Ultimate Business Trends Optimize Innovation Advance Development


New Business Trends Enhance Productivity

Business trends advance growth developing new strategies to connect globally online.  Apps have become the newest innovation to access tools as an application for software for digital devices designed to perform specific tasks for the user.

Google launched the Google Play Store in October 2008 as a market for Android followed by Windows App Store in the of 2012.   Apple App Store was the first of the modern app store launched with iso in 2008 allows users to browse and download apps for personal or professional use.

Professionals are constantly seeking alternative methods to improve their business using the latest innovative technological advances.  Studies suggest an estimated 369 billion app downloads in the year 2017 resulting in an amazing 33 app downloads for each woman, man, and child worldwide.

Trending apps for business are shown to be essential tools for the online business industry.  There are currently abundant suppliers including the big 3 app stores can provide 5 million apps to consumers for download.  That translates into 2 million for Apple, 2.2 million for Google Play and 0.7 million for Windows.

Research indicates that individuals are downloading social media app Facebook as the number one choice to connect on social media.   Online marketers who want to engage increase the popularity of their brand to build a strong reputation around there business.

The second and third most popular app is the WhatsApp and Facebook owned Instagram while Facebook Messenger shows great promise in delivering messages quickly to users.

Video Marketing Trends

Youtube can propel your business using video content as one of the best platforms for reaching the largest audience globally.  Consider a start-up to sell products and services online using video streaming for promotions instantly promote your business to the next level.   Youtube is an American video sharing website located in San Bruno, California founded by PayPal employees Jawed Karim, Steve Chen, and Chad Hurley on February 14, 2005, gained popularity over the years for professional use.

Google purchased the company in November 2006 for 1.65 billion dollars and now Youtube operates as one of Google’s subsidiaries.  Business trends indicate every minute more than one hundred hours of video is uploaded to video sharing service.

Research indicates in February 2017, there are 400 hours of visual content uploaded to Youtube each minute and over one billion users actively watch video streaming each day.

Google earns revenue from AdSense program which promotes advertising to users based on audience and site content.  The vast majority of videos are free to view for consumers however there are exceptions including subscriptions- based channels, film rentals as well as Youtube Red a subscription service that offering access to exclusive content made in partnership with existing users and free ad access to website content.

Youtube is the second largest search engine right after Google  It’s bigger than Yahoo, Bing and Ask search engines combined.  Generating videos using search engine optimization techniques for sites like Youtube can help a company grow in future business trends.

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Patricia Lynn

Images Courtesy of geralt at Pixbay.com

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Patricia Lynn

Author of Business Today Pro. Providing the latest news and update information on business, online marketing, tech, how to make money online, how to make money with advertising, websites, blogging, affiliate marketing and much more...