Business Trends Influence Future Strategies For Entrepreneurs


New Techniques Used In Business Trends

Business Trends for 2018 have changed drastically due to new technological advances in products and services individuals use every day.  Entrepreneurs have the ability to use the internet for building a business from scratch while promoting their brand to a worldwide audience,  According to the National Association of Small Business Economic Report, surveys suggest 42 percent of business owners are S-corporations followed by 22 percent of businesses have an LLC.

Developers are finding new methods of communication through data-driven concepts to improve productivity.  Analytical statistics can provide solutions for increased time management skills used to increase employee performance while increasing financial gains.  Since 2008 there has been a subsection of Google Trends which uses analytical data to measure traffic to websites, rather than using search data.  This popular service is provided by Alexa Internet.

Alexa Internet

Alexa Internet Inc. is an American Based Company in California that provides commercial web traffic through analytical data information and is a subsidiary of Amazon.  Founded in 1996 as an independent company, Alexa has been owned by Amazon since 1999. According to its website, Alexa provides detailed information on 30 Million websites including web traffic and global rankings are considered one of the best business trends used for analytics.

The right information can be a powerful tool for promoting your business using marketing research strategies. Alexa provides comprehensive data collection website owners can sign up for allowing them access to certified statistics.  As of 2015, the website has been visited by 6.5 million people monthly.

Social Media Marketing Techniques

Social media marketing techniques enhance business grew substantially by developing a strong presence online.  Content marketing rules as one of the best methods of delivering relevant information to a targeted audience.  Posting on all social media platforms can increase sales and conversions dramatically.

According to We Are Social 3.196 billion global social media users as of 2018 indication of the importance of each platform. Business trends in social media content have gained popularity over recent years providing business owners with new methods of reaching a targeted audience.

Increase awareness of your brand benefiting from social media exposure.  Benefit from social posts connecting to a specific community related to your expertise.  It is one of the most cost effective marketing methods used to syndicate original content across all devices including cell phones, computers, and iPads helping business owners increase your visibility.

Social media continues to grow rapidly as the total number of people connecting on networking sites has increased to 1 million new users per day. Statistics indicate there are more than 3 billion people from around the world who access social media each month with 9 out of 10 users who connect on mobile devices.


Mobile Marketing

Mobile marketing is a multi-channel online strategy used to promote businesses brands with advertising to a targeted audience on tablets and smartphones.  Optimizing your website for mobile views is essential for your success using the latest technological advances offered to date.  Research indicates as of March 2017 80% of the top 100 Alexa websites are mobile adaptive according to Mobiforge.

According to Daniel Rowles new book, Mobile Marketing titled How Mobile Technology is Revolutionizing Marketing Communications and Advertising is useful for marketing purposes including statistical and data information.

Mobile marketing can provide unique methods of delivering content to customers who are interested in your business through email, SMS messaging, and MMS social media marketing techniques.  Mobile marketing is a quick and easy application used to promote products, services, and personalized information.

Data is collected from the consumer to refine your mobile marketing campaigns known as Big Data.  This information allows agencies the ability to tailor sales and promotions through mobile advertising techniques.

If you want to be competitive with your advertising campaigns you need to include a mobile optimized website for reaching full marketing potential. Smart Insights indicates 80% of internet users own a smartphone indicating a huge demographic that cannot be ignored by marketers who want to gain popularity.


Automation Propels Growth

Marketing automation in business trends for 2018 refers to new technologies used by platforms designed for marketing establishments to market online through multiple channels including websites, social media, and email services to automate repetitive tasks.

Specialized software increases efficiency reduces human error while increasing productivity in sales and promotions. According to some estimates spending on automation software for marketing may hit 32 billion dollars and is expected to increase as businesses begin to use new technological advances in marketing.

Marketing intelligence uses tracking codes in web pages, social media, and emails allowing marketers the ability to simplify client communications through analytical information. SharpSpring full marketing automation is dedicated to providing solutions for your business using a full-featured platform using reporting analytics and anonymous ID tracking helps businesses stay ahead of the competition.

Video Content Ranks High

YouTube video marketing guides business strategies used to propel growth and profits.  Using video to increase brand awareness is now considered one of the top business trends for promoting products and services.  Creating unique videos for publication on social media and video sharing networks provides consumers a brief visual description pertaining to your topic of interest.

YouTube can be navigated in 75 different languages covering 95% of the internet population all indications the popularity of video content and the potential for businesses reaching a huge demographic.

A video is an excellent marketing method to deliver educational tutorials used to promote software or products the consumer can use in their business.  Statistics show that every minute more than 100 hours of video are uploaded to YouTube every minute and has over 1  billion users totally one third of the people on the internet.  Increase brand awareness with your business creating a short weekly video providing great information about your business.


Affilorama a full training center and online community designed to help affiliate marketers using the latest in online marketing strategies including 4 different learning programs and free lessons. The Affiloblueprint is a step by step proven system to help you make money online that is full proof and completely achievable for anyone who wants to start a business online.

Affilorama Premium is for more advanced marketers who want to ramp up their marketing techniques provides information about tactics, tools, and services you can use to promote your business successfully.

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Patricia Lynn

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Patricia Lynn

Author of Business Today Pro. Providing the latest news and update information on business, online marketing, tech, how to make money online, how to make money with advertising, websites, blogging, affiliate marketing and much more...