Affiliate Signup

Affiliate Signup

Why should you become an affiliate?

  • It’s free to join.
  • We have multiple products for sale which means you have the chance to earn multiple commissions on every person you send our way
  • You get 50% commission on each membership you refer that buys any of our products.
  • All you need to do is send traffic to us. We do all the selling.
  • We keep a well-stocked and constantly updated affiliate resources area, full of banners, sales letters and other material for your promotions. And if you need something special made, we’ll whip it up for you for free.
  • We work hard to reel in the leads you send us. Even if the purchase isn’t made immediately… you still get full credit for the sale.
  • We have a dedicated affiliate support team on hand to answer your questions (or meet your demands!)
  • We teach affiliate marketing. We know how to treat affiliates well 🙂


Affiliate Registration Form

Terms & Conditions:

  1. You agree not send unsolicited emails and must comply with CAN-SPAM.
  2. If you are using PPC you agree not to bid on terms or names that are trademarked terms or names outlined in the full agreement.
  3. You agree not to purchase any Affilorama products through your own affiliate link.
  4. We reserve the right to suspend any affiliates that to not disclose promotional methods if requested.
  5. You understand the full terms of this affiliate program


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* Don’t have ClickBank account? Get one here

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