Bitcoin Cryptocurrency Widely Adopted Globally


Bitcoin Digital Currency

Bitcoin is a digital cryptocurrency payment system used online or cell phones to pay for products or instantly receive money through an electronic transaction.  Bitcoin is the first widely adopted cryptocurrency which is just another way of saying digital currency. Founder of Bitcoin Satoshi Nakamoto purchased the domain on August 18, 2008, as a registered business domain name.

Bitcoins are created as a reward for a process known as mining a record-keeping service through the use of computer processing power. The current price of 1 bitcoin 48,209.14 United States dollars in March 2021. Nakamoto decided to apply the Bitcoin software as an open-source code made available with a license in which the holder provides the rights to modify, study and distribute software for any purpose at any time.

Coinbase powers cryptoeconomy with 43 million verified users, 7,000 institutions, 115,000 ecosystems, partners in over 100 countries people trust Coinbase to easily and securely invest, spend, save and earn use crypto.   Bitcoin has become a major source of payment method for e-commerce businesses and may become a serious contender to money transfer compared to traditional monetary transactions using money. Customers around the world begin their journey with crypto through Coinbase.  There will only ever be 21 million bitcoin.  Digital money can not be inflated or manipulated in any way. It isn’t necessary to buy an entire bitcoin, you can buy just a fraction of one if that is all you need.

Bitcoin cryptocurrency worldwide digital payment reaches new heights in 20201. Virtual currency was established with the main objective to enable swift, cheap online payments without the use of traditional banking channels. Bitcoin is a decentralized currency money-like asset primarily managed, stored or exchanged on digital computer systems. Bitcoin gained popularity when the price jumped from 572,33 US dollars in August 2016 to an astounding approximation of 4,764.87 in August 2017.  According to CoinMetrics and Forbs, 281,000 bitcoins were sold by owners who held them for only 30 days in March 2020.

Researchers found that the number of users has grown significantly since 2013 when there were between 300.000 to 1.3 million active users.  Studies now show a huge increase of unique users in 2017 of individuals using a cryptocurrency wallet reaching 2.9 million to 5.8 million most of them using Bitcoin for transactions. The future of this virtual currency is yet unknown to many as a reliable secure online payment method.

Bitcoins have grown in circulation since the beginning of the creation of this digital virtual currency to 18,643,612.5 in existence in 2021. This number changes every 10 minutes when new blocks are mined.  In the blockchain, bitcoins are registered to a Bitcoin address.  Creating a bitcoin address requires nothing more than picking a random valid private key and computing the corresponding bitcoin address.

Bitcoin is an app users can access on a computer or cell phone that acts as an online wallet.  This digital payment method is easier to use compared to conventional credit cards or debit cards.  Make payments by entering the recipient’s address to the location you want the payment to be sent, enter the amount of money you want to send then select send.


Patricia Lynn



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Patricia Lynn

Author of Business Today Pro. Providing the latest news and update information on business, online marketing, tech, how to make money online, how to make money with advertising, websites, blogging, affiliate marketing and much more...