10 Top WordPress Plugins For Success In Online Marketing

wordpress plugins

WordPress Plugins have revolutionized the way we conduct business online. May of 2017 WordPress celebrated its the tenth anniversary after opening the doors to this virtual platform hosting to 196 million WordPress downloads worldwide, there have been 595,795,035 posts written, 457, 596,906 comments posted and 187 page views every single day. WordPress Vip supports some of the world’s highest profile users and highest traffic usage online.  Themes and plugins make creating a WordPress website for business a safe and convenient platform for Entrepreneurs.

Delivering content in areas if diverse international relations, celebrity gossip, and election forecasting.  Plugins are used to create and design a fully functional website blog.  Completely customizable to your own specifications according to templet design and personal needs.  Fully optimize SEO configurations with the All In One SEO plugin or Use Yoast for SEO and online marketing.

Best WordPress Plugins For Optimizing Website SEO

Using WordPress Plugins will help you rank higher in all major search engines Google, Bing and Yahoo.  Plugins extend the functionally of WrodPress with 48,900 plugins and 1,568,711,913 total downloads are at your fingertips.  Use the WordPress plugins directory at www.wordpress.org to find featured and most popular plugins for improving SEO and WordPress automation.  Save time and effort by customizing configurations for each plugin. Take your business to the next level and create a profitable website promoting products and services in a particular niche market.

Tips For Using Plugins For Online Success

  • Add social share buttons to your website
  • Customize settings for each plugin for maximum results
  • Take tutorials for each plugin and WordPress configuration
  • Check the links in your blog posts to avoid 404 errors
  • Check plugin compatibility with each plugin
  • Check the update status of plugins to ensure best results
  • Automate the process to free up your valuable time.
  • Collect leads, emails, and connections
  • Send out a weekly newsletter to your subscribers linking back to your content
  • Use SEO plugins to get the highest amount of exposure to your website
  • Get professional advice when needed to make sure your website and WordPress plugins are properly configured.

All In One SEO Plugin

All In One SEO plugin is the original SEO plugin for WordPress, downloaded 30,000,000 times since 2007.  Free for users who want an easy solution to configuring their WordPress website. Optimizing your blog for search engine optimization.  First created in 2007 see why AISOEO is the number one downloaded plugin for WordPress websites that include XML sitemap support by submitting your website to Google, Bing to improve your ranking in search engines organically. This is the only free plugin for SEO e-commerce integration including Woo Commerce. Upgrade your subscription to receive support for Google Analytics support, custom SEO post

This is the only free plugin for SEO e-commerce integration including Woo Commerce. Upgrade your subscription to receive support for Google Analytics support, custom SEO post types automatically notifies search engines Google and Bing about changes to your website, built in API so other plugins and themes can access and extend functionally.  Nounce security is built into All In One SEO pack and is compatible with many other plugins.   For beginners, this plugin works out of the box just install to your website.  For more advanced users you can fine tune setting to specific configurations for WordPress plugins.

Yoast SEO Plugin

Yoast SEO– WordPress Plugin.  With Yoast Plugin you can tell search engines which page to post online and hid pages you do not want to be posted to the public.  Improve your SEO ranking with better content, titles, meta descriptions and blog post analysis.  Yoast fully optimizes each post showing what needs to be fixed before publication. Technically WordPress is fully functional right out of the box however, plugins have made improvements on the organic SEO search engine optimization with Yoast plugin features.

This program was written from the ground up by the Yoast team and Joost de Valk to improve your website performance in SEO.  This Yoast plugin helps you write better content, titles, and subtitles for your post by taking care of technical optimization on each post.  Yoast forces you to choose a focus keyword and makes sure you use that specific keyword throughout your article, title, and subtitles for good SEO.  Customize permalinks in Yoast for better SEO Optimization in search engines.  This Yoast WordPress plugin is essential for utilizing the best resources for online marketing in WordPress Plugins.

Use the snippet preview to see a rendering of how your post will look like in search results, whether your title is too short or too long you have the opportunity to make necessary corrections.  View the meta description length and clarity for good search results. Page analysis functionally allows you to completely check certain aspects of your publication before the final post is released. Feel confident knowing that your post is fully optimized for SEO.  This plugin will assist you in increasing organic search engine optimization for driving good quality traffic to your website.  The definitive guide to higher rankings the best content management system online today with Yoast plugin.

API Key Google Maps Plugin

API Key For Google Maps plugin.  Retroactively add this plugin to any theme or plugin on your website easily and effortlessly by downloading the plugin to your website and activate.  Go to setting and get your API key following the detailed instructions for this plugin installation.  Simple to activate go to settings- Google API Key and enter your API key in the specified area then click save. This key will attempt to add the key to all the places on your website deemed necessary by the plugin.

Google XML Sitemaps Plugin

Google XML Sitemap plugin will generate a special sitemap to index your blog and individual pages to Google, Bing, Ask and Yahoo search engines.  Using this sitemap, search engine crawlers can view the structure of your entire website and retrieve that information for indexing more effectively.  This plugin supports custom URLs as well as individual pages on blog posts. In addition, the plugin notifies all major search engines automatically every time you make a blog post. Check the setting in all WordPress plugins configurations according to specifications for each plugin to maximize your SEO search engine optimization experience.

Supported for over nine years this plugin will help index your website without slowing down the process.  It will do exactly what it is supposed to do by providing a complete sitemap for search engines.  This version works best with WordPress3.3 and higher.  Check with the Google Sitemaps homepage for the legacy releases. There is a working release for every WordPress version since 1.5 but you should consider updating your version to become current with the installation.



SEO Friendly Images Plugin

SEO Friendly Images WordPress plugin automatically inserts and overrides all images ALT text to increase SEO image ranking in search engines.  It can also automatically insert and change all image titles.  This plugin will save time and effort by correctly inserting the proper ALT information for each image reducing errors on web pages.

Broken Link Checker Plugin

Broken Link Checker plugin will check your content, images, and comments for broken links befoe you publish any content.  Avoid nasty 404 errors by making necessary corrections to broken links. This plugin will monitor your blog and notify you of any broken links that will hinder indexing by search engines.  With 500,000 plus active installs, this is a fantastic tool for marketers.  Downloads of the Broken Link Checker require 3.2 or higher in WordPress and notifies you by dashboard or email notifications.  Links can be edited directly from the plugins page without manually updating each post.

Once installed the plugin will begin parsing your posts (AKA blogroll) bookmarks and all content searching for links.  Depending on the total size of your website this process can take up to a few minutes to one hour or more to complete.  When parsing is complete links are checked to make sure they are working properly. You can then go to the plugin’s settings options in Link Checker and tweak or change broken links.

If broken links are found it will show up in a new tab the Admin panel in WordPress Tools> Broken Links.  A notification will also appear in the Broken Link Checker widget on the dashboard.  Save on display space by customizing the configuration to expand automatically when problematic links are detected. Keep your blog currently while avoiding online errors with Broken link Checker top rated WordPress plugins.

Pretty Link Lite Plugin

Pretty Link Lite Plugin allows you to beautify, shrink and manage and share any of your links on or off your WordPress website.  Create your own custom links using your domain name using this plugin.  Pretty links enable you to shorten links of your domain name as opposed to using Tinyurl.com or Bit.ly.com or any other link management service.  In addition to creating custom links, Pretty Link plugin uses analytics to track each hit on your URL and provides you with a full detailed report of where the hit came from including the geo-location, browser used and host and os.

Provides you with a reportable interface where you can see a configurable chart of how many clicks per day.  Thsi full report can be filtered by the specific link clicked, unique clicks, range and date of occurrence.

Pretty link is a great plugin for anyone who wants to clean up affiliate links, track links from emails and Twitter accounts.  Reach a larger audience by using pretty custom links on other blogs, forums, comments and social media postings. This is one of the best WordPress Plugins for website management blogging tool and resource for continued success in search engine indexing.


Blubrry PowerPress Podcasting Plugin

Blubrry PressPlugin podcasting developed for Podcasters and for Podcasters including simple and advanced modes, subscribe tools and players and much more…  Supports Google Play, Sticher, and iTunes, Blubrry, TuneIn, as well as all podcasting clients, applications, and podcasting directories.  Using podcasting for promoting your business or products can help get extensive coverage online.  Do you want to promote tutorials or sell software to enhance online applications?  Use podcasting to educate and inform your target audience about your product.  Capture leads with email marketing in your niche and provide detailed relevant information about your service.

Do you want to promote tutorials or sell software to enhance online applications?  Use podcasting to educate and inform your target audience about your product. Capture leads with email marketing in your niche and provides detailed relevant information about your service.  Podcasting is an easy way to visually connect with potential customers and clients allowing you to stay connected.  PowerPress Key features include podcasting SEO to help your podcast get discovered in podcasting Google and iTunes directories in search engines.  Want more?  Get advanced features for those who want more coverage in advanced settings to enable

PowerPress Key features include podcasting SEO to help your podcast get discovered in podcasting Google and iTunes directories in search engines.  Want more? Get advanced features for those who want more coverage in advanced settings to enable embeds your audience can take with them just like in YouTube, add category casting to your feeds. User role management to control who uses your blog podcasting interface. Diagnostics allows you to fully check all configurations to make sure your applications are running correctly. This is one of the best WordPress plugins available for online marketing promotions.

Fancier Author Box Plugin

Fincher Author Box plugin allows you to give identity to a single person or muli-authors on your website. If you are looking for a way to make every page a landing page for new leads and contacts then Fincher Author Box by Thematosoup is completely invaluable for uConnect  Connect with an audience of all levels and make sure your audience reads your bio on your blog posts and social engagements such as Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, Google, Linkedin Flicker, Instagram, YouTube, Vimeo be sure to include your company and website URL.  Get more eyes on your Author page with a great bio and complimentary photo of yourself showing customers who you are and what your business is all about.  This is your opportunity to make a connection with clients who ar interested in your content.

Yet Another Related Post Plugin

Yet Another Related Post Plugin (YARPP) displays posts, custom post types and post pages related to the most current entry of your blog.  Introducing readers to more of your relevant content on your website.  Basic standard features in YARPP include a thumbnail image or list view of current content.  Templating gives you advanced control of how your content will be displayed.  Use a customizable, versatile and advanced algorithm considering post title, content, categories, tags, and taxonomies. Yet Another Related Post Plugin finds related content within your website archives.  When a user finds your content in search engines they are directed to a specific page.  YARPP will list related posts that may be relevant readers, showing titles linking back to your content.   This will increase traffic and reader interaction with your content.

Use a customizable, versatile and advanced algorithm considering post title, content, categories, tags, and taxonomies. Yet Another Related Post Plugin finds related content within your website archives.  When a user finds your content in search engines they are directed to a specific page.  YARPP will list related posts that may be relevant readers, showing titles linking back to your content.   This will increase traffic and reader interaction with your content.   When configuring your website consider these useful WordPress plugins to automate the process and increase SEO.

If you want more information on online marketing visit Affilorama an all in one online marketing solution.  Find tips and tools you need to be successful online including hosting mentorship, tutorials and much more.  Mark Lang professional online marketer demonstrates how to set up a profitable website using the latest online marketing tools, plugins, and resources.  Take your business to the next level with step by step instruction from Affilorama online marketing solutions.

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Patricia Lynn





Images Courtesy of Petelinforth, Simon, Geralt at Pixbay.com


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Patricia Lynn

Author of Business Today Pro. Providing the latest news and update information on business, online marketing, tech, how to make money online, how to make money with advertising, websites, blogging, affiliate marketing and much more...