20 Fantastic Tools Bloggers Need for Success

blogging tools

Blogs Online Worldwide & The Tools They Use

Did you know that blogging has become an important part of any business and web design?  There are 152,000,000 people who blog on blogging sites for personal and business purposes.  About two- thirds of Marketers say that blogging is “crucial” to their online business. Marketers who use a blog see a 67% increase in business and sales with a blog. Using a blog for your business enables you to reach out and engage with your audience.  Post relevant topics and information relating to your product or services combined with useful blogging tools to enhance your website and expand SEO.  Technology has made working online from any location possible with the use of websites, blogs and useful tools to make our job so much easier.

If you want to start a blog and actually make an income from your business there are great tools that will make your job so much easier for writing great content, working faster and more efficiently.  Land more readers on your blog post by effectively using online marketing techniques and, drive targeted, scalable traffic to your blog.   Use organic SEO for your promotional needs and blog directories for listing your URL.   Learn how to use social media for exposure and gain popularity in social circles.  There are fantastic tools for bloggers that can be used in creating original content for your blog. Use these tools for your blog, website, and business to help you become a better writer and more productive. Here are the top tools you need for your online blog.

Top Blogging Tools

HubSpot Blog Topic Generator

Hubspot Blog Topic Generator will create topics for you to write about in seconds. Don’t know what to blog about?  Let Hubspot Blog Generator do the work for you.  If you are suffering from writer’s block you don’t need to worry. HubSpot Blog Topic Generator can use an algorithm to instantly create topics for your blog.  This is a free service and easy to use. Visit Hubspot Blog Generator and enter your keyword terms (Preferably Nouns) and submit.  That’s it.  Instantly get a weeks’ worth of great ideas and inspiration for your next post. For Example, I typed in the keywords tools for blogging, blogging tools, and tools and in seconds this is what Hubspot came up with.  The algorithm is not perfect you may need to adjust some topic phrases to fit your article.

A Weeks Worth Of Topics

  • 15 Best Blogs To Follow About Blogging Tools
  • 14 Common Misconceptions About Blogging Tools
  • 7 Things About Blogging Tools Your Boss Wants To Know
  • The Ultimate Cheat Sheet On Blogging Tools
  • 5 Tools Everyone In The Blogging Tools Industry Should Be Using


Buzzsumo is one of the most important blogging tools for SEO and campaigns for research and creating content.  Find out what is trending now and how many shares a particular blog post has.  Join for free or upgrade your membership for more detailed information. Influencers and online market outreach is a powerful way to reach your target audience without relying on paid media.  Influencers have an audience and can drive traffic to your content.

Use the statistics to develop your content and write about a topic that is relevant at this moment in time.  Analyze what topic performs the best for any topic or competitor.  Once you review the information provided, you can do something more elaborate than your competitor.  Use this information to your advantage and create spectacular content with vibrant images that are eye catching and titles that grab the attention of readers.

Quora Question & Answer Blog

Quora is the best answer to any question. Do you run into writer’s block?  Do you run out of ideas for your next blog post?  Never run out of writing ideas and inspiration again with Quora tool.  Quora is a question and answer site that users can post any question and the community edits, answers and organizes. Join Quora and answer questions offering your personal comments and suggestions.  See what is trending now and what content is being shared around the web.  Receive answers to important questions from professionals who want to share their expertise with others.  Create your own blog on Quora and post content for others to read along with your description and personal profile.

Grammarly APP

Grammarly App is the worlds most accurate online grammar checker online to date and is now free to use.  Never make typographical errors again with this amazing APP.  Eliminate grammar errors while typing your blog post, Facebook, Twitter and other social sharing posts.  Grammarly shows you typing and spelling errors that need to be edited.  This is a very convenient blogging tool to use anytime you are typing.  Automated grammar checker instantly finds and corrects 250 grammatical errors for all your posts and comments. Grammarly follows you online and underlines any mistakes you make while typing.  Find this App at the Google App Store.

Hemmingway APP

Hemmingway App Editor makes your writing bold and clear. The APP highlights long complex sentences and errors.  If you see a yellow highlight then you know to shorten or split the sentence.  If you see a red highlight then you know your sentence is so dense and complicated that your readers will have a hard time understanding what you are trying to convey.  Readers get lost in the meaning and meandering of the topic. Try to stay focussed and on target to covey your message.

Try to edit the sentence by splitting logic until the red is removed.  If you see a purple highlight that means that a phrase has a simpler alternative meaning.  You can utilize a shorter word for the purple one.  Mouse over it for hints.  Adverbs are helpful and shown in blue highlights.  Get rid of them and use verbs with force instead.

Phrases in Green show a passive voice. Aim for 2 or fewer.  You can edit your text with the toolbar or paste in something you are working on and edit away.  Click on the write button and compose something new.  Grade your content 6 being GOOD or hirer for a better score.  Adjust you content until you reach the desired result.  After completing your content and editing your blog post simply copy and paste your article into your blog and publish.  Your content should be properly formatted in large print for easy reading making this app one of the best blogging tools online.  Find the Hemmingway APP at the Google Chrome Store.


Evernote is a great tool for organizing your thoughts and research.  Capture what’s on your mind.  Evernote allows you to collect, nurture and share ideas across all platforms desktop and mobile devices.  Sync your thought and content with this great online tool.  Collect it all in Evernote.  Ideas big and small and everything in-between that matters the most can be captured in a note ready to use when you need it.  Make a note of it, create a project or jot down an idea and save your information to Evernote.

Capture a picture or sketch for later use in your blog posts.  Anything you save will be ready for use at a later date.  Capture a note once and it will be available on all your devices, computer, laptop, iPhone or iPad, wherever you go forever.  Find everything fast when you need it.  Images, handwritten notes, content, research can be accessed and organized with Evernote.  No more sifting through a sea of notes and papers on your desk.  Simply organize with this  Evernote tool.

Quick Sprout

Quick Sprout is the easiest way for you to make better content so your audience and traffic continue to grow.  Go to Quick Sprout and  Enter your URL to log in with Google.  An analysis is conducted on the content and performance of the website.  Quick sprout can advise you on how to create better content and what changes you need to make to improve your SEO organic search engine optimization.  The Social Media tab will show you which blog posts are doing well and which posts are not.  Take inspiration from the highlights on the list and make any necessary adjustments.  Quick Sprout is published by Neil Patel is a fantastic tool for bloggers and marketers. Gain more insight on marketing and SEO by visiting the QuickSprout Blog  Sign up for the Online Marketing Course and find more ways to market you content and get the traffic you deserve with unique blogging tools.

Blogging -tools

Google Calendar 

Google Calendar can be repurposed to an editorial calendar. Create a schedule that is convenient for you and plan your marketing campaigns for optimal results. Sending your content out on specific days and time will reach more readers and a larger audience. If you write one post per day you can easily keep track of notes and blog submissions on your calendar. Maybe you can only write once per week and post that content to your blog.  That is totally up to you.  Schedule your posting destinations and times to reach the maximum amount of readers. Once you fill out a daily schedule you will be able to prioritize your time and work more effectively.

AddThis Social Sharing Buttons

Adthis Share buttons online marketing blogging tools can be added to your website for your social sharing needs. your content could go viral or end up on the list of the top trends.  When someone visits your website or blog they can share your post with others to Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and more.  The more shares you have the more exposure you will get to your blog post.  Leave a call to action at the end of your post.  Ask readers to share this post with friends and you will get more views on your article and for your business.

This tool makes sharing your information with others fast and easy for readers who like your article and want to pass it on to social media.  Share this has broken down the barrier between desktop and mobile. What used to take several tools to complete one task has now merged into one streamlining mobile and desktop social sharing buttons into one service. Some of the specific changes include,

  • Combine mobile and desktop versions will enable one tool to work on any device.
  • A streamlined experience for setting up tools
  • Merge similar tools to make campaign management easier for marketing
  • Share your content with one click of a button to social sharing networks like Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Pinterest and more…

CoSchedule Headline Analyzer

CoSchedule Headline Analyzer tool helps you create titles that grab attention. Want to write better headlines?  Use this free headline analyzer to write terrific titles for blog posts and subject lines that drive social share traffic and SEO value.  This tool is free and easy to use and provides you with a full detailed analysis of your title. Go to CoSchedule.com, Type in your headline and click analyze. In just a matter of seconds, your headline has been given a score on how that headline will rate and be shared on social media, SEO value and increased traffic. Are your headlines descriptive?  Are you conveying your message to the reader?  Headlines should spark interest and curiosity about the article. CoSchedule will help you tweak your titles to gain more popularity among viewers.

Know your headlines type to get the best results in search engines with these fantastic blogging tools.   Do some research on your topic and see what your competition is doing.  Can you come up with something better?  Some headline types get more transactions, traffic and social shares compared to others.  The headline analyzer helps you understand your headline types and capitalize on that research. How to titles generally result in the most click through’s.

The headline analyzer lets you adjust your headline to improve your score and generic title for a better rank.  Use proven research to write better headiness using common, uncommon, and emotional and power words.  This structure makes your headlines readable while commanding attention from your audience.  CoSchedule is a great tool for writing and analyzing your headlines and getting more attention for your blog posts.

CoSchedule Calender

CoSchedule Calender also offers a drag and drop blogging calendar.  See your entire schedule marketing schedule at a glance.  Plan months in advance for all your blogging, social and marketing promotions. Integrate with the tools you already love.  Use all your favorite tools in one calendar.  Create content with Google Docs and use Google Analytics for gathering stats.  Even sinc your Evernote directly into the Coschedule Calander Prices vary for this service.

CoSchedule Social Share Posting On Autopioliate

CoSchedule Social Sharing enables you to put all your social media scheduling on autopilot.  Simple create your posts and schedule in advance and let CoSchedule send out your post at the best possible time for each network.  No more getting stuck or running out of time for social promotion. Build the perfect social schedule into your calendar.  No need to jump from one tool to the next. CoSchedule takes care of your social posting.

OnlyWire Social Submitter

Onlywire social submitter. Online Marketing is very time-consuming and usually takes a team of associates to get all the work completed in a timely manner.  OnlyWire simplifies online social submitting with a very easy to follow the process.  This is a great resource to help you promote your blog post automatically with the click of one button.

Check out these automated blogging tools that will enhance your online marketing strategy.   There are currently 50 + social sharing and bookmarking sites available at this time.  If you were to write a blog post and then post your content to 50 individual social sharing sites individually it would be very time-consuming. With OnlyWire you are required to enroll in each of the 50+ social sharing sites to start with. Once you have set up your accounts, Onlywire offers a simple solution by submitting your blog URL with one click of a button to all 50 + social sharing networks at once.  Schedule the date and time you want your post to go out and Onlywire takes care of the rest.


blogger tools

WordPress Blog With Wealthy Affiliate

Wealthy Affiliate WordPress has over 74 Million users to date.  That is an amazing statistical number and growing.  If you are new to blogging and you’re not sure how to set up a WordPress blog then you are in the right place,  I found a service that offers 2 Free WordPress Blogs, hosting, 2 subdomain names and free online tutorials. This is how it works.  Sign up for free and get instant access to the program. Start your step by step tutorials on how to set up your WordPress Blog including How to choose a domain name or subdomain name, choose a topic or niche, Choose a template, how to configure settings in WordPress and how to choose keywords for titles, topics and SEO Upgrade when you are ready ad get access to 24 hour service,  up to 50 blogs and premium services.  If you want to make money online with a blog this is a great place to start. Use their online blogging tools, tutorials and services to create a business from scratch and earn money online with your blog.

Upgrade when you are ready and get access to 24-hour service,  up to 50 blogs and premium services. Set up your blog and start creating content that is relevant to your niche.  Add videos, images, and graphics for added interest.  Start making money with your blog by adding products, services, and affiliate offers.  If you want to make money online with a blog this is a great place to start. If you are just starting out this is a great place to start. Turn any passion into a successful affiliate site with a WordPress at Wealthy Affiliate.

Affiliate Marketing 101

If you are looking for ways to earn money online with a blog, affiliate marketing is a great way to start.  There are many affiliate marketing sites that you can sign up for free and get access to products that you can sell for a commission.  Sites like ClickBank, JVZOO, and Amazon are well-trusted sites.  Clickbank offers online tutorials and a certificate after class completion.

Alffilorama Affiliate Marketing

Alffilorama offers excellent marketing classes and support from experts who have been in the online business for years. Find tools for bloggers that make your job easier.   Learn how to set up your websites, blogs, domain name, choose a niche, sell products online, online marketing and advertising.  Get access to offers written and video lessons, tools, tips and support for complete beginners to build up a successful affiliate marketing business from scratch. Get access to SEO tools and support along with the tutorials you need to build your blog and succeed online with Alfffilorama Get expert advice and tutorials from experts who are dedicated to teaching you the online marketing process.  Use their blogging tools and online marketing strategies to earn 10K per month online with affiliate marketing.

SEO Mega Submitter

World Profit offers a complete online marketing service for your business and has an excellent reputation getting an A+ Grade with the BBB.  Join today for FREE and get instant access to online marketing tutorials and services.  Get your website listed in 5,000 websites and directories for free.  Also receive a starter package to get you started and learn how to promote your website, blog and business with directories, email marketing solo ads, blogging, advertising and much more. Receive 24-hour support from experts in online marketing.  If you want free online marketing advice and add your website to 5,000 other websites check outSEO Mega Submitter for your website.  Join for free and receive free advertising for your business and receive more free blogging tools to promote your business.

 Instapaper Tool For Saving Web Pages For Later Use

Instapaper is a great tool that you can have on your desktop while you are online.  Use this tool to submit URLs that you want to save and read at a later date. Are you tired of having too much paperwork to keep track of? Instapaper is a great tool to use on your computer.  Organize your URLs and keep track of research information you find interesting or want to read at another time.  Instapaper is a simple tool to save web pages for later and is compatible with iPad, iPhone, Android, Kindle, and computer.

Canva Graphic Design Program

Canva graphic design program.  Over 10 Million people are currently using canva for designing digital photos, layouts, designs, posters, E-books, presentations, Facebook cover page, Twitter post, advertisements and more.  Are you graphically challenged?  No problem.  Canva offers step by step instruction and tutorials for beginners.  Get creative and make your blog look professional with great digital photos and layouts.  Each blog post should have 3 images or graphics related to your topic.  Canva makes designing a breeze with fantastic temples, guides, and photos to choose from.  Use different texts to make your message stand out.  Choose colors that compliment your article and topic.  Anything is possible with the right design software and blogging tools.

SEO Marketing solution for promoting your website or blog.  Join the FREE SEO Mega Submitter and have your website or blog submitted to 5,000 websites for online marketing.  Once you join you will get access to all the online marketing tools you need to succeed online. Tour Generate traffic Pro and get access to the free SEO guide for organic SEO optimization. Find the best blogging tools for 2016.  Generate free traffic to your content with these proven strategies and tools.


Patricia Lynn



Images Courtesy of Nenetus of FreeDigitalPhotos.net

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Patricia Lynn

Author of Business Today Pro. Providing the latest news and update information on business, online marketing, tech, how to make money online, how to make money with advertising, websites, blogging, affiliate marketing and much more...