Social Media Trends New Insights For Business Opportunities 

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Popular Social Media Trends For 2018

Social media has exploded on the internet and have provided business owners and individuals new opportunities to communicate on the web.  Social networks are used to connect users on all social platforms to promote products and services to a targeted audience. People of all ages now engage in popular social media sites to maintain relationships, meeting new contacts and sharing new information with others.

Website owners use social networking to provide detailed information about their business to a targeted group of demographics individuals who are specifically interested in a topic.  There are 15 most popular social networking sites and apps available for social sharing.  Organizations and businesses can accurately interact with others building relationships while connecting with new customers.  Sharing information on social media communities has proven to expand business growth, building a brand around a particular niche market.

Social media marketing techniques enhance business growth and profits now change methods of communication between businesses and the consumer using social share options.  Users can create informative content in a particular market for communities, organizations or the general public to distribute and share content across the web.  Social media outlets operate on a dialogic transmission system model of communication from one source to many receivers through social media.

New options for distributing content on the internet differ from traditional methods used in previous years including newspapers, magazines, paper-based media or broadcasting on tv.  The internet now provides new opportunities for business owners to engage with the public on a huge scale through social sharing.

In the year 2016, the most shared video brand was the Red Bull energy drink shared over 27.05 million through social media.  According to United States publishers, the most popular content categories on social media are entertainment and nature resulting in the largest share of voice accounting for 43 percent of social media actions.

Studies indicate Facebook had 57 percent of social shares topping the trends for social engagement activity among users.  According to Facebook, there are 2.2 billion active users for 2018 resulting in a 13 percent increase from last year.

Dating back to October 2014avarage share and like buttons were viewed across 10 million websites on a daily basis and growing.  Users can post a wide variety of post types including video, images, written content to communicate a specific message that will get shared across the web through social media.

The most popular types of shared content are videos, digital images, and content from third parties who share links, article posts worldwide with social share options.

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Social Media Sharing Tips

  • Share multiple times to reach full potential
  • Use Stumbleupon a discovery and advertisement engine
  • Use hashtags properly when sharing a post
  • Share content until it goes viral
  • Use call to actions to get more content shares
  • Develop a profile on all social media sites on Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter, Pinterest

According to the Nielsen, Social Media Report users on the internet spend more time on social media offering the biggest opportunities for business owners to connect with potential customers across all devices including mobile, computer, and iPhone.  Studies indicate people who are heavy users of social media logging on for 3 hours per day can be receptive to influences from social shares reaching huge proportions.

There are creative strategies for making money with Facebook including advertising, boosting a post, providing good quality content to engage and share popular posts with social media sharing.

New demographics indicate 39 percent of social users research products and services online through social media indicating the importance of business social presence across all social media sites including Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Instagram and other popular social media sites.

Viral Social Media Content

Businesses owners have a particular interest in viral marketing due to potential customer reach during a campaign reaching a wide range of advertising coverage particularly if the viral reposting reaches the news. Advertising strategies include viral marketing resulting in a fraction of the cost compared to traditional ad campaigns.  If you want to promote your blog or video think about going viral using social media shares driving more targeted traffic back to your website.

Build the brand of your business viral marketing using social shares to connect with an audience who is interested in your products and services.  For bloggers promoting your website on top social media platforms networking individual groups like Digg, Facebook, Linkedin and Twitter can yield huge results for your business.

Social Media Managing Tools

Social media marketing on all networks can be overwhelming at times.  New tools designed for social media networks are available to make the most of your social brand.  Whether you are promoting content or redistributing articles using social media sites these tools can help manage the task scheduling posts in advance to go out on specified days and times.


Raven to best social media marketing tools available for analytical insights to your social presence.  It provides prospective clients SEO audit reports in detail showing progress over a time period.  Use automated marketing white label reports to generate performance metrics in Google Analytics, Bing Advertisements, Adwords, and Facebook.  Clearly analyze the organic performance of your campaigns to identify potential backlink sources for you to manage and report progress in your business with the data you need.


HootSuite social media platform is available for managing your social posting schedule.  Developed in 2008 by the creator Rayan Holmes based in Vancouver Canada has close to 1,000 staff members located in 13 locations serves worldwide.  The company now has over 15 million active users in over 175 countries offering key benefits for managing your social presence.  Holmes recognized many other businesses, organizations and individuals faced difficulty managing multiple social media accounts worldwide decided to find a solution for business owners to organize social media posting.

Manage all your social media profiles all in one location with HootSuite in one simple dashboard connecting to popular networks Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Linkedin and more all from one location.  Use the HootSuite interface application to schedule Unlimited messages across all of your social profiles enhancing your social presence maximizing impact for reaching the right audience.


SproutSocial ensures the right posts are going out at the right time according to your schedule whether sharing a business tip or information SproutSocial reaches the largest audience.  It offers world-class software and tools assist businesses in saving time by social media management resulting in building your brand awareness.

Small businesses get better results using this amazing platform to collect data, analyze social engagement using the right tools.  Empower teams to communicate with each other collaborating to enhance the customer experience by creating an excellent brand awareness for your business.


Affilorama affiliate marketing quick start guide showcases all aspects of promoting other peoples products online.  Get access to 120 easy to follow video lessons you can use for your profitable business.  Follow the Affiloblueprint including step by step videos for building a profitable affiliate website with Affilorama.

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Patricia Lynn

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Patricia Lynn

Author of Business Today Pro. Providing the latest news and update information on business, online marketing, tech, how to make money online, how to make money with advertising, websites, blogging, affiliate marketing and much more...