Content Marketing Strategies Myths and Misconceptions

content marketing

Bust Content Marketing Misconceptions

Content marketing is the act of writing, publishing, and distributing in-depth information about a specific niche, with a common goal of building visibility, a reputation for your brand, products, and services.  Online Marketers agree that using a website or blog dedicated to providing great content will enhance sales and revenue over time for their business.  let’s break down the myths and misconceptions you need to stay in front of the competition.

Learn how writing content really works in conjunction with SEO, social media marketing, advertising while actually getting sales and commissions for all of your work.  Business owners all agree that the secret to success is working together as a team producing content on a regular basis then driving traffic to your website through social media and advertising.

Some individuals actually think that if they write good content that is published on the web someone will read that information and may make a purchase of on of your products.  That is not always the case.  Studies show that a visitor may visit your website several times 6-7 before deciding to purchase a product from your business.

This leaves business owners asking ” How do we get more conversions and sales?”  The reason you are publishing content is that you want consumers to be inspired to make a purchase from you.

Simplify your content marketing campaigns by setting goals for one year in advance by writing a plan of action your business can implement.  Write down your primary objective of what you want your business to accomplish in the near future. Develop strategies for developing content and promoting that information on the web.



Myth Misconception Number One

1.) Step one You just created a great article including visual content, images, graphs, interactive design, video, graphics, parallax scrolling, beautiful layout and design with 1600 to 3000 words of content relating to your subject.  Readers are going to love your article and share it on social media spreading your information all over the web.

2.) Step two you’re going to post your link to your latest article on all social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Google Plus, Pinterest and on all 40 plus bookmarking sites and then promote that link on all of those platforms through comments, forums, and posts.

3.) Step three you will notice traffic generated in your analytics report of the huge amount of people reading your content.  You would think that everyone who reads your content will want to make a purchase of one of your products however that is not actually the case.

Studies show that only 2-3% of individuals who read content will make a purchase converting into sales.  This is not how content marketing really works but it is how individuals invest their time, efforts and money producing content they think will convert.  Except for a few good exceptions, this is not the best way to get conversions for all of your writing efforts.

Studies show that content marketing is a great way to promote great information to the consumer while building a positive brand about your business.  Content is king for online marketers who want to expand their business opportunities with worldwide reach.

How Content Marketing Really Works

Content marking will not result in instantaneous sales and conversions.  The only way to achieve good results is to repeat step one and step two over and over again until you start to get good at the process of producing good content and then promoting that link all over the web over and over again.  It may take some time for you to develop or hone your skills to find the right topics of discussion that resonate with your audience. Sometimes the learning curve takes a lot of trial and error to get the results you are hoping for with content marketing strategies.

Step three is almost entirely a myth because it is rare that a reader consumes information and wants to make a purchase on the first visit to a website they know nothing about.

Building a brand around any product takes time and promotion of that specific business model. Online marketers use a wide variety of resources to get the word out showing consumers the detailed information they can use to make improvements in their life.

Content Marketing Institute offers great information you can use to build your business through publishing content on your website.  Want to get inspiration or get a better understanding of content marketing strategies?  Find examples in their latest ebook Get Inspired 75 more examples of content marketing strategies showing detailed information, illustrations, and a wide range of tactics used in writing good content.

Example Of Online Marketing Strategies

Publishing great content on your website on a regular basis will build a good reputation about your business leaving readers with a positive expectancy about what you have to offer.  For content marketing examples, let’s say you have a website about cooking, recipes, and healthy eating.

If you published great healthy recipes and cooking techniques on a regular basis with video tutorials and beautiful images, targeted consumers will want to visit your website over and over again to receive great healthy recipes.  Offer free cooking tips or pdf in exchange for their email giving the consumer more detailed information about your products.  Add products to your sidebar or a cookbook related to your healthy recipes.  Offer FREE information or samples if you can to entice people to visit your website more often.  This is how you build a good reputation about your business by giving away free advice.

Readers will remember their positive experience and want to visit your website for more great information. Chef Anabel Langbein The Free Range Cook Simple Pleasures has a fantastic website offering foodie content, newsletters, recipes, cooking tips, recipes and a tv show all dedicated to giving consumers great content with her blog and yes she has published a  cookbook for sale online or at Amazon.

Tips For Content Marketing Promotion

  • Write good informative content for your blog often
  • Write articles 1600-3000 words long for good SEO
  • Publish original content related to your niche
  • Promote content on all social media sites
  • Use keywords in your content for better search results
  • Have an online marketing plan to promote your website
  • Build a good public reputation for connection with the public
  • Create a positive experience when writing content

Successful Building of a Brand

They way to successful content marketing strategies is to constantly build upon your brand through posting on social media, blog posting, guest posting, posting on forums in questions and answers, contests, free giveaways, tutorials, and videos posted on YouTube will build your brand and awareness.

Developing your business through content marketing and then promoting your link in social media consumers will have a good association with your business.  Because you have done all the work in creating a great website and promoting it you may show up in search results as you gain popularity.  The higher in search results in the more traffic you will receive from individuals who are conduction a specific search quarry.

Once people have a positive recollection about your business then they may consider making a purchase from you or want to visit your website for more information on a particular topic.  Connecting on social media sites is a fantastic way to promote your blog posts while expressing comments on niche related areas.


Failure To Plan Online Marketing Strategies Receive Poor Results

Due to the misconceptions, some businesses may have they fail to plan properly in their content marketing campaigns.  This has a costly result and adds a lot of pressure on the content marketing specialist and the social media marketing specialist or the person handling SEO for the business.

More often one person may be responsible for all of the marketing needs to be filled leading to more pressure.  maybe you have a team of individuals who combine all efforts to do inbound marketing but lack resources, money, bandwidth or the belief from your executives that you are able to get good results for the company.

Some businesses fail because they give up too early because they are not seeing results fast enough or they fail to follow good content marketing strategies.  This may be good for you because it takes more competition out of the way leaving more business for you.  If content marketing was easy everyone would be doing it and the field would be completely saturated.

Why Some Businesses Fail?

  • Fail to budget properly
  • fail to put the right people in the right positions for marketing
  • Fail to use properly
  • Fail to consider SEO search engine optimization
  • Give up too quickly after not seeing fast results
  • Fail to build a brand by using content marketing
  • Fail to get good training or mentors who can help them with online marketing
  • Fail to use Google Plus in their marketing campaigns
  • Fail to use social media for blog post promotion
  • Fail to use tracking software analytics

Poor consideration is being made in SEO because some businesses may think once the publish content it will go viral, however, that is not true.  Failure in content marketing may be due to not considering search engine optimization, how you will appear in search results.  Not adding relevant links into your content providing resources relating to your topic.  Even worst not internal linking within your blog post or using sub-domains or root domains so none of the link authority is shared between those links.

Failure to use keywords in the content may result in low search results.

Failure by not using Google Plus or sharing on Google Plus will reduce your potential authority in your niche market. Deciding to build your brand using the Google Plus platform will enhance exposure while building your brand.

Because businesses have failed to use all social media and bookmarking sites they have missed opportunities for build relationships and expanding the content marketing campaigns.

Not considering the budget may have a negative effect on your marking campaign by failing to properly allocate funds in specific areas.  Not putting the right people in the right area can have a devasting effect on your business finances.

Failing to plan for conversions in the future will reduce final sales participation by consumers.  Most people do not engage in a purchase on the first visit to a website.

It might take 6-7  visits before someone actually makes a purchase or signs up for a service.  Tracking software such as kiss metrics can track visits and participation to analyze who visits and did they make a purchase while engaging in your content. This information is vital to your success by enabling you to make necessary changes for better conversion results.  Truly track your progress by watching visitor participation in your videos, content marketing strategies and social media rankings to break the myths about content marketing.

How Do I Learn More?

Visit Affilorama for more information on content marketing SEO strategies for your business.  There you can find free tools for analyzing your website performance along with expert tips, resources, and blogs for more details.

Affilorama affiliate marketing tutorials.  Learn how to make money online by selling other people products on your website.  Create your free membership and start today.  Join the largest affiliate marketing community and training website on the internet and discover the freedom of making money online.

Become a member and get access to the affiliate marketing quick-start guide showing you what traps to avoid and how to become successful online.  Get access to 120 affiliate marketing video lessons by Affilorama showing you how to earn money online.

Content marketing Infographics collection by Michael Schmitz all pertaining to this topic of marketing through content, visual content, graphics, and illustrations.  These visuals are lengthy while offering snippets of information that is easy to digest.

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Patricia Lynn

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Patricia Lynn

Author of Business Today Pro. Providing the latest news and update information on business, online marketing, tech, how to make money online, how to make money with advertising, websites, blogging, affiliate marketing and much more...