofit charity organization a huge income in commissions for years.  Affiliate Marketing Guide for more detailed information on how you can sell affiliate products or set up affiliate programs for nonprofits.

Australia is the most generous country in the world.  On average the Australians help raise two-thirds help strangers to donate money, while the one-third volunteer for a good cause. Ireland is the second most generous country that donates money or volunteers for a charity, followed by Canada.  Helping a stranger is the most common type of charitable giving.

Do you have a cause that needs money?  Are you interested in helping others by forming a nonprofit charity?  Follow the step by step beginners guide on How to Start a Nonprofit Charity and help those who need it the most. Use affiliate marketing to earn money for your cause.  Selling products online can be very lucrative for personal incomes or to earn money for a charity.

Make Donating Money an Easy Process

Save The Children at www.savethechildren.org is a great nonprofit organization that has a strong online presence and offers 10 Easy ways to contribute to their cause.  When you create your website for a nonprofit business consider the donor in mind.  Some contributors may want to make a large donation while others may only be able to make small donations. Every dollar counts and adds up very quickly.  Try to offer several ways for donors to make a contribution to your charity such as sponsoring a child for one low monthly payment, or request a one- time donation of 100.00, 50.00, 10.00 or less.

Large and small corporations make sizable donations each year for a worthy cause and receive a tax break for their charitable contributions.  Request donations for emergency nonprofit charity support helping you cause in times of need. Offer donators a chance to select gifts to send that will feed hungry children such as a flock of chickens, cow giving milk, goats or other livestock.  Any gift would be appreciated and help families with their nutritional needs.

Try to offer several ways for donors to make a contribution to your charity such as sponsoring a child for one low monthly payment, or request a one- time donation of 100.00, 50.00, 10.00 or less. Large and small corporations make sizable donations each year for a worthy cause and receive a tax break for their charitable contributions.  Request donations for emergency support helping you cause in times of need. Offer donators a chance to select gifts to send that will feed hungry children such as a flock of chickens, cow giving milk, goats or other livestock.  Any gift would be appreciated and help families with their nutritional needs.

Large and small corporations make sizable donations each year for a worthy cause and receive a tax break for their charitable contributions.  Request donations for emergency support helping you cause in times of need. Offer donators a chance to select gifts to send that will feed hungry children such as a flock of chickens, cow giving milk, goats or other livestock.  Any gift would be appreciated and help families with their nutritional needs. Follow the list below as a guide of how to request money for donations in your nonprofit organization.  The more options you have available the more money you will be able to collect for your charity.

  • Sponsorship a child in need
  • A One- Time financial donation
  • Corporate gift donation
  • Emergency support
  • The offer of gifts to be purchased for the charity
  • Online Auctions
  • Monthly Gifting Options
  • Sponsorship
  • Memorial Donation
  • Gift donation

Consider Retailers For Donations Requests

Contact a major Retailer like Target or Walmart and set up a donation service.  Consumers who go through checkout are asked if they would like to donate to a certain cause like the Children’s cancer society or the local food bank. Consumers have the chance to contribute small amounts of money to a very important charity. Using a retailer to collect money for your charity has huge possibilities for bringing awareness to your charity as well as collecting thousands of dollars for your cause.

Think about how many people go shopping at the local grocery store, Walmart or Target.  The cashiers often ask would you like to donate a dollar to a specific charity?  Most customers happily donate a dollar to the cause.  Giving that charity a huge amount of money each year. This is just one approach you can consider when promoting your charity.

Tell the world about your nonprofit charity by using all Social media marketing.  Share your content and stories with the public and tell them about your organization. Add social media buttons on your website for others to share your stories with others.   Your content might go viral.  Share insightful information about your nonprofit charity.  Remind people about how important your organization is and how they can help by making a small monetary contribution to help your cause.

Sharing on social media will drive traffic to your website by sharing your content on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google + and all 40+ Social Bookmarking sites.  Expedite the process by using OnlyWire social bookmarking submitter.


Compassion Charity For Children

A good charity has all the right elements in place making it easy for donors to contribute to the cause.  Have a good business plan in place with all the legal paperwork and applications filed.  Follow yu states compliance for running that nonprofit charity, along with an easy to use website.  Make donating a breeze with several donation options for your nonprofit charity.

Compassion at www.compassion .com  is dedicated to helping children and families in need.  This website has a good online presence and has good standing with the Better Business Bureau.  Making a donation is easy and affordable for most consumers.  Compassion is collecting donations to sponsor children in need of food, medicine, education and housing needs. You will be able to communicate with these families through letters of correspondence giving hope where it is needed the most. Donators can also send a flock of chicken that will provide protein, eggs to eat and sell at their local market to earn an income for their families.

Donors can make a small contribution and help someone in a distant country start a business giving them the revenue they need to succeed.  Donors can even purchase a cow that gives daily milk to hungry developing children. Compassion.org offers donors many ways to contribute to their charity making donating money an easy and pleasurable experience for the consumer.

In response to the great commission, Compassion International exists as an advocate for children to release them from spiritual, social and economic poverty and enables them to become fulfilled Christian adults. Protecting the children’s rights as individuals, speaking up for and defending those who cannot defend themselves.  Compassion takes care of health, education, and welfare impoverished children by providing for them.  Children are especially vulnerable to malnutrition, social and economic poverty, abuse and disease.  Compassion delivers hope to children who need a home, spiritual and monetary assistance.

This nonprofit charity is a great model to use as you create your own nonprofit organization.  Fulfilling a need by raising money from sponsors who donate money once per month for a specific child.  Other donating options are available such as donating a cow, chickens or helping someone start a business.  This makes donating easy for contributors.  Giving several options for your charity will enable more people to donate to your cause.

How To Request Sponsorship and Donations

Raising money for a worthy cause needs to run smoothly and effortlessly.  Tell the sponsors how their money will be used to help your cause.  Give sponsors the chance to connect with the child or family they are helping through written correspondence. State your request for donations and exactly what the money will be able do.  For Example with Kenya’s Kids invites donors to make a monthly contribution of $45.00.  The sponsored child will begin living in one of Kenya’s Kids Children’s homes, receiving 24/7 holistic care.

Covering a spectrum of essential needs such as a loving home, Daily nutritional needs, education, caregivers, medical care, housing, social and emotional empowerment and the skill they need.  This charity is a good example of what can be accomplished through finding a cause in need, raising money for the Kinds in Kenya and implementing an ongoing plan to rescue and provide food and shelter for these children.  If you would like to make a monthly donation visit www.kenyaskidsmbooni,org for more information.

Checking Your Website for Technical Issues

10 Free tips and tools For analyzing your website. Make sure your website is up and running without any technical issues.  Run a diagnostic analysis on your website to find any and all technical errors.  Make sure your payment system is running smoothly for accepting donations.  Check the speed of your website to make sure the site sites open quickly.  Any delay in website operation of functioning can lose donators from making a monetary contribution.

Starting a business online takes a lot of work and commitment on a daily basis.  Having the right tools and resources can make your job so much more productive.  Having a good website in a particular niche can earn you a good income if your website is properly optimized to maximize your income.  There are great resources that can analyze your website for free and give you instant suggestions on how to improve your SEO online.  The results will be more visitors to your website and your business will grow. Check out these free tools you can use in analyzing your website functionality, speed and SEO to fully optimize your site.  Drive more targeted traffic to your business organically.

Use these free tools to run a diagnostics on your website to determine if you need to make any corrections or adjustments in your content, links or settings.  Good SEO ranking result when you apply the online marketing strategies taught by the experts.   Find great resources to analyze your website performance. Discover how to increase your SEO and drive more traffic to your nonprofit charity business.

Sell Products for Profit

Make it easy for supports and members to donate for sale items to your website or to another site that will sell items for you and donate the proceeds to the nonprofit charity.  Your nonprofit can easily set up an eBay store, Etsy Store or even sell products on Amazon the biggest online retailer.  Products to consider, books, eBooks, t-shirts, promotional items, or maybe even handmade items from the charity recipient.

If you are looking for ways to earn money online with a blog, affiliate marketing is a great way to start.  There are many affiliate marketing sites that you can sign up for free and get access to products that you can sell for a commission.  Sites like ClickBank, JVZOO, and Amazon are well-trusted sites.  Clickbank offers online tutorials and a certificate of class completion.

If your charity is collecting donations for business startups.  That business can produce products like hand-woven baskets, colorful fabrics, clothing, handwoven blankets, carvings and many other traditional items that could be sold online. Giving a family in need the income they need to prosper.

Fund Raising With Corporate Cause Marketing Campaigns

Consider an unusual approach in fundraising working with Charity Buzz at www.charitybuzz.com or Charity Folks at www.charityfolks.com These are two of the leading organizations is the leading online marketplace for, corporate cause marketing campaigns, nonprofit fundraising, and initiatives driven by celebrities.  They offer top notch auction lost donated by today’s hottest celebrities including sport stars, musicians, actors, and top tier personalities. Both firms partner with corporations to auction off exclusive items that would not normally be available on the open market.  The proceeds are the donated to a specific nonprofit charity.  All of this is done on the internet and enables the events, items, and high profile personalities to connect for a cause.


eBay Auction for Charity

eBay giving works at www.ebaygivingworks.com is a fantastic way to generate money for your nonprofit organization by listing an item for auction on eBay charity auctions.  The charity auctions are marked with a blue and gold ribbon and specify the percentage of the sale price you want to donate to charity.  If you are the buyer you get to purchase a great product and know you are donating money to a good cause.

Serve The Public Good With A Non-Profit Charity

Legal Zoom an online legal service is dedicated to serving and educating consumers on how to start a nonprofit charity.  Get expert advice from real attorneys who will give legal advice for you to follow.  With legal Zoom Non- Profit you can apply for a 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt status. Included benefits are. No federal income tax for non-profits activities, receive tax deductible donations, get discounted rates on postage.  Legal Zoom offers a fast and affordable solution to your legal needs.  Form a non- profit and make a difference with your own charity.

What is a 501 3c Organization?  The term 501 (3) (c) refers to a specific IRS tax code.  To qualify you must apply for a 501 3c and meet the IRS requirements for your non-profit. If your organization qualifies Legal Zoom will help you complete and file your application.

The United States has the most advanced system of non-profits in the world.  The term non-profit organization is particularly an American institution that raises money for a specific cause.  If you have enough money to fund the non-profit organization yourself or depend on the generosity of others, the nonprofit is the best way to aid a cause you believe in.  The benefits of a nonprofit are numerous such as the tax-exempt status,

Starting off right is the right way to get donor support from your nonprofit charity.  Filling out an application on Legal Zoom usually takes 15 minutes and costs are minimal to starting at $99.00.  Join legal Zoom by filling by registering your name, email.  Confirm your membership by email to begin.  Follow the step by step instruction and form application for your non-profit charity.  Print out copies of all your documents for future reference.

File your Business or nonprofit organization with the Better Business Breau in your state to establish good standing with consumers.  Follow the guidelines set forth with the BBB and allow consumers to see your nonprofit financial reports showing exactly what percentage of donations is actually being spent on your cause and how much is being spent os administrative expenses.  If your charity can show that you are spending contributed money responsible you will most likely gain trust with your contributors.  The more trust you can establish the more money you will make.  If s donor wants to contribute money to a charity it is important to show exactly how the money is being spent in the charity.

Important Questions To Ask Yourself

  • What is your goal?
  • Who do you want to help? Homeless, local food pantry, children in need, orphans, families in need, refugees, animals in need, populations in poor countries, environmental issues.
  • Who do you want to serve?
  • Who needs your help with finical contributions?
  • What country do you want to serve?
  • What are the legal regulations for that specific country?
  • Are you raising money for food, clothing, medical supplies, educational needs, build schools,
  • How much money do you want to raise for your cause?
  • How will you charity impact your cause?
  • How much time do you have to contribute to your charity?
  • Are you going to enlist other volunteers to help you with your charity?
  • Do you want to save endangered spices or help animals in need of protection?

animal-nonprofit-charityWinning Nonprofit Organization Peta

Peta at www.peta.org is a 501 (3) (c) tax-exempt nonprofit organization for the ethical treatment of animals has revenue of over 31 million dollars earned since 2007.  Fighting for the rights and safety and ethical treatment of animals.  Sadly the treatment of animals has been abusive and destructive.  Founder Ingrid Newkirk began her nonprofit organization Peta in 1980 with a clear and decisive mission to protect animals from their abusers.  People for the ethical treatment of animals is an animal rights organization based in Norfolk, Virginia.

Peta’s animals right campaigns include ending fur and leather use, meat and dairy consumption, fishing, trapping and the abuse animals endure due to scientific experiments and much more.  Peta serves as a great example of a nonprofit charity that has rescued and protected animals from abuse.  Visit Peta.org and tour the whole website.  Find case studies that are in progress and success stories of a winning campaign.   Peta has set in motion an awareness of animal rights we all need to follow

Create Your Nonprofit With Legal Zoom

Using LegalZoom is fast easy and convenient way to file your 501 c3 application.  Each state will have its own regulations and specifications for starting a nonprofit organization.  LegalZoom recommends consulting with a tax attorney, attorney and qualified accountant for a complete professional detailed assistance.  Follow the steps below before you begin your nonprofit business.

Step one: Do your homework and research

Step two: Incorporate your Nonprofit

Step three: Build a solid foundation

Step four: File a Tax Exempt status 501 (c) (3) form

Step Six: File an Entity Name for your nonprofit

Step Seven: Follow ongoing compliance for your state and nonprofit organization.

Conducting research for your business is essential for your success.  Finding resources you can use to implement your nonprofit business plan will help you reach your financial goals with careful planning and outsourcing.  What type of nonprofit organization will you create?  Follow the list below for Federal guidelines and recommendations. Build a solid foundation from the beginning to establish your nonprofit entity name, brand, and goals.  Filling the 501 c3 tax exempt form application is essential in starting your nonprofit charity organization. Stay up to date with regulatory compliance in your state is an ongoing process.

Incorporate your nonprofit organization

Incorporating your business is an easy process. The federal government has distinguished between different types of nonprofit organizations based on their tax code designations.  Please visit the IRS 557 for detailed tax exempt information on the differing regulations and requirements for nonprofits in your state.  Different nonprofit categories include, educational, charitable, religious, scientific, literary, groups that test for public safety, that foster national and international amateur sports activities and competitions, or organizations that prevent harm or cruelty to animals and children.

There are 5 types of 501 (c) (3) nonprofit organizations you can apply for including,

Vital Cross Promotion of Your Charity

Promoting your URL web address as often as possible is crucial to gaining clients, customers, and donators.  Advertise your nonprofit charity or business URL on business cards, letterheads, advertisements, webinars, newsletters, press release, envelopes, books, eBooks, promotional items, t-shirts, radio broadcast, television, social networking and guest posting on blogs.  Promoting your URL is vital to gaining clients and potential clients for your cause.  Drive traffic to your website and promote your URL as much as possible for your non profit charity.

Constant Contact With Clients and Prospects

It is important to keep your clients and potential donors up-to-date with current developments and progress you are making with your nonprofit organization.  Communicating through weekly newsletters sent by email will inform clients about your charity.  Do your best to maintain an ongoing dialog especially with the top ten donors.  Having a good relationship with your clients and prospects is critical to your success.

Online Marketing and Strategies should be the easiest way to drive targeted traffic to your business using the internet. This is the fastest and most effective way to earn money online.  There are billions of consumers online every day and even more individuals using cell phones all around the world.  Technology has made it possible to connect to the internet 24 hours per day from any location.  Stay connected to customers has never been easier if you conduct online marketing properly.  Use marketing tools to automate the marketing process giving you more time to focus on writing content and running your nonprofit charity business.


Creating An Action Plan

Put your ideas into action with a step by step guide on how to start a nonprofit charity.  Using tips and resources you can easily implement in your business.  Outsource some of the work by hiring experts in their respective fields such as  Attorney, legal advice, web designer, writing content, graphics designer, infographics designer, printer, bank for business accounts, and possibly a consultant or mentor in your area of your nonprofit.  You could do all of this work yourself, however, it will be very time-consuming.

  • Make it easy for consumers to navigate your website and make a donation.  You want your website to run fast and have a smooth donation transaction.  E-commerce websites are well run.  Selling products online to consumers who want to make a purchase.  You want your website to function in the same manner.  A smooth and effortless transaction for the consumer.
  • Make sure your online checkout process is easy to follow, simple to read and your custom message gets through loud and clear. Check the website checkout system yourself to analyze and correct any problems in advance.
  • Constant interaction with clients and potential customers through well-planned emails will drive more traffic to your website.  Revenue will increase as a result of you developing good relationships with clients. Remember it really is a numbers game.  The more email you have sent out the more money you will generate for your cause.  Make sure you follow all rules and compliance of your autoresponder to avoid any problems.
  • Most nonprofit organizations need help with fundraising efforts.  Hiring a professional within your budget can dramatically increase your revenue. Consider outsourcing web design, web management, affiliate marketing, email marketing, and graphic design.  Experiment with different online marketing techniques and find unique ways to encourage donations to your nonprofit organization.

Inbound Link Connection

Request supporters give you an inbound link to your website.  Inbound links from high authoritative sites will increase your rankings in Google and other search engines.  Develop a relationship with authoritative sites by commenting on their blog.  Write interesting and compelling content that will get noticed.  Content is king in the online marketing world and will generate inbound links back to your website.  Inbound links are like cash in the bank and will result in FREE increases traffic online on a huge scale for your business.

Submit your websites to Google News and PR Web to send out a press release for your business.  Gain inbound to your website from high authoritative websites.  If you want to be picked up by news sites you want to make sure you are feeding them content that is interesting and compelling for readers.  Use great titles in your post to grab the readers attention and peak interest in your content

Visit The Google News Publisher website to submit an article or blog post to improve the discovery and classification of great news and content by keeping your website up to date. Check out the Google News and Publishers Forum where product experts and publishers share expert advice and tips.  Post questions and get advice while gaining exposure to your website.


Write A Press Release & Increase Traffic to Your Nonprofit Organization

PR Web News Release is a fantastic tool for getting your content distributed online.  Get your content out in three easy steps to generate publically the world’s number one news release service.  It is simple to use.  Write an announcement about a new nonprofit organization, local team sponsorship, business, product launch or current promotion.  Whatever you are promoting PR Web will get your news article out in front of journalists, search engines, news sites and consumers on the web.  You will increase traffic to your website generate income for your business or nonprofit organization.  Join for free and choose an advertising package that fits into your budget. PR Web press release gets between 500 and 1,000 full page reads and anywhere from 20,000 to 40,000 impressions.  Most of all of PR Webs news gets picked up by the blogging industry.

Every organization has news that will interest potential customers.  With PR Web you can very easily generate content and write a press release detailing your information.  Get the help you need to get started with tons of tips, tricks, and tools you need to write the perfect announcement in minutes.  If you are new or just starting out in promotion PR Web will give you the instructions you need to succeed.

As the number one news release service PR Web sends your content out to major search engines like Google, Bing and Yahoo, 30,000 bloggers and journalists delivering 250,000 opt-in news subscribers.  Your business is hosted on PR Web at www.prweb.com which receives over 3 million visitors each month. Those are amazing statistics!  For a small for you can generate traffic to your website and nonprofit while gaining a huge amount of exposure. That is the power of the internet.

Track your news with PR Web Analytics lets you see an immediate impact on where your press release was distributed and who picked it up.  Get social share analytics and learn how your prospects learned about your business.  Best of all you see your report in an instant.

Out Sourcing Tools, Tips & Resources

If you are able to hire professionals to help you build your business there are great resources you can use to expiate the process. Using top notch expert advice can take your nonprofit business to the next level with a well-designed website containing great compelling content for readers. Use digital images and graphics to tell a story about your nonprofit organization. Check out the list of resources you may need to outsource some of the work need to get your business up and running.

Hiring a freelancer is a great way to have your website developed, articles are written, infographics created. Business cards and stationery printed, have promotional items printed or have other business related work completed by a professional.  There are services available online that you can use to get the job done faster and free up some of your time to focus on something else in your nonprofit charity.

Freelancer is the worlds largest freelancing site offering employers the opportunity to hire an expert to complete a task such as writing good quality articles, web design, logo design, and web development.  Freelancer is a global crowdsourcing marketplace website which allows potential employers to post a job position and receive a response from several professionals looking for freelance opportunities.  The employer is able to view the profiles and work related and educational experience of individuals biding on that specific job post.  The employer selects the best candidate and pays for the work to be completed.  This is a fantastic way to a lot of work contracted out and completed in a timely manner.

Upwork Freelance service.  Join over 1 million business online who want to hirer contract employees to complete certain tasks like building your website, content creation, logo design, web development or technical assistance.  Get professional talent at a fair and reasonable price.  Need an assistant?  Upwork has vertical assistants, web designers, mobil designers, marketing specialists and much more.  Contract some of your work and free up your precious time for more important things.

Legal Zoom Offers a full range of online legal services.  Get expert advice and easily submit your applications for your nonprofit organization,  business name, incorporate your business, and much more. Find everything you need to start your nonprofit legally.

Godaddy domain name or Namecheap are two great resources you can use to choose a unique domain name for your business.  Domain names differ in price from one dollar to thousands of dollars. Choose a domain name that is easy to remember and easily identifiable to your organization.  Watch for specials on Godaddy.  I have seen offers made on GoDaddy including 1 domain name, hosting, one website and human support all for one dollar. That is a great deal for someone who is on a budget.  You are required to develop the website yourself and you will get excellent customer service support.

WordPress.org is a blogging platform you can use to build your nonprofit business.  If you are new to the blogging industry don’t worry there are tutorials you can take on Youtube to get you started.  Wealthy Affiliate also offers two free WordPress Websites, two free subdomains, free hosting and free tutorials to get you started.  Follow the step by step instruction on how to build your WordPress website.  Upgrade when you are able to do so.

You will receive free tutorials, guidance and support and the ability to create 25 websites for one monthly fee.  With a free account, You will get full Wealthy Affiliate support for one month.  This is a great way to start out with WordPress.  Learn how to set up your blog, configure the settings, how to make money with affiliate marketing and much more.

Elegant Themes at https://www.elegantthemes.com find great design templets for your business that include 87 Premium WordPress themes and great plugins.  Get 100% complete access to all eighty-seven beautiful WordPress themes for the price of one.  With 371133 satisfied customers, Elegant Themes offers Steller design layouts that are vibrant, professional and easy to use. Advanced features include short- codes, theme options giving you control over your website management.

Theme Forest WordPress Themes at  https://themeforest.net/ with 29,175 templets and themes starting at 2.00 brought two you by the largest global creatives community.  Discover featured templets of the week.  Once per week the most beautiful templets are chosen from the collection and shown to the public. Each month there is always new freebies for you to enjoy on the Envato Market.  Website templets on Theme Forest and WordPress plugins offer all sorts of graphics assets and background music tracks and much more.  Grab your free gifts while you can.

Top Six  Nonprofit Charites

This is a list of the top ten charities of 2017.  Use these examples for forming your nonprofit organization.  Look at the website format and layout they developed in building their business.  There is a theme dedicated to helping a specific group of individuals, for example, helping children, homeless, orphans, animals in need, or developing a cure for a disease.

Each website should have a business name, domain name, theme, and is easy to navigate and make a monetary contribution to a specific cause. Notice how they use digital photos to tell a story about the charity and what their focus is on.  Use these top ten nonprofit charities as an example for you to model form your nonprofit.

United Children’s Fund UNICEF  https://www.unicefusa.org/

Human Rights Watch at www.hrw.org

Do Something at www.dosomething.org

Museum of Modern Art at https://www.moma.org/

ACLU at https://www.aclu.org/

Doctors Without Borders at https://donate.doctorswithoutborders.org 

Conduct some research on each charity and use these websites as a good example for you to follow.  Notice that the websites are simple and easy to use.  Not complicated or confusing to the consumer.  Once you land on the website page you know immediately what the website is about.  Check out the about page and read about each nonprofit charity and what their goals are.  What is their mission?  Who are they helping?  How much money do they want from donors?  Look at the donation page and see how the organizations are requesting donations.  Check the functionally of each website and model after your favorite example.  Don’t copy their ideas however you can get inspiration from other nonprofit charities.

What kind of nonprofit charity will you create?  Are you looking for ideas?  There are tons of needy causes around the world that need drastic attention.  Scholls need supplies, there are starving and homeless children without parents, there are animals that must be protected from extinction, there are medical diseases that need to be cured, our oceans and aquatic wildlife need to be protected from pollution and overfishing, our environment needs to be protected from pollution and damage.  The possibilities are endless.  Still, need more ideas.  Check your local church, schools, college, libraries and small government agencies to see what need to be done.  Find a category you are passionate about and start there.

Leave me a comment.  What kind of a nonprofit charity will you make?  How are you going to make a difference in the world?

Patricia Lynn

Images Courtesy of Gillinger,  Alexas_Fotos,at Pixbay.com















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Patricia Lynn

Author of Business Today Pro. Providing the latest news and update information on business, online marketing, tech, how to make money online, how to make money with advertising, websites, blogging, affiliate marketing and much more...