Meta Immersive Technology Experience 


Meta Evolution In Social Connection

Meta Platforms. Inc is now doing business as Meta formally known as Facebook, Inc. It is a multinational technology conglomerate based in Menlo Park California. It is a parent organization of Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp among other subsidiaries. Mark Zuckerburg shares his vision for bringing metaverse to life developing exciting new technologies that will help people connect across the globe. In recent decades technology has given people the power to connect across the world expressing themselves naturally. When Facebook first started texting on websites was prevalent among users.  Mobile technology was developed with camera features used to capture moments of our lives making the internet more visual to the consumer. Connections got faster and video became an established source people used as a social connection adding a personal feel to your message used as a richer way to share experiences.

Advances in technology have gone from desktop to the web to mobile with amazing features like text to video to camera functions. Meta is one of the world’s most valued companies, considered one of the Big Tech companies in the US. alongside with Alphabet, Google, Apple, Microsoft, and Amazon. The next platform will be more immersive on the internet where you’re in the experience not just looking at it from a screen. This is called the metaverse that will touch every product they build from now on.  In the metaverse, you will be able to do almost anything you can imagine like get together with friends, family, shop, work or create as well as whole new experiences that do not really fit how we think about computers or phones today. In October 2021 media outlets reported that the parent company of Facebook planned to change it’s name to reflect its focus on building metaverse. 

The metaverse is a hypothetical interaction of the internet supporting 3D virtual environments through conventional personal computing as well as virtual augmented reality headsets. In the future, you will be able to instantly transport yourself as a hologram to be at the office without a commute, or in your parent’s living room to catch up or at a concert with friends. You will be able to spend more time on doing what matters the most crucial time spent in traffic ultimately reducing your carbon footprint. The metaverse was built by creators and developers making new experiences including digital items that are interoperable to unlock a larger creative economy than one that is restrained by today’s platforms and their policies. Facebook brought Metaverse to life accelerating the development of fundamental technologies using social platforms and creative tools to enable better social experiences compared to anything that exists today.

Privacy and safety features need to be built into metaverse from day one including open standards of interoperability on the platform. This will require unique technical work supporting crypto and NFT projects in the community. Especially they need help to build ecosystems so more people can have a stake in the future participating as creative consumers. Meta wants to make services accessible to as many people as possible which means reducing cost expenses to the consumer selling products at affordable prices.  The mobile app is free connection as the company continues to evolve in its new direction in 2021. The metaverse is the next evolution of social connection unlocking more potential online. The company’s vision is to bring the metaverse to life so they are changing their name to reflect their commitment to reflect their future business. 

The Metaverse will be social 3D spaces that will enable you to socialize, learn, collaborate and play in ways that go far beyond what you can imagine. Commerce tools are available at modest fees resulting in billions of people enjoying the service and hundreds of millions of businesses relying on their tools. They plan to sell their devices at a cost or subsidize to make them available to more people.  They continue to support side loading and streaming from PC’s providing more choices to the consumer to find apps at the Quest Store.  The aim is to offer developer and creative services with low fees so they can maximize the overall creative economy. The metaverse is the next frontier connecting people worldwide just as social networking was when they got started. Over time meta wants metaverse to be seen as a company anchoring their work and their identity toward what they are building in the future.

The metaverse encompasses both social experiences with future technology and broadening their vision for adopting a new brand.  Their mission remains the same: bringing people together. The apps and brands are not changing either. They are still the company that designs technology around people featuring products, apps they now bring to life. Mark Zuckerberg says” I’m dedicating our energy to this-more than any other company in the world. If this is the future you want to see, I hope you will join us. The future is going beyond anything you can imagine.” They have built things that have brought people together in new ways learning from struggling social issues and living under closed platforms.  Now they are taking everything they have learned to help build the next chapter with meta.


Patricia Lynn


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Patricia Lynn

Author of Business Today Pro. Providing the latest news and update information on business, online marketing, tech, how to make money online, how to make money with advertising, websites, blogging, affiliate marketing and much more...