Economy Recovery Optimistic Outlook 


Economy Recovery Phase

The economic recovery period is going through a process of economic adaptation changing with current circumstances using technology to advance careers. The Bureau of Labor Statistics issues monthly jobs tallying the number of jobs added to the economy including the sector of professional category. These jobs might be tied to yearly salaries or monthly wages earned by employees though those are just one aspect of income. Americans might draw an income from portfolio income from investments, dividends, and capital gains profit from sales of assets. Jobs surge in July offers a fresh sign of economic recovery says New York Times Nelson D. Schwartz. The gain of 945.000 jobs was the best showing in nearly a year and unemployment was 5.4 percent the lowest since the pandemic began.  Social media is helping fuel the global economy creating new jobs breaking down borders to reach new audiences across the globe. 

Research indicates an estimated 2.95 billion people were using social media worldwide in 2019 as the number is projected to increase by approximately 3.43 billion active users in 2023 leading the way to expand new networking opportunities globally.  Cloud computing is the on-demand availability of computer system resources including data storage stored in logistical pools said to be “on the cloud”. Sprout Social index 2020 reports 68% of consumers to prefer to engage with images, while 58 percent want to engage with videos 30 percent of surveyed participants like text-based posts. Internet network has gained momentum with communication between all devices integrating people, process with technology continues to modify as innovation continues to change in 2021 helping to establish the economy. 

The job sector is a professional category that describes most careers in the United States like health and education. They are important to the overall economy because they educate people improving the overall goodness of the working population. The main job sectors in the US  are information technology, healthcare, Real Estate Development, Retail Education, and Government positions. Information technology helps advance the country toward modern technological improvements helps advance economic growth in 2021.  Indeed is the number one site in the world with 250 million unique visitors each month.  Indeed strives to put job seekers first giving people free access to job search queries. research companies and post resumes connecting people with job opportunities. Innovation availability of high-capacity networks on storage devices led to the widespread adoption of hardware computing platforms virtualization led to the growth of the cloud computing sector.

Moving to the cloud reduces hardware costs, lowering business expenses opens the door to increased security, and productivity enables you to do more with less operating expenses. Internet trends exceeded expectations creates more opportunities for direct integration of the physical world into computer-based systems. Technology has progressed in recent years enabling more efficiency in the workplace as innovation is at the forefront of the economy recovering. The number of IoT devices has increased 31 percent over one year to 8.4 billion in 2017. Reports indicate there will be 35.82 billion IoT devices installed worldwide by 2021 predicted to reach 75.44 billion by 2025.

The digital economy index measures inflation on what people are buying in the digital world in the US, Uk, and Japan.  As part of that measurement purchasing power of the US online dollar has increased by nearly 23 percent over the passes 7 years in the US and 5 percent within the past year in the UK. Key insights from the digital economy index are updated monthly indicators of what consumers are purchasing online for various goods. Data matters knowing purchase power parity consumers can learn the best times to buy a product like TVs, electronics, and groceries.

Shopping online has become popular among consumers who are interested in purchasing products on demand.  Companies are embracing new technology to build a business reaching global proportions using the internet as a primary tool of choice. Digital shoppers in the United States increased to 209.6 million as consumers browse, research, and purchase products online at astounding rates. The digital economy index helps everyone get an in-depth look at the global economy and what it means for businesses including consumers around the world says Adobe

Amazon accounted for 44% of all economic sales in the United States indicators of relevant shopping patterns among adults.  On average Millinals now make 54% of purchases online due to the convenience of shopping on-demand instantly downloading a digital product or having products shipped directly to their location to receive deliveries.

E-commerce online promotion has become a predominant marketing method for most companies who want to sell products in the online retail sector in 2019.  Shopping online estimated projections are expected to reach 230.5 million in 2012 positioning the United States in the forefront of os sales.  People shop online to compare prices, research products to effortlessly find the best deal saving the consumer valuable time.

Businesses recognize the importance of developing a customer base online for economic growth saving consumers time and money with a convenient shopping experience. According to Comscore 2019 has been a crucial milestone for e-commerce and retail industries 2019.  Online spending continues to grow as consumers are now able to buy on demand. Digital products exist in digital form including ebooks, videos, digital music, subscriptions, online games, and virtual goods that are easily purchased then downloaded to a computer or mobile device.

Amazon invests heavily across the United States.  Since 2021 they have made more than 350 billion dollars in investments in corporate offices, cloud infrastructure, customer fulfillment, wind, and solar farms, eco-friendly equipment, and machinery. Amazon is a multinational technology company based in Seattle Washington that focuses on e-commerce services selling products and services to consumers worldwide. Half of the items sold on the Amazon marketplace are from small to medium size businesses sold globally.  Entrepreneurs reach hundreds of millions of customers around the world building their businesses successfully building the economy in 2021.

Amazon is the largest shopping online retail website in the United States reported earning of 10.07 billion earnings in 2018 with annual revenue of US 232.887 billion an increase of 30 % over the previous fiscal year.  Large e-commerce sellers use Amazon to sell their products in addition to selling products on their own website as part of a marking strategy. Amazon leases space for retailers, sales are processed through and end up at individual sellers for processing fulfillment of orders.  Businesses are taking full advantage of the Amazon marketplace selling physical or digital products gaining worldwide exposure.

Small sellers of products go to Amazon Marketplace offers goods to consumers at a fixed price allowing small businesses new opportunities for growth.  Amazon’s website offers a wide variety of products for shopping online and subscription services for consumers who want to shop on-demand using the convenience of the internet. Business recognizes the importance of promoting products through online retailers or using affiliates to sell products for a commission generating an income online strengthen the economy. Digital products are created and sold online reaching global proportions selling ebooks, music, courses, movies, images, apps, and computer software.  Shopping online has become one of the best resources available for consumers


Patricia Lynn


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Patricia Lynn

Author of Business Today Pro. Providing the latest news and update information on business, online marketing, tech, how to make money online, how to make money with advertising, websites, blogging, affiliate marketing and much more...