Video Sharing Strategies For Business Success Using New Technologies 


Build Opportunities Video Sharing

Video Sharing on YouTube or other video platforms is one of the best methods for delivering visual content to the public.  There are tremendous benefits of marketing your business using short videos producing offering detailed information about a specific topic of interest. Research shows there were over 167 million monthly active users on Youtube ranking first in the United States and was ranked the most popular mobile music and video app in the US with a mobile audience reach at 62 percent high volume views.

Youtube was founded in 2005 and is the top online video platform with worldwide exposure.  Features include a wide verity of user-generated video clips from typical users and cooperate with media content including music videos.

Business owners have the capability to produce an instructional video or product review related to a niche. Provide the consumer detailed information they can relate to from a verity of subjects including educational material, language tutorials, and gameplay videos. Gain popularity through publishing short weekly videos on Youtube and all social media networks driving targeted traffic back to your website,

Analytics indicates there are more than 400 hours of video uploaded to Youtube every minute as of July 2015 that number has increased from 300 hours of video uploaded from July 2014 are all indicators of video popularity.

Youtube is an American video sharing website headquartered in San Bruno California.  Created and developed in February 2005, by founders Jawed Karim, Chad Hurley, and Steve  Chen all former employees of PayPal.  Google purchase the website in 2006for 165 billion dollars in 2006 and now operates as one of Google subsidiaries.

The fastest viral videos as of October 2015 reaching over 100 million Youtube streams shows definite incline in views.  Video sharing reached new heights as singer Adele’s release of “Hello” from her new album 25 acquired over 1 million views in the first 4 days of being uploaded onto Youtube.   Video sharing has giving new insight to widening opportunities in every area of business broadening the viewer audience.

Benefits of Sharing Video

  • Provide subject tutorials
  • Users can interact on a global audience
  • Various video formats are excepted
  • Users can post a link to a website or blog about the video
  • Businesses or individuals can gain popularity using video sharing strategies worldwide

3 Methods of Uploading Video Onto Youtube

If you want to promote your business or services producing a short video about a specified subject Consider uploading a video onto Youtube or Facebook. Video sharing websites are a fantastic means for creating using new technologies your computer, digital camera, cell phone or iPad.

Using the best video editing software is essential to producing the final product. Representing your brand or best appearance is necessary before uploading your video. Copy the video from your chosen device, cell phone or computer. Make sure editing is completed and converted into the proper format.  A wide verity of websites and programs are available to convert video for free.  Simplify video sharing using formats excepted by Youtube.

  • WMV Windows Media Video
  • M4V (h.264
  • FLV (Adobe Flash)
  • MPEG or MPG – Motion Picture Expert Group
  • MP4 Motion Picture Expert Group Part 14
  • MOV Quick Time Movie
  • 3GPP Third Generation Partnership Project
  • AVI Auto Video Interleaved

Using Youtube to promote your business through weekly video sharing is an excellent content delivery method.  Each individual has an account with a channel attached to it enabling you to actively promote your brand through personal videos.  Upload the latest video signing into your account associated with the channel you want to upload video to.

Related Post- Youtube Video Marketing Guide Business Strategies Propel Business Growth

Select a video file to open in file browser then find the files you want to add.  Other options are drag and drop chosen video into the square web browser window.  You have the ability to directly upload from a webcam instead of uploading from a pre-existing video.  It is important to preview the video before the final upload to Youtube or other video sharing website.

Once you open the correct video file your video will automatically upload.  After the upload completion, you will be directed to a separate page to fill out information for the video.  Include the title of the video, description of the video and relevant tags related to the topic.

  • Adding a simple compelling title related to your topic will attract more views to your video.
  • Writing a good description will about your video will allow others to learn more about your topic of interest.  This information will display at the bottom of the video helping viewers find your resources.  When composing a description write something unique about your video in order to get noticed.
  • Additional information about your channel can be added an Annotation adding notes or pauses you may have forgotten to add.  These notes can allow the viewer to see additional information about your personal channel without having to read the description.
  • Adding tags allows Youtube users to find your video content and view your video online by linking common words related to your topic or niche.  Similar tags are often displayed with other videos on the sidebar.


Popular iPhone Video Editing Apps


iMovie video editing software application sold by Apple Inc for OSI iPhone, iPad, iPad mini, iPad Touch and Mac computers was released in 1999.  It imports video footage to the MAC with either MiniDV or FirWire format using digital video cameras or the cameras USB port.  It has never been easier to make a professional quality video clip with state of the art editing options.

People can use the editing software to edit video clips and photos through a series of selections.  Typically the user can add music, titles and themes and special effects including correction of color, video enhancement tools to create slides or transitions into fade options.  Users now have the opportunity to produce a high quality video for their business promoting products and services on YouTube using iMovie software.  Download iMovie for IOS for free.


VideoGrade app from Apple Inc.  Create a stunning video using this high quality software to make your movies look the way you want using a flexible easy to use color grading editor. Get the results you want with VideoGrade app for IOS.

Whether you want to change the look and feel of your video or make selected enhancements VideoGrade has tools available to make your vision become a reality.  This software has powerful capabilities to edit photos and process live photos as well.  VideoGrade is a universal app that can be used across all iOS devices.  It offers the same functionally on the user’s interface and looks fantastic on all screen sizes using new technology video resolution up to 4K.  Download VideoGrade at the App Store.


VideoShop is one of the best video apps for creating personal video clips for iPhone, iPad, Android, and Windows.  Users can develop new and exciting video clips using key features in the editing software.  Integrate your favorite music into your video or add sound effects relate to your topic.  Easy to use editing allows users the ability to adjust video speed to slow or fast creating unique effects.

Choose from 4 transitions in the editor to animate between video clips.  Create slideshows easily using digital images then share across all social media platforms including Facebook, Instagram, and Youtube.  Using the latest software in video editing users can now develop high resolution video for their personal or business needs using VideoShop app found on Google Play.

Building a brand using video sharing strategies can yield enormous results for promoting products and services through Youtube or other video sharing platform.  Studies indicate the number of online video platform viewers will amount to an astounding 1.86 billion in 2021 up from 1,47 billion viewers in 2017.

The benefits of using modern technology in creating a short weekly video about your topic of choice can be very profitable if done correctly.  Digital cameras and cell phones are effective resources most people already have available.

New editing software makes creating a stunning video easy to use and implement in their business gaining more views from Social media networks. Video sharing is a popular method for reaching a worldwide audience on a regular basis helping you build the business you want.

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Patricia Lynn

Images Courtesy of PhotoMix,  Jeshootscom at

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Patricia Lynn

Author of Business Today Pro. Providing the latest news and update information on business, online marketing, tech, how to make money online, how to make money with advertising, websites, blogging, affiliate marketing and much more...