Digital Transformations Generate New Opportunities In Business 

digital transformation

Finding Solutions With Digital Transformations

Digital transformations have revolutionized the way we do business using digital technology solving problems, creating new growth opportunities. Intelligent manufacturing will incorporate modern technologies into their organization developing digital products to improve operational efficiencies. The World Economic Forum focuses on shaping the future of the digital economy and the new value of creation developing digitally-driven business models utilizing new technologies to their advantage. 

It is estimated 70 percent of generated value is created in the economy based on digitally enabled platforms. Digital transformation has reshaped smart economics in the near future due to AI automation and IoT in industrial commercial uses with engineering processes.  

Dominate digital marketing using the internet as a primary tool of choice creating profitable solutions for business. The internet IoT integrated system of interrelated computer devices has evolved as mechanically due to the conveyances of multiple technologies in computing including machine learning, analytics, mobile, big data and embedded systems increasing productivity among all users.

Digital influences are recognized as a predominant resource used by manufacturers, leaders, businesses and consumers across the globe optimizing all industries creating new opportunities for people worldwide.  Approximately 4.54 billion people actually use the internet in January 2020 including 59 percent of the population who are searching for topics of interest often leading to economic growth corresponding with consumer spending of consumer products online or through retail sources.

Smartphone Advancement Apps

Since the development of the smartphone and the consecutive advancement of mobile apps, text messaging apps, free chat service has proven to be a cost-effective method of communication for private and business use.  As of October 2019, 1.6 billion users were accessing the popular WhatsApp messenger on a monthly basis particularly strong outside of the United States as one of the most popular social apps worldwide.

Social network Facebook acquired the mobile app in February in 2014 for 19 billion US dollars.  Mobile eCommerce research indicates 100 million consumers living in the United States own tablets for the convenience in connectivity at any location as a light portable device.

Digital transformations have affected the consumer market as 79 percent of smartphone users have made purchases using mobile devices in the last 6 months indicators on economic eCommerce shopping. Online revenue increased 6.2 billion on Cyber Monday 2019 as eager consumers used mobile devices as a preferred method for shopping.  Studies indicate people are more likely to interact with your website from a tablet or smartphone than a desktop.

Discover New Digital Opportunities

Affiliate Marketing is based on selling products and services on the internet, smartphone, and iPad generating commissions. Affiliates who sell products earn a  commission based on marketing efforts from the companies they represent.   Due to digital transformation, the market has grown rapidly with the complexity of emerging internet marketers, specialized third-party vendors, and affiliates who want to generate an income.

Entrepreneurs suggest 55 percent have implemented digital transformations in business strategy accelerating greater product development through efficient collaboration.  Research suggests the digital transformation is expected to generate over 370 billion dollars globally over the next 4 years as companies invest in new technologies that enable enhanced productivity at a lower cost.   

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Patricia Lynn

Images Courtesy of garelt at Pixbay

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Patricia Lynn

Author of Business Today Pro. Providing the latest news and update information on business, online marketing, tech, how to make money online, how to make money with advertising, websites, blogging, affiliate marketing and much more...