CES 2018 Technology Electronic Show Innovation Reaches Global Proportions   

ces-exhibition 2018

New Technology Exhibitions for Business Development

Technology continues to grow through new inventions by the new or existing business have the opportunity to showcase their newest inventions at the CES Consumer Electronics Show in Los Vagus United States starting January 9 -12 2018.  This year 170,000 people expected to attend the event at the Convention Center including 3,900 or more exhibitions for businesses introducing the newest tech gadgets.

CES is owned and produced by the Consumer Electronics Association which provides the optimum platform for technology leaders to connect, communicate and collaborate on new and exciting engineering advances enabling innovation to move forward.  With 11 official locations, CES 2018 includes 2.5 million square feet of exhibition space and features 24 categories of products including 20 marketplaces.

Take advantage of all services offered by CES 2018 has to offer for business meetings, conference programming, product launches in addition to exploring the exhibition floor.  Register in advance at CES planning your itinerary to schedule your agenda for dates and times of the event. Registration information can be found online at CES website offering 3 pass types for consumers to choose from.

View the newest consumer technology at CES 2018 to have the opportunity to hear from over 200 CES conference sessions including top visionaries and industry leaders who are promoting futuristic products in conjunction with detailed information you can use to launch and promote new products.

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Featured Exhibitions CES 2018

Featured exhibitions  CES 2018 innovation awards is an annual competition recognizing distinguished engineering in consumer technology products and exceptional design of new creations.  Best of innovations include the following list for 2018.

  • Siren Diabetic Socks
  • 2018 Nissan Leaf
  • 2018 Samsung 75″ S9
  • 3D Touch Surface Display
  • Aipoly Autonomous Store
  • AMD RyzenThredripper 1950X
  • Buddy the first Companion for home use
  • Camera 3D
  • Wallet Card
  • AR4 the revolutionary A.l Security
  • Beosound shape
  • Astel & Kerin A&ultima SP 1000
  • Dell Ocean Bound Plastics
  • Elliq
  • Etherial-Halo
  • InstruMMent 01 the worlds first dimensioning instrument
  • Intell Movidius Neural
  • Kensington Verimark Finger Print Key
  • Lancy Smart Battery
  • LG4K UHD Projector
  • LIght 16 Camera
  • Long Range wireless power for mobile and loT applications
  • LooxidVR
  • Mars
  • Aflack Duck
  • Nuraphone
  • NUVIC first integrated head-up display for motorcyclists.
  • Samsung Family Hub refrigerator
  • Trident 3 Arctic
  • WHILL Model CI
  • Willow Wearable Breast

CES features 4000 exhibitions each year from influential prominent tech billionaires to entrepreneurs who are just beginning their business introducing their product launch.  Companies including Google, Samsung, Panasonic display the newest tech gadgets for the latest public presentation reach global exposure advancing billionaire tech moguls.

Highlights of the newest technology now available include LG Smart Washer a washer Dryer, 3D face-scanning, and cameras by Bellus 3D.  Take a closer look at some of the newest products on display at the Consumer Electronics Show in Los Vegas where innovation reaches global proportions.

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2018 Nissan Leaf Auto

The new Nissan Leaf compact car 100% electric powdered automobile has a battery range of 150 mi and costs consumers approximately 29,990.  According to Green Car reports 3000.000 Nissan Leaf electric cars examples were delivered although the automaker did not detail which generation model was issued.

Nissan is the first auto manufacturer in the world to mass produce an electronic automobile fairly priced, has room to celebrate this week launching the best-advanced car in the world.

Blue Frog Robotics Home Companion Technology

Blue Frog Robotics small portable robot is the first mechanical home companion costing approximately 1,500.00. This category of products is perfect for those who are living at home alone or for someone who is lonely needed companionship.  This amazing robot is able to recognize faces of family members and pets as well as patrol the house acting as a security system webcam moving around the hose giving you a remote view of what is going on in your house.

Interact vocally with your Blue Frog Robot talking to it as a digital assistant asking it questions like ” What is the weather” or “Tell me a joke”.  This home companion may be a great solution for those who are home alone or need some form of digital assistants.  Buddy protects the home while entertaining the kids helping you stay connected with the one you love.

Dell Open Bound Plastics

Dell Ocean Bound Plastics is changing traditional plastic material into green packaging and shipping material helping to protect the environment and ecosystem from damaging pollutants. Studies indicate an estimated 86 million tons of metric plastics in the oceans right now and the company Dell wants to change those statistics by providing green materials that stay in the economy and out of the oceans.

Dell has created the first ocean-bound plastic used for global commercial grade supply chain use made from plastics found in waterways, beaches, oceans and other coastal areas.  This project is intended to reduce16,000 pounds of plastic out of our oceans helping wildlife and humans live in a more friendly environment.  This product is introduced at the CES Consumer Electronics Show using technology and recycled materials to formulate green packaging.  Find more ways you can help by visiting their website at www,dell.com.

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CES Consumer Electronics Show

For more information about how you can visit CES the Consumer Electronics Show in Los Vagus visit their website at www.ces.tech/Logistics-Dates-and Hours.  For those who want to reserve a booth for exhibition in 2019 contact CES a sales representative at CES.  Simply fill out the application selecting areas of interest, category your products will be displayed in and a select item you would like to learn about exhibit space,

CES is the official name for the International Consumer Electronic Show held as an annual tradeshow event organized by the Technology Association and is considered the worlds best convention center for entrepreneurs as well as businesses who want to advance the engineering industry.

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Patricia Lynn


Images Courtesy of RemazteredStudioGeraltat Pixbay.com

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Patricia Lynn

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