Facebook Shops Featured Businesses Pursuit Commerce


Facebook Shops Business Online Solutions

Facebook shops make conducting business online easy, setting up a single online store for customers to access both services  Instagram and Facebook online.  Currently, 160 million businesses use Facebook apps each month including one business out of every fifty five people across the globe use Facebook, Messenger, Instagram, WhatsApp reaching consumers. Any small business can build and grow their business online with Facebook Shops using commerce tools in innovative technology.

Facebook has 2.6 billion monthly active users as of the first quarter in 2020.  Facebook is the largest social network worldwide connecting community businesses through Facebook services, social engagement communicating with friends. 

Mark Zuckerberg announced the launch of Facebook Shops, a service that allows businesses to display and sell products on its platform.  Facebook Vice President of ads Dan Levy said while the company will change “small fees” on each purchase the real monetization will come from advertising.

Businesses can choose products they want to feature from a catalog then customize the look and feel of their online shop using accent colors, digital imagery showcasing your brand of products.  Managing  business online no matter what size their budget is brought consumers to products through Facebook Shops.

Small businesses are struggling to survive due to current economic developments in consumer spending. Companies are looking for practical solutions for running a business online seeking new opportunities for economic growth. Small businesses are an important part of our communities now face uncompromising challenges of a lifetime.  The Pandemic is not just a public health emergency it is an economic crisis affecting people of global proportions. 

Since the first shelter in place orders was issued it has been clear that businesses will face financial loss struggling for survival. Introducing Facebook shops today will become more widely available in the coming months.  Facebook is investing in features across the apps including Instagram Shopping, live shopping, and more that will be integrated with Facebook Shops.

Nearly one-third of small businesses operated for personal income have shut down as the current situation has been compounded by the Pandemic more than half are no longer able to operate under current conditions, of which a majority of these businesses are run by women. 

Companies that are able to remain in operation face new challenges reaching customers who have the cash to spend on services and products. They are concerned about where the money will come from and if their business will be viable for goods and services.

Fortunately, business owners remain optimistic about the future finding solutions to the current situation of economic uncertainty while still following state and federal guidelines concerning the Pandemic.  In the pursuit of happiness, they remain resilient finding applicable resources online operating their business from a whole new perspective.

Mark Zuckerberg Facebook’s CEO positions Facebook Shop used as a resource for small businesses provides opportunities for promoting products online through the platform Shops will be aimed especially at businesses allowing them to sell to consumers on the app creating a commerce shop showcasing merchandise for consumers purchase.


Patricia Lynn


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Patricia Lynn

Author of Business Today Pro. Providing the latest news and update information on business, online marketing, tech, how to make money online, how to make money with advertising, websites, blogging, affiliate marketing and much more...