Consumer Electronics Show Exhibition New Technologies 2020 

Consumer Electronics Show 2020

Consumer Electronics Show CES showcased newly developed product designed reveled during the 7-day exhibition in Las Vagus Convention Center.  The Consumer Technology Association organized the popular event hosting to 182,000 attendees exhibiting the latest consumer electronics as a gathering place for tech enthusiasts.

Discover services offered by CES 2020 has to offer for business meetings, conference programming, product launches in addition to exploring the exhibition floor.  Register in advance at CES planning your itinerary to schedule your agenda for dates and times of the event. Registration information can be found online at the Consumer Electronics Show website offering 3 pass types for consumers to choose from.

CES is owned and produced by the Consumer Electronics Association which provides the optimum platform for technology leaders to connect, communicate and collaborate on new and exciting engineering advances enabling innovation to move forward.  With 11 official locations, CES 2020 includes 2.5 million square feet of exhibition space and features 24 categories of products including 20 marketplaces.

CES Smart Cities

CES Smart Cities connect the entire electronic community through innovative solutions using technologies designed for audiences in the Smart City sector. IoT internet of things 5G connectivity through transportation, renewable energy, digital health, artificial intelligence, smart automotive, and data analytics is the forefront of technological development.

Intelligent IoT

The start of a new decade encountered new IoT intelligence notes a shift in human behavior globally as the 5G networks focus on the consumer marketplace growth in new applications.

Mobile operators and carriers demonstrate the latest advancements in 5G efficiency increased speed of service, accelerates innovation enabling industries including Smart Cities, entertainment and digital health. Global 5G networks focus on the consumer marketplace with new applications according to CTA Research.

C Space

C Space entertainment and content digital trends have shifted consumer behavior changing brand marketing experience. Consumers have an abundance of video streaming choices in 2020 as spending continues to grow  20.6 billion US dollars for streaming services.

CES Keynote featuring Quibi short forms of content on mobile devices in 10-minute segments provide quick bites of entertainment. Quibi is headquartered in Los Angeles California founded in 2018 by Jeffery Katzenberg launched in April 2020.  The company is led by Meg Whitman as CEO marketing to younger viewers including premium content delivered as quick bites specifically for viewing on the go.

The Consumer Electronics Show C Space connects with the world’s top innovators, creators, and marketers in one location to share new technologies.  Research suggests 87 percent of the Fortune 100 companies are represented at the event.

Artificial Intelligence Solutions

Artificial intelligence Al solutions launched on a global stage including the latest software and hardware for customizing the consumer experience using speech recognition and machine learning programs. Artificial intelligence robotics has changed the way we do business globally.

Augmented and Virtual reality is showcased at the Consumer Electronics Show as the latest innovations in 2020.  Discover how immersive experiences are used across industries including manufacturing, retail, health care to agriculture.

AR/VR Gaming industry has become mainstream immersive entertainment among people of all ages through specially designed hardware and software experience the latest in gaming with virtual reality at CES 2020 show.

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Patricia Lynn

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Patricia Lynn

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