Excellent SEO Tactics & Business Marketing


Strategies For Organic SEO Building Your Business

Are you new to SEO or do you need a refresher course in search engine optimization,  the beginner guide to SEO has been read 3 million times and provides comprehensive information you need to succeed online?  Learn how to get professional quality search engine optimization results for your business.

What is Search Engine Optimization?

SEO is marketing focused on growing visibility in paid and organic search engine results.  SEO includes both creative and technical elements required to improve rankings, drive traffic and increase brand awareness. There are several ways to use SEO tactics in a way in order for search engines to understand your websites, blogs, images, videos, content, infographics, and advertisements.

Using a structured formula for good search engine optimization encompasses the use of keywords in titles and content that is relevant to your article and adding related images will increase rankings.  SEO is not about building a website but creating something of value for consumers.  Business Today we believe these principles are the foundation of good SEO.

This step by step guide is designed to cover all aspects of SEO form choosing the right keywords, terms, and phrases, creating titles and structuring content that search engines can understand and drive traffic to your website, how to make your site friendly to search engines while building links and marketing your site.  If you are confused, you are not alone.  Follow this guide and you will achieve success in the search engines as you learn SEO


Why Is SEO Important For My Website?

The majority of web traffic is driven by commercial search engines Google, Yahoo, and Bing.  Social media such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest and a host of other social media sites can drive traffic to your site as well.  Search engines are the primary source of navigation on the internet.   This is true if you are promoting a website, blog, products, services or anything else.

Search engines provide specific targeted traffic to a keyword or phrase for what they are looking for.  Search engines are the roadways to making this happen.  If your site can not be found or add your site’s content to the database, you will miss out on a huge opportunity to drive traffic to your website.

Search quarries are the words people type into the search box when they are looking for products, services, and information.  The words users’ type into the search box carries a huge value.  Research shows that search engine traffic can make or break an organization.  Implementing SEO strategies can improve your ranking in search engine results.

Targeted traffic can bring exposure, revenue, recognition, and pliability to your website.  This channel of marketing is a fantastic way to generate traffic and is like no other.  Capitalizing on SEO can have a substantial return compared to other types of marketing and promoting methods.

Why Do Search Engines Need SEO To Find My Website?

The major search engines are always looking for ways to improve SEO and make it easier for individuals to use.  Search engines are smart, however, they still need help.  Process SEO correctly and search engines will use a formulation and algorithms to find your website and content in order to be crawled and indexed.  That is why SEO is so important to your business.   The right SEO can yield thousands of visitors to your website.  The wrong SEO can leave your website buried deep in the search results whereas visitability is minimal.

Making content available to search engines and using SEO to properly place your content where users can actually find it will boost rankings and increase your visitors and revenue all through the right channels.  There are billions of users online and the internet has become increasingly completive.  The businesses who use SEO correctly will have a great advantage in driving targeting traffic to their websites and services.  Gain more visitors and customers through SEO techniques and let the search engines for you.

How Do I DO SEO Myself?

Learning SEO is complex however if you can dedicate a small amount of time to studying just the basics you can greatly improve your business in a short period of time.  Even a small amount of knowledge can make a huge difference.  Free education is widely available online through guides like this, video tutorials. Use the combination of resources to give you the skills you need to succeed online.  With a little practice, you will be well on your way to discovering the benefits of SEO.

Depending on your time and comment to learning SEO and the complexity of your website you may want to hire a professional to handle marking for you. Firms that practice SEO can vary in price and approach to marketing.  Some have a very specialized approach while other companies have a general less broad service. Learning the basics is recommended even if you decide to outsource some of the work involved.  Staying informed will enhance your marketing capacities and take your business to the next level.

If you are serious about learning SEO it is recommended that you read this guide from front to back.  There will be plenty of free resources and links to other sites that are worthy of your attention.

How Do Search Engines Function?

Search engines have two major functions crawling and building an index providing search users with a ranked list of websites they determine to be most relevant to your request.

Crawling and indexing on the World Wide Web is a complicated network and process using google bots and spiders that locate your content for indexing.  Imagine this network as a series of stops in a subway station.  Each stop along the way is a unique document usually a web page or PDF, JPG or other files.   The search engine needs a way to fetch and crawl all stops in order to index that information and use the best path possible. Links.

The link structure of the web servers binds all the pages together.  Billions of interconnected documents can be accessed through links.  Search engines crawl these links using automated robots and crawlers to index them on the correct location.

Once the engines find the information it is deciphered then stored in a massive database for future use.  This information has to be accessed in seconds by users.  Even a two-second delay can cause disappointment so the search engine companies work very hard to facilitate a fast response in search quarries.  The search engine companies have data storage facilities all over the world that enable billions of pages to be accessed in the fraction of a second instantly.

Search engines provide the answers users are looking for.  If you conduct a search quarry on a specific topic the search engines will give you an answer to your question based on relevance or useful information.   Those search quarries are then processed by rank and popularly of websites providing that targeted information.  SEO is both Popularity and relevance that create influence in search results.

SEO Tutorial & Guide 2016 Top Tips, Tools & Strategies 

Search engines determine the popularly and relevance by using mathematical equations (algorithms) sort through the information and then rank the pages according to popularity.  To the search engines finding the right page with the right content is more complex than ever.  In the early days conducting a search was a simplistic search and receive process and had little value.

Technology has changed over the years and now smart search engines have devised a way to better utilize search quarries and results.  These findings are then categorized into billions of files for later use.  There are hundreds of factors that influence relevance.  One example is if you have a website in the niche of weight loss.  That website should contain information on that subject including fitness, diet, health, and losing weight.  All of those topics are relevant to weight loss.

If you added information about another topic on your site like dog walking, that would not be relevant to the weight loss site and search engines would not rank that information.  It is important to stay on topic and keep the information congruent with the niche. Search engines determine the relevancy based on the popularly or importance of the website and the information it contains in the content.

The more value you can give in your website the better the rankings will be in the search results and that is SEO. Algorithms are composed of hundreds of variables.  This is referred to search ranking factors in marketing.

Google Is King In Search Engine Optimization

The complicated algorithms of search engines may seem impossible to penetrate.  The search engines provide little, insight on how to achieve higher rankings or how to drive organic traffic to your website.  They do provide optimization for the best online marketing practices  Google recommends the following to get better rankings.

Make pages primarily for users not search engines.  Don’t deceive users by displaying different content to users and something else to search engines. This is called cloaking

Decide what version you want users to see when they search for your business.  Select your preferences www or non-www.  Use the 301 Direct according to consolable indexing singles when setting up your domain name.  Now many larger corporations like Facebook and Google are actually keeping the dub, dub version.  You are free to decide what you want.  Check out the Google Beginners Guide To Search Engine Optimization

Verify ownership of your website with Google Webmaster tools.  This will enable you to fully use Webmaster tools and services for your website at https://www.google.com/webmasters  enable the email forwarding function from Google “Using “the Webmaster tools.  You are encouraged to sign up for this service.  Google can review your website and contact you if there is a problem or if malware is detected.

search engine traffic

google, bing, ask, aol

Domain Background Check

If you have a used domain name that has been used by spammers then you will not have good SEO or have good indexing results right now.  One good way to check your domain is to submit a reconsideration request through Webmaster tools and Check the keywords that is listed

  1. “Keywords” Listed in Webmaster tools
  2. Rank when searching for a domain
  3. Check to see if your website is indexed?
  4. Index your site

Fetch as Google bot Tool allows you to submit your website for indexing if you make a change to your website or create a new page.  Make your content appear much faster and quicker in the search engines.  If you make a blog post go into Google Webmaster tools and click on your domain.  On the left side of the screen, you will see a drop down menu.  Select the fetch and crawl and process.  Google will fetch and crawl your page and links for indexing.

Google Analytics should be used from the very beginning even if you are not completely ready.  Collecting valuable information about your website is crucial in good SEO.  It is recommended to set up your account and list your domain.  You will be able to monitor the website activity from paid advertisements to free organic searches, visitors, demographics, behaviors and traffic from social media platforms.

This will enable you to create strategic online marketing decisions based on your analytics.  After reading your reports you may decide to focus more on social media or advertising with a different agency for better conversions.  At some point you may even hire a professional to handle your account and having analytics from your account will make your marking decisions much easier in the future.

Strategies in Website Design

When designing a website for public use considers what you want to convey and who will visit your website.  What will your target niche be? What products and services are you offering to consumers?  What format will you be using when developing your website and what color scheme will you use to attract customers?

Will your website be user-friendly and easy to navigate?  If someone landed on your website would they know where they are and what services you are offering?  Who are your customers or target market for your website?  When developing your website it is important to stay focused on your niche and target audience to provide great quality in your content, products, and services for good SEO.


  • Developers
  • Parents/Kids
  • Entrepreneurs
  • Enthusiasts
  • First-time visitors/ loyal customers
  • Press
  • Investors
  • Site Strategies Ideas

Does Your Website Meet the Needs of each persona?  Is your website easy to navigate from one page to the next?  Is your website site loading quickly?  A slow website will lose potential customers in this fast-paced society.  Is each page focused on your topic or niche?  For example, if you have a website about weight loss.

That entire website should be dedicated to helping people lose weight and become fit.  Visitors will want specifically targeted information about health, wellness, diets and weight loss.  This one site should offer great information for consumers in blog posts, products, services, eBooks, newsletters, product trials, tips and resources.

Whatever you decide to stay focused in your niche and provide great information consistently for consumers.  This is a perfect example of a website on losing weight titled Weight Loss Dieting Plans that offers expert advice, free samples, chat and products.

Affiliate Marketing Essentials Guide

Affilorama Make money online as an affiliate promoting other peoples products or creating products of your own. Discover the freedom of making money online. Affillrama shows you how with step by step instruction you can use to build your business online.

Join the largest affiliate marketing community for your free account to become a member to get started.  Learn how you can access 120 videos easy to follow lessons showing you how to build a money-making business using a website, blog, video sharing or other marking methods.

Get access to the Affiloblueprint for building a profitable affiliate website in a particular niche market.  Manage your revenue generation with AffiloTools designed to measure website analytics, SEO, PPC and all social media campaigns with the latest online application available. Click Here to watch the free video.


Define your Conversation

Each page on your website should include a short description at the end of your page.  Invite each person to sign up for your newsletter or offer a free EBook with tips in your niche.  Ask viewers to make comments on your post and share your post on social media.  Your content could go viral depending on how many people share your post with friends. Ask Viewers To

  • Sign up for the Newsletter
  • Contact our Biz
  • Ask us Questions
  • Buy a Product or Sign up for Services
  • Try a product or services for FREE (That gets a lot of attention)
  • Have a call to Action asking for comments and share on social media
  • Note:  Don’t force users to make extra clicks.  Keep your site simple, clean and user-friendly to make a good impression.
  • Be Smart About Your Content

When writing content for your blog or website be sure to use reverent “keywords in your paragraphs, titles and meta descriptions.  These specific keywords need to be written and conveyed naturally for good SEO.  Include quarry terms that people would be searching for.  For example, if your article was about what shoes to weare during exercise.

Then the keywords in your text should be “running shoes” or “athletic shoes”.  These keywords will show up when someone conducts a search for that topic possibly showing your article.  Include other tips and resources in your text that reference your topic giving the user information that pertains to that topic. Research common terms through Google AdWords.  These are normal keyword people would use to find a product.

Answer questions that each persona may have about your products and services.  Is the product or service reputable?  Show reviews to the products and services you are promoting and include testimonials.  What if it doesn’t work?  What is the return policy and customer satisfaction?  Let other review and give testimonials on your website.   Answering questions and concerns will create a good foundation and trust with customers.

  • Every Page Should Include
  • Unique Topic
  • Unique Title
  • Unique Meta Description
  • For NonDynamic Sites: “Keywords” in the file name lower case and hyphen separated.
  • Description and Anchor Text in every link

Using anchor text correctly in your blog post can have a dramatic difference in the way your content is perceived and utilized by the reader.  These are two examples of anchor text being used in a sentence directing the reader to a specific destination, website, offer, service or information relating to your article.

Anchor Text Good Example: For more information please read our product specifications.   Include a link going to your product page.  This link tells the customer that they will get more information on the product they are interested in.  These are two different ways to add links to your website directing customers to targeted information. You may want to include links to affiliate offers, webinars, articles, promotions, video tutorials, newsletters, free classes, free services or even an Ebook.   Format your sentences to show readers where they are headed and what kind of information they are about to receive.

Site Links In Search Results

Creating good SEO starts with the basics in marketing.  Once your website is properly formatted using simple strategies and verified with Google, you can start to publish your content and drive traffic to your website.  Google and search engines can craw your site and pages for indexing.  Algorithms are used to compile information about your website including unique topics, unique titles, and descriptive text.  All of this information is used to create your indexing and rank on the internet.

This is how people will find you when they conduct a search.  NASA is a great example of a website set up correctly.  When a quarry search for NASA is conducted you will find this website on Page one of Google and other influencers such as Video Gallery, NASA TV, International Space Station, and NASA for Students, NASA for Earth and NASA Lunch Schedule.  Notice how the listings appear in Google Search results for this website.  Googles Algorithms pulled this page together giving users the best results for the search quarry.


Google Search Nasa

Beware of Potential Pitfalls

If you are considering using a professional SEO expert to do all the work for you there are potential pitfalls to avoid.  Beware of shady or rouge SEO companies that guarantee results.  That is bad news for you.  SEO should happen organically using the guide proved for you.

Develop your website and blog providing great information on your niche and publish that content on all social media sites, RSS feed and syndication.  Drive traffic from social sites back to your website.  Repeat the process again and again for best results.  Post at least once per week or more to gain an audience that expects your publications and looks forward to your next post.

Don’t participate in link schemes or buying links for page rank.  You can insert links in your blog post that are related to your article directing users to useful content, however,  if someone is trying to sell you links for your website promising good SEO results.  Beware!  Search engines like links to be used naturally in an article not forced.

Not sure who to trust?  I personally use Scam Adviser before using any website or service.  Simply go to www.scamadviser.com and type in the URL you want to check.  In seconds you can validate that URL and check the safety of the website.  You will be notified immediately if the website is safe to use or if there is a problem.

Starting a new website can be very exciting at first as you can well imagine money pouring in from sales and promotions.  Some get caught up on how much they expect to earn without dedicating the time and commitment it takes to really provide a great service or content.   Avoid focusing on the websites finances rather than having content that is indexable by Google.

Write fabulous content consistently and you will make money online over time.  You will not make money overnight.  There is a process to establishing your business and brand.  Once you create your website and start promoting the content you will start to see results in sales and conversions.

Websites that load slowly will lose momentum.  According to Akamai studies found that page load time is acceptable to a 2-second threshold for e-commerce sites.  Google aims for less than half a second.  Speed matters when pages are loading.   One second page delay has 11% fewer page views, 16% fewer customer satisfaction according to the Aberdeen Group. There are 10 ways to speed up your website and increase your conversions by 7%.  Google offers information that can improve your site’s performance at Google developers.  Analyze your website speed and performance.  Increase your customer satisfaction with a well-performing website and you will build a business that customers want to return to in the future.

Focus your energy where your audience hangs out.  If you are promoting a website dedicated to weight loss, then start posting on Facebook fan pages that want information on diets and weight loss.  Check out blogs, forums and all social media sites looking for targeted topics.  If you are promoting a website dedicated to Gourmet Cooking then focus on Facebook fan pages, Twitter, Pinterest and LinkedIn dealing with food, cooking, recipes ect Hangout with the foodies and provide recipes, cooking classes, tip,s, and resources. Direct them back to your website with free offers and good content.  This is how to build a good organic SEO.

Play your authentic strengths in business promotion.  If the CEO in your team likes posting on Facebook, give that position to that individual.  The sales consultant may enjoy Tweeting while the marketing specialist likes to do research and write.  Ask your team what strengths they possess and delicate accordingly. If you are just starting out in online marketing you might not have a team of eager employees to share the promotion responsibilities.  You can tackle all the promotions yourself or learn how to automate the process when you can.

If you are just starting out in online marketing you might not have a team of eager employees to share the promotion responsibilities.  You can tackle all the promotions yourself or learn how to automate the process when you can. Paying for services to be completed for you may be a good option.  Fiverr offers over one million Giggs for a low price starting at 5.00.  Place your order and in 24 hours your project should be complete.   Fiverr offers tech support, logo design, content, video presentations, create a mobile app,  slide presentations, produce viral content,  and much more.  This website is well worth checking out.  Stay focused on your site and conversion happens naturally and organically.

Social Media Marketing for SEO

You are likely to have a limited budget and resources when you’re just starting out in marketing.  Think holistically and create and identity on social media sites.  Participate in discussions, forums, chats, posts on key sites relating to your niche. Focus your energy on that targeted group of individuals writing compelling content that is beneficial to users.  Set up a Facebook Fan Page for your business and, post content on a regular basis directing users back to your website.

Gaining popularity on social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn and a host of 50 other sites has been simplified with the use of social sharing buttons.  There are great services available to automate the process and make posting to social media much faster.  The best way to get the most exposure to your website is by posting on social media.  Every time you write a blog post and publish your content, share your post on all social media and bookmarking sites.


social media buttons

Sharethis is a free app that can be installed in your browser and has 50 social media sites that you can manually post your published content on.  The more traffic your drive back to your website the higher your ranking will be in search engines.  Publish content on a regular basis and you will develop a good profile and bran for your business.

OnlyWire is probably the best automation tool available for submitting your content in a fast secure manner to the top social networks like Facebook, Twitter and more.   Post content to 50 social sites at once.  Whether you are an individual blogger, Marketing Manager or social media professional, OnlyWire makes it easy to auto-submit your content to all the leading social communities with one click.

Sumome is a popular social submission tool that enables you to install social sharing buttons on your website for free.  This is easy to use and install on most websites.  Sumome provides you with 50 social sharing options to manually submit your content.  You will also receive analytical reports on your sharing stats showing you how many times your article has been shared by readers.  Also, receive in-depth information on marketing along with free video tutorials on how to make money online with your website.

How Do Directories Influence SEO?

Once you register a domain name and develop a website or blog you must list your URL in the internet directories.  This will enable users to find your business when they conduct a quarry search.  There are over 400 directories available for you to list your business in.  This process is very time to consume, however, there is programs available to automate the process and make directory submissions a breeze.

There are different kinds of directories for individual business types such as blog directories, business directories, infographic directories, article directories, Engineers Edge, Donations Directories, Search Engine directories and Social Media directories with Facebook, Twitter and more.  Not every directory is right for your business.  Be selective when choosing the right directories for your site.  This will give your business a professional look and feel to customers as well as increasing visibility and authority in your niche.

Directories equal link diversity in your link profile.  You should not only rely on directories for link building but this cannot be ignored either.  The goal is to diversify your link profile by submitting you’re your URL to different search engine directories.  Some Webmasters have abounded using directories due to their bad reputation.  The truth is that submitting your website to unique and good quality directories increases your link profile, visibility, and SEO. Look for directories related to your business and keep in mind where your listing will be seen.

Correctly submit your URL to directories in the application form.  Capitalize your website Name ( the name of your URL).  Write a unique description for each directory submission.  Do not copy and paste the same description in each submission.  You need to compose an interesting description about your website, describing what the site is about.  Choose the correct category for your niche.

Top Directory List

If you have a website relating to weight loss, then categorize your website under health.  You may have a website about business and you need to choose the category for business.   If the wrong category is chosen the application will not go through or your business will be listed in the wrong place.  Choose categories related to your niche and make sure your directory listing fits together with the proper title, description, Meta tags, keywords, and niche.  Add your keywords in your meta tags.  These are the relevant keywords that users will use when they search for your products and services.

Directory submissions are still important.  Show people you open for business with FREE Google My Business listing.  When you do directory submission for your website you are creating backlinks profile for your site.  This action will have benefits like improving your website domain authority and page rank value.

We know that page rank value and domain authority are calculated based on how many backlinks pointing to your website and the quality the links hold.  After you gain page rank and domain authority your Alexa Rank will naturally increase due to trust being built in your business.  Your SEO profile will increase and you will receive more free traffic to your website.

Free Web Submissions Directory offers manual and auto submissions to 50 top rated directories Search Engines and  Internet Directories are all ranked according to popularity in the

Alexa Rank.  This site is easy to use and you will receive a confirmation email after each directory submission.  Rapid site inclusion to their search engine partners within 24 to 48 hours.  Use SEO tools Link Popularity Checker, Page Speed Analyser, Meta Tag Generator,  Web Page Analyser, Keyword Popularity Checker and a Search Engine Saturation tool for good SEO

Search Engine Submitter. Increase your website traffic. Instantly submit your website to over 500 Search Engines including Google, Yahoo, and Bing.  Automate directory submissions with Search Engine Submitter.  Are you looking fro a professional SEO service for Search Engine Optimization? Do you need help with Keyword research, link building and improve your engine rankings?

Learn how you can automatically submit up to 10 websites to over 500 search engines and drive traffic your sites with just one click.  Manual directory submitter will take hours of your time to complete the process.  Search Engine Submitter offers a convenient directory submission service and SEO tutorials.  Increase online visitability and sales with organic search results.

Tell me what you think.  Leave me a comment and share this post with friends.   Follow me on Facebook.


Patricia Lynn

Images Courtesy of Stuart Milles at FreeDigitalPhotos.net

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Patricia Lynn

Author of Business Today Pro. Providing the latest news and update information on business, online marketing, tech, how to make money online, how to make money with advertising, websites, blogging, affiliate marketing and much more...