Adopting Technology Advancements Increase Productivity   


Adopting Technology Empowering Solutions

Adopting technology empowers people to accomplish more using trending innovations in 2020.  Technology is constantly evolving personal computing improves communication in business provides more opportunities for growth. Advances in email services prove to be exceptional is easily accessible from any location as long as you have an internet connection.

Worldwide businesses have been outsourcing work to reduce expenses as 53 million freelance workers in the US  feel positive about conducting business online.  Business solutions focus on Freelancers from one hundred eighty countries who have worked remotely from Elance-Odesk with an outstanding rate of 9.7 million. Work completed annually at 940 million worth of work has been successfully completed through outsourcing contracting people for business purposes.

Facebook Messenger

Facebook messenger platform offers users seamless integration in the platform creating an enjoyable personal experience.  In the United Staes Facebook ranked third in leading apps among shoppers before device shopping sessions with a 7.8 percent development rate ranking even higher compared to Google and Amazon in search as of December 2017.  Facebook Messenger payment system supports online monetary transactions serves as an electronic alternative to paper methods.

Messenger lite broadened serving 132 countries in April 2017 updating video chats giving users the ability to add animated versions of Facebook reactions including exploding halo of hearts when sending an emoji. Capture screenshots with editing capabilities with Messenger with live filters that can change the lighting and color in the feed.

Virtual Reality Experience

Virtual reality applications make use of VR and immersive sensory experience that digitally simulates a remote environment in conjunction with an environment including entertainment gaming or used for educational purposes. MR integrates realism with virtual worlds to create new environments for visualizing where a digital and physical object appears through imagery that exists interacting in real time.

Augmented reality AR is an interactive simulated experience where objects that occupy the real world are enhanced by computer-generated perceptual information digitally adopting technology benefits user experience.

Microsoft Office 365

Bill Gates of Microsoft is well known for developing programs, technological advances in computers to find new solutions for the way we conduct business. Gates grew to become a business mogul and principal founder of Microsoft Corporation in America.

Microsoft Office 365 is a subscription service offered by Microsoft as part of the Microsoft Product line.  Collaborate with online versions of  Word, Excell, PowerPoint, One Note to create documents, spreadsheets, and presentations online in one convenient service that increases productivity. Microsoft 365 brings together advanced productivity apps with impressive cloud services, advanced security, device management in one connected experience.

The consumer and small business plans of 365 Office were renamed Microsoft 365 in April 2020 which emphasizes productivity features outside the core of the software.  Microsoft offers thousands of customizable templates for business or personal use creating a wide variety of formatted documents. 

PowerPoint templates provide a starting point for users who want to create graphical data presentations offering multiple themes, designs, and chart choices all professionally designed.  Microsoft 365 cloud was created to help you pursue your passion in managing your own business using powerful product line software suite increases productivity online.   


Patricia Lynn

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Patricia Lynn

Author of Business Today Pro. Providing the latest news and update information on business, online marketing, tech, how to make money online, how to make money with advertising, websites, blogging, affiliate marketing and much more...