Opportunities Realized For Business Success Quickly And Effectively 




By Patricia Lynn Author


New Business Strategies Form Opportunities

Opportunities for business success are available using the latest tools and resources available to create a profitable action plan.  Conducting research on a particular topic of interest is key in developing clear goals for your business is essential for success.  Initially, the focus of a business plan is to target future goals providing guidance and direction referred to as strategic plans.

If you are considering starting your own business or have an existing business you are in excellent company with other entrepreneurs who want to live a flexible lifestyle.  According to the Small Business Administration SBA, there are 28.8 million small businesses in the US. and they have 56.8 million employees.

Studies from the State of Women-Owned Report indicates trends of businesses owned by women now account for 39% of all United Staes Firms. The combination of women owned businesses equally owned by men and women account for 47% of businesses owned.

Strategic plans are the organization’s process of explaining techniques and direction the business is going and assign its resources to certain areas.  Strategic planning requires creative thinking from the creator resulting in a definitive guide that can be used to formulate an actionable plan.

Entrepreneurs often develop an idea for a business that would entail producing products or services for profit. Online resources are available to help make the process easier for small business startups for the sole purpose of making money.  Typically a business plan provides the name of the organization and team of people who are involved in reaching particular goals of interest.

Using excellent SEO Tactics for content marketing strategies can aid in search engine optimization helping business owners reach a targeted audience in their particular niche area.

Conducting marking research on your own using available data from analytical resources to determine supply and demand in your niche market.  Much of the research can be done online to help provide assistance on what you need to know and the direction you want your business to go.  Prioritize the results to find the most effective strategy you can use to develop your business.  Estimate the cost involved in performing each task then review less expensive alternatives to keep startup costs to a minimum.

Find customers based on geographical regions according to demand market size.  Demographics is the statistical component in marketing used to identify a population segmented by specific characteristics.  This information is vital for business who want to calculate a targeted approach reaching the right audience according to age, gender, and geographical location.

Leading tools and resources are available for conducting research that is key components in planning your business

Top Marketing Research Tools

  • Think With Google
  • Loop 11
  • Typeform
  • Neilson My Best Segments
  • Ubersuggest

Think With Google

Think with Google using data-driven insights into the latest trends and how people conduct shopping.  Statistical information regarding the behavior of shopper can be vital for determining how you market to the consumer. New shopping trend includes the use of apps, online shopping and traditional methods of shopping at a retailer.  Find your target audience using analytical data from Think With Google.

Loop 11

Loop 11 usability testing tool to analyze your website performance in comparison with your competition  Test your live environment using a subdomain or multiple domains in your network of websites.  The testing process only takes a few minutes to set up using a unique program with Loop 11.  There is no HTML experience required with guidance from the customer friendly test builder. to help get you started.  Loop 11 works in 40 languages with real time reporting you can use to analyze heat maps, and clickstream analysis.


Typeform is an online software service that specializes in online surveys and form building for business purposes.  The companies dynamic software creates forms based on the user’s personal needs. Typeform produces millions of forms every month and has been used by popular companies including Nike, Apple Inc, Airbnb, and Inc.

The typeforms present questions to users that slide down one after the other keeping user engagement active.  Make your questions look great using Typeform giving respondents a flawless and attractive interface for answering questions.  The forms can be embedded on any website opening through a popup or accessed through a unique URL.

Nelson My Best Segments

Nelson My Best Segments assist in defining every household in the United States by district lifestyle types.  This information can provide business owners a comprehensive picture of where people are located and what they are like.  Marketers use these observations to analyze and create more effective marketing strategies and opportunities to help boost business success rates.

Use original customer research utilizing collected data to assist in finding people that convert into customers.  The new methodology combines user data with original customer research to target and market across all digital media platforms including Facebook, Instagram, Google, programmatic advertising, and publishers via Liveramp. Locate more of your best customers according to their lifestyle and shopping behaviors using Nelson My Best Segments Claritas helping your business sell more products to the right people


Ubersuggest helps you find keyword suggestions for content marketing strategies.  Get more keyword suggestions including data for generating specific information on volume, cost per click and seasonality.  Use the Ubersuggest keyword tool as often as you like for free to assist in building more opportunities for your business with content writing strategies.

Small Business Opportunities

The best small business opportunities in 2018 are more accessible due to the internet and online services.  Business owners are able to reach a large volume of consumers influencing purchasing through many methods of marketing.  Social media platforms have enabled business owners in every category to connect personally with people related to their niche building a brand around their products.

The American Enterprise for Opportunity for the micro business is the leading voice of innovation in microfinance and micro business in the United States.  AEO and its members have assisted millions of entrepreneurs helping to support themselves while contributing to economic growth.

AEO microbusiness statistics calculates data providing the industry with reliable analytics on the economic prevalence of microbusinesses indicating areas of opportunity.

Strategies to launch your business successfully combines concepts of innovation with practical methods of building a business in any category.

Starting your own business can be rewarding by generating a profitable income online providing you with sustainable income.  There can be many benefits for starting your own business including being your own boss that enables you to control your own destiny. Entrepreneurs create more opportunities with adjustable hours allowing more time for important tasks.

According to State Owned Business Report in January 2017, there are 11.6 million women in the United States who own a business who employ 9 million people, generating an astounding 1.7 trillion dollars in revenue. The advantages of own your own business can be enormous helping others while living a flexible the lifestyle you want.

There are 7 types of business opportunities for entrepreneurs want are searching for ways to generate an income online including network marketing, buying a franchise, licensing, filling a niche, Affiliate marketing, and distributor or dealership.  Finding the right solutions for your business goals takes time and dedication necessary to form a practical plan researching new opportunities. (.3.)

Affilorama Affiliate Marketing Business opportunity provides detailed information you can use to build a business online.  Join the Affilorama community to learn the secrets of earning commissions as a passive income.  Get access to tools tips and resources to become a successful entrepreneur using expert advice from professionals who have years of experience.

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Patricia Lynn

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Images Courtesy of TeroVesalainenGeralt at Pixbay.com







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Patricia Lynn

Author of Business Today Pro. Providing the latest news and update information on business, online marketing, tech, how to make money online, how to make money with advertising, websites, blogging, affiliate marketing and much more...