Productivity Assistant Strategies For Advanced Business Growth 


How To Take The Headache Out Of Productivity

Productivity of business owners is always looking for ways to be more productive in the workplace.  Using the internet tools and resources can have a huge impact on your earning capacity.  Learning to become more efficient in daily tasks utilizing assistant strategies can help increase your growth opportunities.

Measurements of productivity are used to determine the ratio of product input and output units sold a vital factor in productivity performance.  Standards of living can increase due to a rise in national economic performance.  Studies show 87% of high performing companies are using specific project managing software to track analytical reports resulting in more profits.

Real income improves people’s ability to purchase services and goods through economic growth as well as improving living standards, medical care, education, leisure activities, and the ability to contribute to socioeconomics or environmental programs.  Finding more ways to increase income has become a necessity for companies or individuals who want to experience financial success.

Fact-Research shows Tuesday is the most productive day of the week.

Internet networks have changed the course of how companies conduct business globally increasing income substantially. History shows tabulating machines were once used in the early 1920’to the 1930’s for wide use of data processing and remained in use until computers became widespread in the 1960’s to the 1970’s.  In the late 1970’s companies used inexpensive computers to track productivity and process control tasks.

Today computers are commonly affordable for many individuals who want to start a business utilizing technological advancements, software, and programs that can help your business grow.  Computerized data collection including analytical variables can be viewed in real time graphically or in selected time periods for evaluation.   Statistical information collected can help companies grow by eliminating practices that hinder productivity while enhancing other areas contributing to success.

Everyone is searching for more ways to be productive on the job using the latest tools available on the internet.  Studies show employees who are happy are more productive and contribute a positive influence over existing business solutions resulting in growth.

Productivity Tips

  • Use internet tools
  • Automate services
  • Grow your audience on social media
  • Delegate important tasks to professionals such as web design, account, Attorney, graphic designer, marketing, sales etc
  • Use business apps for tracking analytical reports
  • Build brand awareness around your products and services.
  • Manage time effectively with a daily evaluation of important tasks
  • Use Google calendar to plan advanced business strategies.
  • Use Slack apps and services for digital integration and team communication


Network Traffic Visibility Through Analytical Reports

Slack is where work happens to unify communications with your entire team network utilizing team workflow a smoother process.  All the apps you need are seamlessly integrated into one easy to use app directory platform.  Take productivity to the next level with app assistant strategies your company can use to collect data, manage files, calls, messages, and track colleagues all in one location.

Related Post-10 Time Mangement For Work-Life Success Today perfect for people who use Facebook lead ads to generate leads for establishing a larger customer base.  People can get access to lead notifications when a new lead is added.  Individuals can use this app for marketing, sales or social engagement for business or personal use.


Donwell app sales performance solution for companies who want to outperform targets by becoming more data-driven built directly into Slack.   Access different performance insights without leaving slack to set daily activity goals focussing on the challenges your company faces and finding solutions to meet the demand of products and services.

Allow your sales division to compete in sale competitions based on any metric including sales performance, deals won, bookings, and calls made to boost employee performance.  Access team insights on productivity using different reports, Benchmark, and sale funnel marketing techniques used to drive up sale commissions.

Google Calendar

Google calendar helps you and your team stay completely in sync and organized all in one place.  Online shared calendar by Google allows users to stay connected with scheduled events, reminders and much more.

Google Calendar Functionally

  • Post updates when an event has changed
  • Post summaries of the current day’s  or week events
  • Post important reminders before events begin
  • Stay connected with your team

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Zoho Projects

Zoho Projects is an online app users can utilize within Slack as a project management system that helps you plan work while keeping track of your team’s progress.  It also allows individuals on your team to communicate easily to discuss new exciting ideas while staying current and updated helping companies track their progress,

Core capabilities include time tracking timesheets and integration with Zoho invoice program for document management.  Collaboration tools including chat rooms, chat services, message board, group calendar, live feeds, and pages are available on Zoho app at Slack.

Increase productivity tracking milestones completed by grant charts timesheets and timelines reports.  Zoho Projects allows users to integrate with Slack to receive real-time project updates in your slack channel.  Once you identify a project with a channel you can specify what feeds you want to be pushed into your Slack channel.  This way you can eliminate unnecessary emails and replace them with lively text messaging and updates.


To-do app by Workast helps you manage teamwork projects all in one convenient location at Slack.  Easy to use program allows the user to create tasks in real time when the conversation is happening.  Tasks are grouped by channels to keep work organized resulting in better company productivity.

For example, Type-to-do prepares client proposal on Tuesday,  10:00 AM your name”  in a channel and it will create a task, assign the task to a specific person with a due date all at once.

Easily manage important tasks within Workast to set clear definitive priorities helping your business grow.  Other features include Custome reporting of team productivity indicators, mark tasks as completed with one click of a button, get task reminders with set due dates keep you in control with assisted monitoring.


Zapier app automatically moves information between Slack and other apps your business uses on a daily basis allowing you more free time to focus on more important tasks.  Zapier supports 750 plus apps like Google Sheets, Gmail, Basecamp, HubSpot, Typeform, Evernote and much more to select from. Simple integration allows users to set up zaps automation with no coding required that turns Slack into your team’s central command center.

Bring calender events new lead details or social mentions sent directly to chat or automatically create a to-do list when you start a slack message.

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Polly Survey app at Slack creates easy to use templates for designing custom surveys helping companies improve productivity.  Poll your teammates with Polly and schedule recurring surveys for future reference.  Use Polly to create a poll in just seconds then watch the results update in real-time at Slack.

Polly also offers beautiful native multi-question surveys built directly in Slack to boost user participation rates by 30% compared to surveys taken on the web or by email.  Use Survey templets from the Polly library or create your own from scratch to receive quickly organized insights on your team’s productivity directly in Slack.

Polly Functionalities   

  • Commenting with Slack dialogs
  • Automated reminders
  • Scheduled and recurring surveys and Polls
  • Anonymity optional selection & much more at Polly



Trello app available on Slack is the visual collaboration tool trusted by millions, that creates a shared perspective on any project your business may be working on.  Harness the power of productivity by linking your Trello and Slack teams with the Trello app to seamlessly create and collaborate workflow between your most valued apps.

Key features with Trello at Slack allow users to join Trello with just one click and add new cards to boards directly from Slack.  Trello members can use cards and boards to attach conversations, change due dates or get current updates.  Place an invite at @trello to a channel for the automated card and board previews including members, comments, and descriptions.  Increase productivity using trillo app for your business staying connected with team members at Slack.

Google Drive

Google Drive allows a user to create sheet files and slides or import an existing file into a direct message or channel directly from Slack Google Drive app.  Automatically grant access to specific files you want to share with the right audience.  Receive updates on changes in Drive including access requests, comments and files that are directed for your view all in one convenient location.


Growthbot by Hubspot available at Slack helps salespeople and marketers be more productive by managing data, receiving important notifications by getting the answers they need to take their business to the next level.  It connects a variety of systems including Google Analytics, Hubspot CRM, Hubspot Marketing, as well as twelve other systems and data providers to provide convenient quick answers to commonly asked questions.

Growthbot supports a natural language interface so you can ask important questions like

  1. How is my organic traffic doing this week?
  2. What search keywords does Hootsuite use?
  3. Show me survey research companies in California

Use Growthbot to quickly answer questions you may have during the day saving you more time and increasing productivity with your business.


Mosaic allows you to control digital services on all smart devices by talking to them naturally through Amazon Alexia or typing message service.  For example, you can say ” good morning turn the light on.” or “check calendar”, ” turn on music” or “get fitness summery” are just a few sample questions you can speak to receive a response.

Mosaic works best with Google Calander, SMS, Fitbit, Jawbone Up, Tesla, Automatic, Slack, Nest, Lifx, Pillips Hue, Withings, and much more.  Explore the possibilities of using this amazing app for your business to increase productivity across digital devices.

Users can control services and devices including setting the room temperature to changing colors of lights and vehicle status.  Mosaic offers six prebuilt workflows for everyday scenarios including good morning and good night.  As a user workflow can be completely customized by adding more devices and services to make this app a personal powerful tool for business.

Productivity can be increased by following specific guidelines using tools available online integrating communication to team members while tracking analytics and performance goals.

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Patricia Lynn

Images Courtesy of FreePhotos/9123 imagesGeralt at

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Patricia Lynn

Author of Business Today Pro. Providing the latest news and update information on business, online marketing, tech, how to make money online, how to make money with advertising, websites, blogging, affiliate marketing and much more...