Dominate Digital Marketing Strategies Businesses Use to Excell Online


Enhance Digital Marketing Using Technology

Dominate the digital marketing place creating a successful campaign.  Business owners or start-ups are constantly looking for new and inventive strategies for gaining more profits.  Digital marketing also referred to as data have driven marketing a term used by professionals to market services and products using digital technologies, mainly on the internet,  cell phones, advertising, and other digital mediums.

Digital marketing strategies such as organic search engine optimization and other self-promoting techniques are becoming more common for advancement.   Techniques developed in 1990 and 2000 have changed the way companies, brands and businesses use technology to their advantage.

As social media platforms are easily incorporated into everyday life. Business owners realize the importance of building a brand awareness using technological advances.  Consumers are now using digital devices for shopping online instead of visiting a physical location, making digital marketing more prevalent for running a successful campaign.

New advancements in digital marketing have become more sophisticated over the years 2000 to 2010 when the proliferation of digital devices, giving instant access to the internet leading to huge profits.  Digital marketing growth is estimated at 4.5 trillion as served annually with digital media spending at 48% growth in the year 2010, making digital marketing number one for business owners.

Youtube video platform has made it easy to communicate with consumers by providing detailed information regarding products and services.  Creating a customized video on a consistent basis for your promotions will draw huge amounts of targeted traffic to your website.

Studies show digital marketing techniques including social media, SEO, influencer marketing, content automation, content marketing, sponsorship, blog posting, campaign marketing, data driven marketing, display advertising, e-books, games, and optical disks have become common online marketing techniques business owners use to dominate the competition.

Digital Marketing Methods

  • Organic search engine optimization- SEO
  • Influencer marketing
  • Social media, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram,
  • Content marketing
  • Guest posting
  • Data driven marketing
  • Ebooks
  • Infographics
  • Retargeting
  • Display advertising
  • Games
  • Mobile

Developing a Successful Campaign

Building a campaign from scratch starts with planning a digital strategy by reviewing their proposition (what the company is offering) and finding effective ways of utilizing digital technology to communicate that offer.  Define an outline describing a detailed analysis of the companies products and services combining full value proposition.   This means the business must be able to develop a clear concise plan of action in order to dominate any specific niche market.

The company should also select a target market approach to reach individual personas or group of individuals.  For example, if you are in the business of food or cooking your target market would be cooking, recipes, food preparation, cookbook.  Marketing to this group of individuals could be done through a website giving consumers valuable information about cooking.

Content marketing is considered the king of all marketing methods used for promoting products and services.

Posting on a blog including a video showing consumers how to make a specific recipe would be very popular with consumers.  Take that same video placing it on Facebook and Youtube including a link back to your website could be very profitable for your business.  Also, include a free pdf with terrific tips about your niche market asking subscribers for an email address.  This technique will build your email list over time as to dominate the market.



Tips Creating a Campaign

  • Develop an outline for marketing strategies
  • Find your niche market (what products do you want to sell or promote?)
  • List all digital marketing techniques your business wants to utilize
  • Determine how to get traffic to your website or offers- free traffic or paid
  • Dominate your market by implementing a funnel for your campaign
  • Build your email list by providing weekly newsletters including great information about your products

Create a successful campaign by reviewing all analytical data including your products and how much they are selling for to reach the correct price point.  After doing this correctly review the price of the item.  Where do you want to promote it and what is the target market you want to reach?  Some experts have added additional elements to consider when promoting products such as using traditional methods, physical appearance and the marking process.

Influencer marketing techniques are successful strategies business owners must implement when reaching new customers.

Taking action will require setting a clearly defined budget for all marketing methods.  New businesses are often set back due to budget strengths, however, using digital marketing offers free services on most platforms. Learning how to correctly implement each method of marketing does take time and effort for those who want to save money.

Setting a budget management system must include measurable touch points for reaching the largest audience across all digital platforms.  Marketers must ensure a management system intergrading the budget set for paid services, owned assets and earned revenue from the company.

The final process of developing a successful campaign includes writing useful content relevant to your niche market.  Create an editorial calendar for future content creation schedule, organize then produce weekly posts.


CoSchedual editorial calendar is the number one online marketing service for totally organizing your entire business all in one place. Get a full view of your entire schedule at a quick glance using CoScheduals drag and drop calendar.

Build a solid marketing plan including content creation, marketing, and social engagement promotion.  Integrate with tools you already love.  Creating content using Google Docs or gather statistical information with Google Analytics can be combined with CoSchedual Calander.

Majestic Tools

Majestic Tools Search engine link database for SEO professionals who want to dominate the market.  Find out how all the websites online link to each other using the largest link reference on the planet.  No other search engine or website provides as much detailed information about how the internet works together.

Site Explorer allows users to fully explore a domain URL in great detail.  Search the URL indexing placement of title and post in search engines.  Find the competition utilizing specific tools designed to help businesses dominate their market niche.

Utilize link intelligence API too from Majestic the ultimate custodians of the world’s advance link map.  Backlink checker tool allows SEO to determine the number of backlinks detected by sophisticated web robots, for URLs, domains, and sub- domains.  Registered users can simultaneously compare 5 URLs at one time, checking on backlink discovery and growth rate for competing for domain research.


Facebook Advertising Pixels Dominate The Market

Creative strategies for Facebook Marketing, dominate your niche campaign by developing a Facebook landing page.  Install a Facebook audience pixel on your website.

To add a Facebook pixel to a WordPress website log into your Facebook account.  Click the drop-down menu arrow icon at the top right-hand corner.  Scroll down to Facebook Advertising then click on that selection.  Go to Manage Ads then click on the Facebook Ads icon on the top left side of your screen.

Click on the icon to reveal a drop-down menu.  Go to Assets and scroll down to Pixels.  Create a custom pixel for your website.  Set up a powerful Facebook pixel to unlock tools from Facebook advertising.  Mesure real world outcomes utilizing tracking tools.

Optimize your advertising campaigns to deliver your ads to the right people and get more conversions for your business.  Build a targeted audience from individuals who have converted or from similar audiences to reach new individuals who may be interested in your niche market.

Create a custom pixel by clicking on the create a pixel button in your Facebook ads manager and agreeing to their terms and conditions.  Give your pixel a name for your personal reference.  Click on the pixel button to generate a pixel for your website.  Next, select how you want to install the pixel on your website.

Select your option and go to the next step.  Simply select, copy the code to paste into your WordPress website.  Watch the video tutorial for a complete demonstration.  Adding code to your website may be a technical challenge for some.  Find a qualified programmer who can handle this request for you to dominate the Facebook marketing area.


Power your online visibility with Moz online marketing tools.  Consistency is key when it comes to connecting with customers online.  Moz local helps new customers and search engines find your business online with local listings made easy.  In one easy step and nine dollars per month per listing, Moz will ensure your business listings are correct, visible and shown consistently across the web.

Moz comprehensive local listing management system is easy for business owners to implement when getting started.  Simply enter your information to allow Moz to push your listing to all major data aggregators.  Search engines can find your location information including your URL  website address, physical location, telephone number.  New customers will be able to find your business online, driving more traffic back to your website.

Moz’s verification and distribution partners allow you to harness applications in apps, search engines, and directories that have the best impact on local search results.


Aherfs Tools Data Collection

Practical tools from Aherfs make analytical data collection easy for online marketers.  Tools to help research traffic methods used by competitors help you monitor your niche market.  Dominate the market by learning how your competition ranks high in search results, then find ways to out rank them.

Aherfs is constantly adding new features and tools each week, providing accurate information for business owners.  See the exact keywords your competition is ranking for in organic search results.  Research organic traffic results by looking at “Top Pages”  that drive targeted visitors to their websites and uncover the keywords they rank for.

Data has been collected for over 240 million keywords from the United States alone in addition to one hundred more countries worldwide.  This assures you get the best possible coverage for keyword analytics.

Improve SEO for your website using Site Explorer tool for an in-depth look at any URL’s backlink profile and organic search results.  Aherfs combine three powerful SEO tools all in one interface, giving marketers exactly what they are looking for.  Backlink checker allows users to see which websites are linking to your competitors and evaluate the quality of the backlink profile.

Aherfs offer a full analysis tool for paid traffic research used by your competition.  Learn how marketing is conducted by paid advertisements in any particular niche market and where they funnel their traffic to.

This tool has great potential for building a business plan.  Utilize all the tools available for a comprehensive overview for advertising budget planning.  Paid subscribers can access over 12 trillion backlinks, 4 billion keywords, and 1 billion pieces of content.  Recommended by online marketing experts in SEO.


SimularWeb intelligent solutions for making the right strategic decisions for your business.  Optimize your digital effectiveness incorporating SimularWeb resources and tools for forming your campaign.  Discover new lead opportunities by identifying emerging trends in social media connections.

Website data collection analytics is always just one click away using the SimularWeb browser extension.  Raw data is collected from various sources including ISP data, crawling, international panel and learning set applications.  Over 5 Billion events are cleaned and categorized each day processing the data by machine learning algorithms.

Finalized accurate statical information is at your fingertips with SimularWeb Pro.  Dominate the online marketing industry using statistical information regarding your competition.  VentureBeat mentioned SimularWeb raised 47 million dollars to grow its web and app analytics platform globally.

Headquarters in the location of New York City, London, and Tel Vivi,  Founded by Nir Cohen and Or Offer in the year 2007, SimularWeb gives publishers and developers the tools to gain insights about traffic generated by competitors.  It sells software as a service product, an API product offering custom reports and professional services.  Dominate the online marketing space using these amazing tools.

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Patricia Lynn Images Courtesy of  hamonazaryan1, Geralt, at

Infographics by Patricia Lynn

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Patricia Lynn

Author of Business Today Pro. Providing the latest news and update information on business, online marketing, tech, how to make money online, how to make money with advertising, websites, blogging, affiliate marketing and much more...