Influencer Marketing Trends for Winning Strategies to Reach Your Audience


Streamline Influencer Marketing Techniques to Reach Targeted Niche

Influencer marketing is now becoming the hottest method for reaching a large scale audience on the internet in 2017.  This form of marketing focuses on the whole business model rather than just reaching one target market, focussing on key individuals or a type of individuals.  It identifies a specific customer base that has an influence of customers who may make a purchase of a product or service and orients those marketing strategies through content marketing.  The future of marketing is now changing from traditional advertising methods to using influencer marketing stratigies.

Websites who produce content on a regular basis are able to use SEO organic optimization to reach a large audience with informative articles that are rich and informative.  This technique may be used in testimonial advertising where they paly a role as the buyer or instructor who is teaching a specific topic of interest or use third parties.  These third parties exist as manufacturers, retailers or supply chain who want to sell a particular product or service.

Those who have a great influence of individuals are professional advertisers, journalist, industry analysts, academics, social media, PRWeb and so on.  Exposure on a grand scale covering a business or product can create a social buzz reaching individuals who are interested in your services.

In the 1940’s a study was conducted by the Peoples Choice by Kratz and Lazarsfeld on political communication that was also known as the multistep flow marketing model.  The claims individuals are directly influenced by the o[pions of leaders and secondhand information publications.

Promotional content can be formed in articles on a blog or website in a particular niche marketed and then distributed in article directories around the web.  Using social media Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and all 40 bookmarking sites to publish your URL will enhance SEO capabilities.

Articles should be 1600 to 3000 words long delivering targeted content to a specific niche market and then distributed around the web using all of the best marketing influencers

Establishing Credibility On The Internet

Some digital marketers use influencer marketing techniques to establish credibility through writing content, webinars and writing ebooks in a specific niche.   Marketers communicate online by publishing a video on YouTube once a week about their brand or products.  This form of promotion has a far greater reach online by showing potential customers a visual explanation about your service.  Presentations about your brand give consumers a descriptive visualization they can easily identify with.  The top influencers use YouTube Marketing to establish their brand by giving online webinars once a week and then directing consumers back to their website or blog with a link at the bottom of the video.

The top influencers use YouTube Marketing to establish their brand by giving online webinars once a week and then directing consumers back to their website or blog with a link at the bottom of the video.

Once consumers are directed to your website they will be able to read your content about a specific niche market. Other marketing applications drive customers to their business with coupons and sales.  This is a popular tactic used on a regular basis offering consumers a great deal while increasing profits.

Those who use influencer marketing to establish a good reputation over time build a huge customer base and email list to stay in constant contact with consumers.  Diversified products and services can be promoted leveraging credibility about a brand driving consumers to your business through trust and good reputation.

The value of influencer marketing can be tracked with analytical data on Google Analytics, Cost per action (CPA), earned media value or use impression tracking services to measure traffic going to their website.


Top Influencer Analytic Platforms For Monitoring Marketing Results

Google Analytics allows you to measure your advertising ROI, Social networking sites, flash video tracking statistical information for free.  Google Analytics has provided improved engagement by turning insights into action.  Get stronger results across all of your sites channels and apps using special information and tracking about your business.  Gain a better understanding of customer interaction and influencer marketing results.

Use Goole Analytics products and services to help engagement by 33% improvement and 21% click-throughs rate through content promotion on their homepage.  New Introduction into Google Surveys 360, the latest addition.  The Google Analytics 360 is designed to help marketers get the most out of their research through advanced features of user list building and zip code targeting.

Gain a better understanding of your target audience by running high priority test marketing to determine best strategies and methods for reaching maximum potential.  Powerful solutions for businesses of all shapes and sizes by gaining a clear understanding of what is driving consumers to your business by gaining a total view of customer experience.

Advanced solutions for large companies who use Google Analytics Surveys 360 an introduction into a set of integrated data and analytics products designed for the needs of marketers the largest companies. is a great analytical resource marketer can use for tracking progress and deep analytical information.  Users have the opportunity to understand their connections through a vanity of metrics. Data is installed into rich social narratives that are specific to your campaign using big data driven techniques.   Gain insight into the demographic association, data, and geodata giving exact statistical information,n who,  what when and where customers are from.

Decipher social conversations with hashtag and audience analytics, tapping into concise reporting tools and trends with precision measures.  Smarter engagement is used to help brands enrich marketing campaigns with behavior analytics.  Advanced tools can be implemented to scale one to one engagement in real time.   Powerful automation tools gain monitoring content constant by using influence powdered algorithm. offers real-time analytics for influencers who want to take their business to the next level worldwide.  Access influencer marketing platform including analytic data from demographic, geodemographic, and psychographics applications.

Over 30% of the world’s influencers brands and agencies now use Hyprbands a trusted data platform for marketers including Microsoft, Bloomburg, Quaker, Estee Lauder, Time Inc, Pepsi, MBA, AOL, Taylor, Mediacom,, PopSugar, Soda Stream, hulu, Joe Boxer and much more.   Popular brands all depend on important analytical data they can rely on for effective search and discovery of an in-depth information on audience profiles and demographics of over 10 million influencers across all major social channels, making this platform the smartest and largest index available.

Marketers can reach a large audience in huge scale by targeting specific influencers based on age, demographics, location and interests.  Obtaining this information is vital to running a successful advertising campaign. is the new standard in influencer marketing strategies.  Studies show that consumers trust influencers more often and are likely to purchase products and services through this marketing method.  Monitor and report social media listening analytics made simple for any user to adapt marketing techniques.  Carefully track your landscape while developing a strategy for a campaign.  Conduct an influencer search on locating any influencer marketing in any skill set at any location worldwide.  Klear covers over 500 million profiles across all networking.

Manage a private list on all social media contacts for smart qualifications and relationships.  Trusted by the best companies such as Estee Lauder, Adidas, Microsoft, IMG, Unilener, Mslgroup, and much more.  Klear is one of the most impressive social media software programs available for marketers.  Powerful tools and intuitive interface allow users to track, social analytic reporting.  The kear team has built a very professional program that marketers will find invaluable.

Influencer Marketing is Used by a Combination of 3 Sources

1.) Consumer trust in a specific brand, products, and services by maintaining a strong relationship with consumers.  Influencer marketing continues to build their business using honest constant communication with customers.

2.) Original content is used in blogs delivering great information consumers can use on a regular basis is often effective for marketing.

3.)  Social Reach can be used in social channels and blogs reaching millions of consumers worldwide.  Social media marketing on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram and all social media marketing sites has enormous potential for influencer marketing capabilities.

If you are wondering how to take your business to the next level and not sure what direction to go, consider influencer marketing.  The future of strategies has now shifted to include specific techniques used by the most popular professionals in digital marketing and is now considered the most effective method for reaching a huge customer base.  Consider this statistical information to help you understand influencer marketing and the importance of this type of digital marketing method.

  • 93% of marketers say it improves visibility and  brand awareness
  • 75% of marketers say it boosts customer relations and loyalty
  • 74% of marketers agree that generating leads increased substantially
  • 68% of marketers conclude that using influencer marketing is an effective strategy for gaining popularity

Instagram Reaches a New level of Consumers

Instagram has over 500 million users and counting this social media platform has become a huge influence on how individuals interact with each other through posting images, content, and comments.  Instagram ahs shared over 4 billion photos and continue to share 95 million videos and photos combined per day.  According to Instagram, Facebook bought out the company Instagram in June of 2016.  As the announcement broke to the public usage of Instagram has risen astronomically.   Including this social media platform in influcencer marketing campaigns only makes sense.

Tips- What Marketers Are Saying About Influencer Marketing

  • 71% of marketers say that using all social media platforms are beneficial for building brand awareness
  • 66% of marketers use influencer marketing strategies to build and distribute campaigns
  • 61% use creative original content for developing a good customer base
  • 40% of marketers use influencer marketing methods more effective than running advertising ads
  • 31% of digital marketers say that using influence strategies is a necessary part of marketing
  • Influencer marketing is a shift from regular advertising to using people, content and social media to market and drive awareness.
  • Become an expert in your niche to provide the best possible outcome for your business
  • Submit an original guest post on a blog in your niche market once per month to become an authority

Google Alerts For Monitoring Niche Markets

Google Alerts will allow you to monitor interesting new content that has been published to the public through blog posts.  Create your own Google alert list by going to and type in your topic of interest.  Google will instantly provide a list of alert suggestions you can read and research.  Google will email Google alerts to your inbox daily providing instant access to great information on a specific topic.

Discover Influencers In Topics Of Interest

Marriott’s influencer marketing breaks the mold- A quick look at their strategy and methods.  It is no longer about selling products it is all about providing great information to consumers.  Using your content to build a brand around your business.  Consumers will be more responsive to emails, videos and read text describing your services through content publications.  Vice President of global creative content marketing Marriott International David Bebee refers to the 3C strategy using community, commerce, and content for influencer marketing success.

Write great content to publish and share on all digital platforms on every digital screen computers, cell phones, iPads to get worldwide communities.  People who are passionate about travel that will drive commerce to the companies hotel chains.  David has become the winner of Content Marketer of the year particularly for his dedication to influencer marketing and will be announced in September


YouTube Opportunities For Online Marketing Experts

Youtube Videos have offered individuals a great opportunity to reach a huge audience each day.  There has never been a better time than the present to build your YouTube Channel by providing micro information to the public in a specific niche market.  Studies show that over 1 million users subscribe to YouTube channels each day, making this marketing platform one of the best in the world.

As of 2011 YouTube had over 1 trillion views and growing exponentially with people watching over 4 billion hours of video each month.  Video has become one of the most popular methods of online marketing efforts.  The possibilities for growing a brand is enormous.  Users are uploading 72 hours of video every minute relating to a specific targeted market.

Over 800 million users visit YouTube each month with 70% of that traffic coming from outside the US.  Individuals watch over 1 billion views a day on mobile devices creating a huge amount of traffic to this platform.  YouTube is available on 400 million devices worldwide giving influencer marketing fantastic conversions for their business.

If you want to use this marketing strategy for connecting with consumers you are on the right track.  Visual content is one of the most popular ways to reach an audience, giving bits of relevant information about your products and services.  This is how it works.  First, develop a blog with 30-60 articles in a specific niche market giving consumers the great targeted information they are interested in.  Second publish a short informative video about your last blog post, giving new and exciting information to the public. At the bottom of your Youtube video, leave a link back to your website for readers to enjoy your articles.

Second publish a short informative video about your last blog post, giving new and exciting information to the public. At the bottom of your Youtube video, leave a link back to your website for readers to enjoy your articles.  This is how you can become an influencer in your market space.

Add a subscription button for subscribers to collect emails to build your list.

This is where you are able to stay in contact with you subscribers.  Send out one email to subscribers each week telling them about your last blog post and video.

For example, let’s say you have a blog about cooking, and the subcategories are recipes, cooking tips, cooking methods ect.  The website will have a domain name people will be able to remember and associate with.  Add great digital images that are descriptive to the blog post.  Write one or more blog posts each week about your niche market.  Send out one video to YouTube with a great recipe linking back to your blog.  Send your link out to social all social media and bookmarking websites.

Contact PR Web, headquartered in Beltsville, MD with a revenue over 186 million.  Create a buzz about your press release. Let others know about your business and brand.  PR Web has all the tips and tools you need to write an exciting post to the public.  Start building your brand using influencer marketing methods by providing great information that is useful content.

In conclusion following groups that can provide influencer marketing information and strategies can boost your business to the next level.  Discover trends and people who have a great influence over a specific niche market.  Give fantastic value to consumers through content writing about your market.  Publish and distribute visual video to YouTube, social media and all 40+ book marketing sites along with using article directory submissions and PR Web press release.  Let others know about your business through influencer marketing strategies.

If you want more information on how to make money online with your own blog by using influencer marketing strategies check out Affilorama quick start guide.  Join for free and get access to free tools and information you can instantly use with your business.

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Patricia Lynn

Images Courtesy of Gerit, Narciso1 at 










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Patricia Lynn

Author of Business Today Pro. Providing the latest news and update information on business, online marketing, tech, how to make money online, how to make money with advertising, websites, blogging, affiliate marketing and much more...