Charitable Giving Holiday Guide Revolutionize Philanthropy 


 Gift Giving Making Informed Decisions

Charitable giving to an organization through financial support can have a lasting effect on special causes helping meet critical needs in nearby communities, close to home or distant locations around the world.  According to the National Center of Charitable Statistics NCCS 1.5 million nonprofit organizations are registered in the United States providing assistance to special causes in the US and abroad.    

Studies indicate 95% of individuals contribute to charities each year donating personal time or financial support giving back to society. Charitable giving can result in a lasting impact bringing about desired changes providing financial means for basic necessities in times of crises.

Charity Navigator is your guide to intelligent given using objective ratings to find charities you can trust and support using compiled data to learn about nonprofit organizations.  Discover how to browse by category related to hot topics in charitable giving in various areas from protecting the environment to famine and drought.

Browse related charities rated by categories to gather information on donating to a specific charity in times of crises. Giving by individuals totaled an estimated 286.85 billion dollars, increasing to 5.2 percent in the year 2017 indicators of generosity of charitable giving in times of need,    

Providing financial donations to a charitable organization is a fast and effective method to show support to a cause of interest.  Making informed decisions relating to donating financial support assists in being proactive in your giving.

Charitable Giving Exceeds Expections

Start researching charities of interest to identify charities important to you.  When contributing be specific about the impact you want your financial donation to make.  In the United States, Americans contributed to charities worldwide in 2017 demonstrates a commitment to philanthropy of charitable giving promoting the welfare of others especially through financial donations.

Contributions to charities exceeded expectations indicating Americans are donating to special causes according to personal beliefs and interests. Giving by corporations is estimated to have increased by 8.0 percent in 2017 totaling 20.77 billion an increase of 5.7 percent.

As more resources are available people are choosing to make a difference in the lives of others donating time to a charitable organization or contributing a financial donation in support.  Giving by foundations increased to 6.0 percent to an estimated 66.90 billion dollars in 2017 an increase of 5.7 percent.

While policy changes may have played a role in regular charitable giving of contributions in 2017 new tax policy regulations established in late December 2017 will affect charitable giving in 2018.  

charitable-givingHow To Choose A Charity

Start selecting a charity by first identifying your beliefs and interest to recognize preferences to clarify core values.  Volunteering personal time in a charitable organization may be beneficial for researching a charity of interest learning the business from a new perspective while donating time to the organization.

GuideStar search database for complete detailed information on how to make clear decisions about nonprofit charitable giving in an effort to find charities that meet your criteria.  GuideStar compiles data about charities in the United States, distributing well-organized information to the consumer assists individuals in making informed decisions for charitable giving.

Analytics indicates 9 million people accessed GuideStar database last year to make informed decisions about charitable giving through Facebook, AmazonSmile, and Network for good major donor-advised funds including more than 200 other partner websites and applications used for donations.

Benefits of Charitable Giving

Charitable giving can have enormous benefits financially and ethically donating to a nonprofit organization.   The tax benefits for the organization and donors make this a good business to start.  Helping those in need by donating money or volunteering your time can improve someone else life by proving food, shelter, medicine, spiritual enrichment, education, social and emotional empowerment, and caregiving.

Every dollar counts and adds up very quickly for charitable giving to special causes.  Nonprofit charities offer several ways for donors to make a contribution to your charity such as sponsoring a child for one low monthly payment or request a one- time donation of 100.00, 50.00, 10.00 or less.  Any gift would be appreciated and help families with their nutritional and eduicational support.

Large and small corporations make sizable donations each year for a worthy cause and receive a tax break for their charitable contributions.  Request donations for emergency nonprofit charity support helping you cause in times of need. Offer donators a chance to select gifts to send that will feed hungry children such as a flock of chickens, cow giving milk, goats or other livestock as part of charitable giving.

Justgiving Their goal is to create resources and tools that encourage people to make charitable donations part of their life.  Matching charities with a donor who wants to make a monetary donation to the charity of their choice.  Connecting people with the right charity and causes they are interested in around the world.


Top Charities

A good charity has all the right elements in place making it easy for donors to contribute to the cause.  Have a good business plan in place with all the legal paperwork and applications filed.

Follow yu states compliance for running that nonprofit charity, along with an easy to use website.  Make donating a breeze with several charitable giving of donation options for your nonprofit charity.

Donors can make a small contribution and help someone in a distant country start a business giving them the revenue they need to succeed.  Donors can even purchase a cow that gives daily milk to hungry developing children. offers donors many ways to contribute to their charity making donating money an easy and pleasurable experience for the consumer.

Compassion For Children

Compassion for Children is dedicated to helping children and families in need.  This website has a good online presence and has good standing with the Better Business Bureau.  Making a donation is easy and affordable for most consumers.  Charitable giving for the organization is collecting donations to sponsor children in need of food, medicine, education, and housing needs.

Communicate with these families through letters of correspondence giving hope where it is needed the most. Donators can also send a flock of chicken that will provide protein, eggs to eat and sell at their local market to earn an income for their families.

This is a list of the top ten charities of 2018 and special interest groups making a difference in communities near and far away.  Charitable giving is dedicated to helping a specific group of individuals, for example, helping children, homeless, orphans, animals in need, or developing a cure for a disease.

Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation provides new opportunities for providing computers and internet access to qualified individuals.  In developing countries, its primary focus is to improve the health with good nutrition lifting then out of hunger and poverty.

In the United States, the foundation seeks to provide new opportunities to qualified individuals with limited resources to succeed in school and life using charitable donations.


UNICEF USA charitable giving supports a mission to fight survival and development for all children.  UNICEF aides in the relief during emergency relief efforts in times of natural disasters. The organization began in the aftermath of World War ll supplying supplements and dried milk, medications, immunizations and urgent assistance to starving and ill children in China, the Middle East, and Europe.

Today UNICEF serves 190 countries and territories to help save children and save lives. using charitable donations helping the organization through finicial support.

Doctors Without Borders

Doctors Without Borders is a non-governmental organization assisting international humanitarian efforts.  Responding to emergency situations as an independent global movement providing medical assistance where assistance is needed the most.

Supply centers across the globe make sure Doctors Without Borders is responding to emergency situations as quickly as possible in locations including Central America, East Asia, East Africa, and Europe. Logistical centers provide prepackaged disaster kits, nonperishable items, tents for immediate use in the event of a disaster.

Watch Hunger Stop

Michale Koors 5 Anniversary Watch Hunger Stop campaign to fight global hunger initiative partner with the United Nations World Food program.  Funds raised support WFP’s school meals program supplying nutritious meals to 18 million children in 60 countries through charitable giving.

Build a world without hunger using in-depth programs for self-sustaining communities.  New educational programs offer training and support showing enormous possibilities in future growth.   As a community, WFP’s home-grown school meals initiative purchases food from local farmers to support local economies.

In 2013 Michale Koors partnered with the United Nations World Food program to help fight hunger worldwide helping to deliver food to children through the WFP’s school meals program. The Watch Hunger Stop campaign has helped deliver over 18 million meals to children in need.

Humane Society

The Humane Society of the United States will be a hero for all animals International works around the globe to promote humane animal bond to protect and rescue cats and dogs, protect wildlife, improve farm animal welfare, promote animal-free testing and research.  The Humane Society responds to natural disasters and comfort cruelty to animals in all of it;s form.  With the support of donors and advocates, the Humane Society is creating a sustainable world for all animals including people  through education advocacy and the promotion of respect and caring.

Heifer International

Heifer International is a global nonprofit organization with a mission to end hunger and poverty through sustainable development within communities.  Since 1944 the organization used a holistic approach distributing livestock including, water buffalo goats along with resources and training to 20.7 million families across 125 countries.

Passing on the gift is part of Heifer International charitable giving model for sustainable development sharing and caring within the community.  Participants in the program become donors themselves to contribute to a unified group improving self-reliance through educational efforts.  Participants take responsibility in the program as community members decide together what kind of animal and assistance they need through charitable giving.

Heifer expects recipients to receive nutritional support and income as a reward through a gift of an animal through the consumption or sale of animal products and through sustainable farming efforts. Giving an animal through charitable giving is like giving someone a business providing eggs, milk, and wool.  Animal donations can give a family needed to support increasing access to food, medicine, school, and a livelihood that is sustainable in the future.

Toys For Tots

As the holidays approach the Toys for Tots campaign is in full force collecting toys which are distributed to children whose parents can not afford to purchase gifts for Christmas.  The Marine Toys For Tots Foundation is a nonprofit charity that serves to raise and fund support for the program.  Every child deserves a little Christmas.

How To Start A Nonprofit Charity

Starting a nonprofit business online takes a lot of work and commitment on a daily basis to enhance charitable giving to special interests.   Having the right tools and resources can make your job so much more productive.  Having a good website in a particular niche can earn you a good income if your website is properly optimized to maximize your income.

The United States exceeds 3 billion annually in nonprofit donations.  Online gift-giving is on the rise as individuals want to make charitable donations to a specific cause they are interested in.  Establishing a nonprofit charity is a great way to give back to your community or someone else in a distant country. Follow these tips on how to start a nonprofit charity and help those in need.

There are great resources that can analyze your website for free and give you instant suggestions on how to improve your SEO online.  The results will be more visitors to your website and your charity business will grow.  Starting a nonprofit charity is a great way to give back to your community or someone else in a distant country promoting charitable giving through a nonprofit organization.

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Patricia Lynn

Images Courtesy of Sasint at




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Patricia Lynn

Author of Business Today Pro. Providing the latest news and update information on business, online marketing, tech, how to make money online, how to make money with advertising, websites, blogging, affiliate marketing and much more...