The Best Way to Earn Money With Google AdSense

google adsense

Optimize Your WordPress Blog & Earn Money With Google AdSense Ads

Make Money online with website monetization using Google AdSense Advertising for your business.  Learn how to set up your Google AdSense account in easy steps and what kind of advertising you can utilize for earning money online.  Turn your passion into profit by placing advertisements on your website.  AdSense is free to join and a simple way to make money online.  Over two million customers have chosen to work with Google AdSense to reach their target audience using ads that are relevant to their niche market.  Ads are carefully reviewed to ensure high quality and subject matter matches the intended market, even when viewed on tablets and smart phones.  The results will drive more traffic to your website and you will earn more money online with advertising.

The benefits of using Google AdSense are outstanding.  In 2015 they paid out nearly 10 Billion dollars to publishers and that is the power of AdSense. See the difference good quality ads can work for you by increasing revenue and maximizing profits.  Ads including rich media and text display is reviewed by experts to ensure the ads are safe for viewers and appropriate for your audience.

Millions of advertisers constantly bid for ad space and that means more relevant ads for your website and more money in your pocket.  You control the placement of the ads and the look and feel of the advertisements.  You have the ability to choose the text ads you want or block the ads you don’t want. You can even choose the categories that appear on your site. The decisions are completely up to you.

Connect with your audience wherever they are on cell phones, tablets or personal computers.  Mobile is built into AdSense using responsive ads that automatically adapt to different screen sizes making it a positive user experience on cell phones, tablet, and computers.  Earn revenue continually when users view your site on a smart phone or tablet.  Marketing on cell phones has skyrocketed over the past few years and has become the number one way to reach potential consumers.  Individuals usually have their cell phone or tablet with them at all times when they are out on location working, traveling, school, or shopping.  Research shows that consumers conduct searches for products and services on their mobile phones and tablets more often than using a computer.  This makes advertising on mobile devices an essential marketing strategy for publishers.

Analytics for Google AdSense will show you what is working and what is not.  Get an in-depth report to see how your ads are performing on your website.  Find and fix costly errors that can prevent you from earning revenue.  Totally optimize your site with ads that are high quality and relevant to your business or niche.  Get the real story with performance reports and metrics to show you where changes need to be made.  Maximize your earning potential by following Google AdSense analytics suggestions.  You can also get receive your stats with a Google AdSense app.  Stay on track with your analytic reports from any location with the click of a button.

Compare and learn with Google AdSense experiments by quickly creating, running, analyze, A/B testing without changing code.  AdSense lets you compare your ad settings agents a variation to see which ad performs the best. Once you view your analytics reports and metrics you will clearly see which ads are doing well and make any necessary adjustments in your layout.

Learn how to make money with your blog by implementing Google Adsense advertising to earn extra revenue.

Explore Different Ad Types

Text ads typically include a title with a clickable link to a web page one or two lines of text and a website address shown in green.  Text ads are also known as “ sponsored links” because of the links to the advertised website.  These ads can appere in Googles search results or on Google display network.  Text ads may look slightly different on Google network.

Display ads are in graphical ads offered in several different formats.  For ads to appear on your pages you must opted in to show ads on your space.  Display ads compete for the same space text ads are used.  Choosing to display both text ads and display ads will increase competition for ads to appear on your site and you may earn more money.  Googles unique technology determines on a page by page basis which ads will perform the best and make the most money on your website and serves those ads on your page. Google display ads are limited to 150KB in size and are not expected to affect the load time of most websites.  Display ads are only displayed on content pages, not in search result pages.

Display Ads Supported Formats

  • Billboard (970×250)
  • Large Letterhead (970×90)
  • Letter Board (728×90)
  • Mobile Banner (320×50)
  • Portrait (300×1050)
  • Half Page (300×600)
  • Medium rectangle (300×250)
  • Square (250×250)
  • Small Square (200×200)
  • Banner (468×60)
  • Half Banner (234×60)
  • Vertical Banner (120×240)
  • Wide Skyscraper (160×600)
  • Small Rectangle (180×150)
  • Skyscraper (120×600)
  • Button (125×125)
  • Half Banner (234×60)
  • Leaderboard (728×90)

online marketing

Can I Earn More Money With Display Ads?

Google AdSense cannot guarantee exactly how much money you will earn with advertising however by choosing to display both text and display ads you have a greater chance of maximizing your earning potential through advertising services.  Both text ads and display ads will compete in the same auction for advertising space on your pages and the ads that are expected to perform the best will be shown on your website.

Rich media ads are a group of interactive ad types that include HTML, video and flash ads.  You can choose whether you want to display rich media ads when creating or editing an ad unit and also set default ad type preferences for your account. Dynamic Image ads are animated graphical images that may appear in your ads units if you enable image ads. Video ads belong to a group of interactive types called rich media ads and are especially effective form of advertising.

HTML ads are customized interactive sites as mini sites that can appear on Google ads on sites using Google AdSense for content.  HTML is a type of rich media ad used in ads and on web pages online and can appear in the same ad size that supports image ads.  For one of your HTML ads to show up in your ad units, you will need to use one of these ad sizes and have display ads enabled for the process to work.  Analytics reporting will show click through rates.  When someone clicks an ad and goes to the advertisers website or clicks on a link that goes to the advertisers website each click is calculated and shown in your analytics report.  Depending on the advertisers implementation this click could be made on a link or logo.

Link units display a list of topics relevant to the content or niche on your site and when a user clicks on one of those topics they are brought to a page related to that topic.  You wont receive any money from clicks on those topics you will be paid for clicks on the ads on the resulting page.

Responsive web design ad units allows you to control the presentation of the ad properties size on the screen device that is being viewed.  A responsive ad unit lets you control the size of the ad and layout of the rest of your page across all devices, computer, cell phone and tablet.  Automatic sizing is used based on size available to save you time and effort.  The responsive ad code automatically adapts the ad unit size to the layout preferences.  Google AdSense calculates the ads size based on the ad unit and parent container and then determine the best slandered height to go with that width.

Check to see if you content is matched and eligible by checking to see if your website meets the minimum requirements of traffic volume and unique pages on your site.  You check your website eligibility of “matched content” by going to your Google AdSense account and checking “my sites” section.  To check eligibility sign into your AdSense account.  Click the gear icon and select settings. In the side bar select” my sites”.  Under my sites select “ Matched Content” In the sites section see if your website is eligible.  If your website is listed you may place matched content on your pages.  If your site is not currently listed your website is not eligible for matched content.



AdSense Plugin for WordPress Blogs

Earn money by placing ads on your site using the AdSense plugin, managed by WordPress.  Linking your WordPress website to your Google AdSense account makes it easy to place ads on your site without needing to manually modify HTML code.  This plugin allows you place AdSense ads on your website using a simple point and click UI rather than manually adding snippets yourself.  To use Google AdSense without the plugin would first involve generating the AdSense snippet and then pasting the snippet directly in the text of the site or PHP.  Google automatically determines placements of AdSense ads and suggests an ad layout.  You get to decide the final layout and design of your website.  Using the AdSense plugin will save time and effort when customizing your Google AdSense campaigns.

This version of AdSense plugin allows you to place ads on your website and make money from advertising.  Use the automated mobile ads selection to add advertising to mobile units capturing targeted traffic from users worldwide.  Manage ads easily with the point and click interface.  Use the manual option to add ads to certain pages yourself or choose to exclude certain ads from view.

If you want to make money online with your own blog or website you can fully optimize your earning potential by adding advertisements using Google AdSense services.  If you are new to online marketing there are great services available to show you how to create a WordPress website from scratch.  Learn from the experts on how to purchase a domain name, configure a WordPress website, choose a niche and online marketing.  Check the resources below for more detailed information.

Get two Free WordPress websites and tutorials at Wealthy Affiliate.  There you can learn how to choose a niche, design a website, configure settings and online marketing.

If you want to make money online check out Generate Traffic Pro for detailed information on Affiliate Marketing and online marketing. Watch the free affiliate marketing video by Clickbank.   Sign up for FREE advertising with Mega SEO Submitter.

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Patricia Lynn

Images Courtesy of Digital Marketing Agency, typography images at

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Patricia Lynn

Author of Business Today Pro. Providing the latest news and update information on business, online marketing, tech, how to make money online, how to make money with advertising, websites, blogging, affiliate marketing and much more...