Google Voice Review Free Phone Number & Service

Google voice telecommunication service

Google Voice Gives Customers Free Phone Number and Service

Google Voice has given the customer an advantage over the competition with free telephone number and free calling and text messages in the USA.  If you need a business telephone number or an extra phone number to use for personal use this is a great option.  Learn how to use Google Voice telephone number for online information, shopping, business or personal use.

Find new ways of telecommunication with Google Voice services.  Technology has given us the ability to communicate through all of our devices.  Access Google voice right from your computer, iPad, iPad Touch.  Send FREE SMS messages to US phones and make international calls at very low rates.  Get transcribed voicemail and save time by reading not listing to your personal messages.

Get phone services for Google Voice and GTalk from Google Play.   Call and text your Gtalk friends for free.  Call anyone anytime from anywhere as long as you have internet access.  Google Voice phone brings free calls and texting right to your fingertips considered the ultimate consumer solution.

New FREE Telecommunications From Google Voice

Discover new ways to communicate with Google Voice that gives consumers lots of cool features for free. Google Voice gives you one number for all of your phones including your home phone, cell phone, business phone, voicemail as easy as email. Free US long distance and low international rates apply also receive many calling features.

Popular Features For Voice Mail

Voice Mail is automatically transcribed and sent to your Google Voicemail and email account. This is a great service that enables you to review your messages on your own schedule and provides a record of all voice mail and text messages. This service is helpful if you need to refer to a particular piece of information at a later date  Make calls and send text messages from any computer device to access convenient features.  Enroll in Google Voice service to connect to all of your phones or just the phone services you want to select for business or personal use.
Personal greetings can set in place for each individual phone number including a greeting for business and a different greeting for personal use.  Choose the settings in a voicemail that you want your contacts to here.

smart phoneSMS Texting for Free

SMS to email and Text messages can be sent from your computer for free. Any text message sent out only takes seconds for the recipient to receive. All done from your computer. Go to setting and check text forwarding to have your text messages sent to your email, Google Voice account, and cell phone for your personal record.
Block Callers and spammers through the settings feature to allow you to control the calls you want to receive.
Screen Callers enable you to screen the calls before you answer. You have the option to accept the calls or allow the call to go to voicemail. You are able to answer the call at any time.

International Calling

International calling at a low rate that is affordable to consumers usually for pennies per minute. Initiate a call from your account and the call you go through to the designated phone. Landline phone or cell phone.
Google Voice App is free and currently available for iPhone, Blackberry, and Android phones for a number that gives you advanced calling, voicemail, and SMS texting features from your cell phone. If you have a Google Voice number you can visually navigate between calls from your cell phone, voice mail, and text messages. Send text messages for free with Google Voice services.

Conference Calls Made Easy

Conference calls usually involve long phone numbers to initiate the meeting. With Google Voice, conference calls are made easy. Just have the participants call your Google Voice number and accept the call. It’s that easy.

Number Porting.

Your phone is more than just a ten digit number is the main hub of all your telephone communications. With Google Voice, you can choose a new free telephone number or with number porting you can bring your new google voice number and existing number together to experience all the benefits that Google Voice without having to give your contacts a new number. Take advantage of all the features Google Voice has to offer. Like, call screening, free text messages, Voicemail and custom greetings.

googleNew in Telecommunications?

Call phones from Gmail to any phone in the US and Canada for free and at low rates internationally if you have a Google Voice number. Send and receive text messages for free to US numbers and get a push-button notification when you receive new voice mail and text messages.  Anyone is able to sign up for Google Voice account for easy public access allowing consumers to connect through new telecommunication.  You no longer need and an invitation to sign up, Google Voice is available to everyone.

Do Not Disturb

Enjoy your quiet time with Google Voice allowing you to set up your account in settings to “Do Not Disturb” for a predetermined length of time. During that time your calls will go straight to your voice mail or transcription on Gmail account.
Google Voice for business and personal use is a great way to monitor my calls, text messages, voice mails, and transcriptions. The service is a fast, free, convenient way to incorporate all my devices to one number without giving out privet information online.

google-voiceAccess Google Voice from all your Devices

Access Google voice right from your computer, iPad, iPad Touch.  Send FREE SMS messages to US phones and make international calls at very low rates.  Get transcribed voicemail and save time by reading not listing to your personal messages.

Phone for Google Voice and GTalk from Google Play

Call and text your Gtalk friends for free.  Call anyone anytime from anywhere as long as you have internet access.  GV Phone brings free calls and texting right to your fingertips.  Google Voice phone is the ultimate consumer solution.

Start Your Own Online Business

Start your own business online with your own website that generates an income for you using a simple system Google and Clickbank.  Create your own website with domain name, hosting.  Place advertising on your website for free that will generate an income online.   Learn how affiliates are using the internet to generate income online even while they are sleeping.  Check out Affilorama free tools for websites.  Learn from experts who have proven strategies in online marketing to take your business to the next level.

How It Works

Choose a package to join and Earn cash yearly will make a complete website for you that will make money online.  List your website in the internet directories for people to find you.  Once a customer visits your website and clicks on one of the advertisements on your site.  You make money.  The internet has billions of users around the world conducting searches 24 hours per day through the internet, cell phones, and IPads.  Make money while you sleep with your own online business and Google Voice. Join today. CLICK HERE For additional information on how to start your own business online.

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Patricia Lynn

Images Courtesy of Nutdanai Apikhomboonwarroot, Suwit Rit Jaroons at, Lightman at


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Patricia Lynn

Author of Business Today Pro. Providing the latest news and update information on business, online marketing, tech, how to make money online, how to make money with advertising, websites, blogging, affiliate marketing and much more...