Business Enterprise Revolutionized


Business Transformative View

Business across the globe implement technology transform the way companies connect with others through messaging apps, use social media presence continues to prosper through adversity now face a safety-first mentality. There are 30.2 billion registered small businesses in the United States as of 2020, prevalent in health care and social assistance industries hold the highest survival rates. They account for 99.9 percent of businesses in the country contribute to international trade with small business exports currently totaling 287,385.  According to Trading Economics exports from the United States increased USD 3.6 billion or 2.2 percent USD 171.9 billion in August 2020 global demand continues to recover from the pandemic. 

In a time where social distancing is important working remotely may provide solutions for effective business strategies. Online services provide individuals with new opportunities for managing a business using the internet from any location with an internet connection. Microbusinesses are vital for the US economy defined as a firm with less than 10 employees.  The Small Business Administration, SBA suggests, small businesses are responsible for 20 percent of job turnover significant indicators of importance. Small companies create 1.5 million jobs annually accounting for 64 percent of new jobs in the United States, small to midsize businesses are crucial for economic growth in 2020. 

Billions of people are connected online globally as part of a modern society using technology to their advantage to conduct common transactions making life easier for most people utilizing computers, smartphones, and tablets in the workforce.  Social media networks benefit business building communities providing a direct connection to a large audience through communication increases brand awareness. Approximately 4.54 people were active internet users as of January 2020 including 59 percent of the global population.  Between 2005 -2017 there was a 159% increase in remote work include 3.9 million workers living in the US.  Today that number has escalated to 4.7 million or 3.4 percent of the population forecasts a major upward trend working online. 

Widening skills gap in the workforce high unemployment millions of jobs have gone unfulfilled many blue-collar vocations are in demand for fields including health, advanced manufacturing, automotive, construction, information technology.  According to the Bureau Of Labor and Statistics, there were 7 million jobs available across the country often additional education is necessary including an apprenticeship before qualifications are met.  Virtual learning is an environment in educational technology using a web-based platform for digital aspects of courses of study usually within educational institutions that have been adopted in almost all higher education institutions in the English-speaking world.

Codecademy leaders in online education have taught 45 million people how to code influencing the online learning experience.  Modern tech innovators created an engineering education for business including interactive lessons practicing new skills as a great developing tool.  Codecademy Pro contains everything in basic plus advanced tools and content you need to make learning more efficient using hundreds of additional exercises, practice packets quizzes to enhance technological skills.

Structured curriculum roadmaps where to start and what to do next teaching core skills in Computer Science, Web Development, Data Science, as well as skill paths focusing on shorter-term goals continuing education building a solid foundation in career tech.  Master the languages of the web CSS, HTML, JavaScript, SQL used in internet applications, building a website, electronic business services online. Social distancing business techniques used as a component in digital marketing uses the internet for Youtube video services digital media platforms promoting their brand as the digital platform became increasingly relevant in today’s society. 

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Patricia Lynn




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Patricia Lynn

Author of Business Today Pro. Providing the latest news and update information on business, online marketing, tech, how to make money online, how to make money with advertising, websites, blogging, affiliate marketing and much more...