Technologies Build Brand Awareness 


Technologies Increase Productivity

Technologies that affect the development of the economy ultimately influence society enabling an increase in productivity. As of January 2021 there were 4.66 billion active internet users worldwide including 59.5 of the global population of this 92 percent 4.32 billion accessed the internet on mobile devices. Technology is leading innovation in business enabling greater productivity transforms digital processes.  Mobile commerce sales is projected to increase 3.56 trillion in 2021-22,3 percent more than the 2.91 trillion it registered in 2021.  

Amazon is the most valuable brand with a worldwide audience, valued at 150.81 billion in the United States largely due to brand strategies used in marketing. Amazon increased in popularity ranked as top-rated shopping app in the United States as 150.6 million mobile users accessed the Amazon app as of September 2019.   Apple is the second leading brand in the world with a brand value at 146.31 billion dollars in the US indicators of the popularity of available products.  Mobile shopping has become increasingly popular among internet users due to the seamless experience it provides. Businesses rely on a combination of marketing procedures build a successful brand around their company include mobile optimized solutions.

Establishing a brand identity online uses technology is an imperative crucial strategy of importance building a strong relationship with customers. Consumer spent 861.1 billion online with US merchants in 2020 a 44 percent increase over the year according to Digital Commerce 360. That is the highest annual economic growth in the last two decades. It has nearly tripled 15 percent increase in 2019. Mobile commerce sales is expected to rise 2.92 trillion in 2020 eCommerce store owners are implementing mobile optimization online store to attract consumers in an effort to grow their business. Online business opportunities to kick off your career can be profitable in developing brand strategies for profitability. Technologies that benefit business operations often expand growth using automation improve consumers’ experience adopting mobile innovation in 2021.

Facebook Messenger allows users to seamlessly connect with friends and family using the fast free video chat and text secure service.  Commonly referred to as Messenger was originally developed as Facebook Chat in 2008, the company remolded the messaging service application in 2010, finally releasing Android and ios apps in August 2011.  Facebook messenger has grown in popularity over the years with 1.82 billion active mobile phone messaging app worldwide users as of 2017.

Mutable messaging apps are available however the Facebook messenger application has grown exponentially serving people in global proportions. Messenger works across desktop and mobile devices available to use anywhere you go with built-in international capabilities.  Connect with others using the all in one messenger service to text or chat expressing a conversation or share a favorite photo.

New technologies advance mobile messaging services to include new methods of communication through apps.  In recent years optimizing features in text messaging or video chat with the introduction of voice allows people to communicate better in personal or business use. Recent data indicates Facebook messenger is considered the most popular social networking messaging app among people in the United States with 2.3 million downloads from the Apple App Store online.


Patricia Lynn



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Patricia Lynn

Author of Business Today Pro. Providing the latest news and update information on business, online marketing, tech, how to make money online, how to make money with advertising, websites, blogging, affiliate marketing and much more...