Holiday Season Online Perspective


Holiday Season Online Shopping

Holiday season online is expected to be on track predicted to be the largest one yet as consumers continue to shop online retailers prepare for the influx of shoppers. The ever changing Covid-19 pandemic strategic sourcing indicates nothing is certain in 2021. Retailers will have to continue to motivate consumers increasing their chances of success connecting their online experience with in-person selling experience showcases promising strategies for holiday shopping in 2021.  The retail market emergence of digital technologies has led to significant changes in the retail environment providing new opportunities for retailers to redesign the marketing of product strategies. Omni Channeling expansion of multichannel distribution exceeds expectations in 2021 as businesses continue to integrate online and offline sales. System processes continue to facilitate consumer transactions with ease and increase in popularity globally.  The global retail market generated 25 trillion U.S. dollars in sales predicted to reach close to 27 trillion sales in the U.S. by 2022. In the US e-commerce has become more omnipresent appearing everywhere as the major shopping days are losing notability.

Cyber week continues Thanksgiving through Cyber Monday expected to increase 36 billion in online spending equating to 17 percent of the entire holiday season. Adobe expects U.S. holiday sales online to hit 207 billion from November 1 to December 31, 2021, setting a new record.  This represents a 10 percent increase from 2020 a strong growth rate after a year of the pandemic made e-commerce an essential service. Online spending is expected to hit 910 billion globally this season 11 percent growth year after year. Adobe expects over 4 trillion to be spent globally in 2021 a new milestone of e-commerce. According to Adobe research retailers could grow Cyber Monday revenues from 9.3 billion to 12.4 billion by improving the smartphone checkout experence. The smartphone is essential in today’s unique commerce experience playing an integral role in facilitating purchases. Consumers use their smartphones to locate retail stores, comparison shops find the latest deals, navigate products in the store often pay quickly with Apple Pay and other cardless checkout methods. Although holiday season online shopping will begin early this year the Cyber weekend remains paramount in the retail industry.

In terms of retail spending at least 40 percent of consumers are planning to start their holiday shopping early in 2021, however, more consumers are browsing items earlier this year. Holiday season online shopping experience is a great, convenient method used to make purchases online National Retail Federation, the world’s largest retail association, represents the department, discount stores, specialty stores, home goods, mainstream merchants, chain restaurants, internet retailers, wholesalers, from the United States and  45 countries globally. Contributing 2.6 trillion dollars to GDP gross domestic product is a monetary measure of the market value of final goods and services produced in a period quarterly or yearly. Given the ongoing impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on supply chains retailers are stocking up on holiday merchandise earlier to ensure they have adequate inventory both online and in-store locations to kick start the season. In-store sales continue to influence shoppers, online e-commerce retail services progress forward in 2021 advancing consumer satisfaction.

With a better situation for the consumer, the economy may see the fastest growth since the 1980s with more businesses reopening including rehiring employees the economy may see the fastest growth in decades. Consumer demographics include behavioral trends that look for deals through email communication from retailers as well as current trends about information and sale items keeping consumers well informed about the latest products. Promising retail marketing growth worldwide the industry was impacted by the pandemic during 2020 continues to rebound well into 2021. The National Retail Federation suggests a challenging economic environment will continue in 2021 as the pace of economic recovery is expected to increase into midyear and it’s likely we will see a reacceleration of a gross domestic product including jobs learning into economic recovery. Purchases make up a majority of consumer spending online retail market websites demonstrate today’s world seamlessly shopping worldwide.  Analytical data helps retailers improve customer service by providing the latest shopping experience on dedicated website services for shopping online. NRF Chief Economist Jack Kleinhenz said “With consumers in good financial health a sharp increase in demand is expected to unfold over the next coming months”2021. As with other consumer spending holidays, NRF encourages consumers to shop early so they can find the products they want and need on time.

Whether you are looking for something unique shopping locally or researching online this is the time of year when people begin to travel spending more on leisure activities.  Consumers continue to take precautions following pandemic guidelines spending intentions of resuming pre-pandemic behaviors in the near future.  Businesses understand the importance of providing a personalized customer experience increasing more revenue for companies. Millions of consumers who are shopping this holiday season online benefit from the convenience that becomes more prominent and enjoy having items shipped and delivered to any location. Adobe shopping forecast, 2021 spendings will drive record gains as online demand remains elevated through the year propelling shopping growth to remain competitive.  The disruption caused by the pandemic has forced most traditional retailers to continue to operate during lockdowns. Many businesses have transformed organizational structures that continue to increase communication between teams. In the 2021 Retail Trends Report, 57% said they had unusual freedom to experiment and innovate in the retail market in the second half of 2020. Holiday shopping online simplifies the users experience of having products shipped directly to any location. Adobe’s top recommendation for the retail market 2021 is to continue to thrive post-Covid retailers will need to focus on the omnichannel experience underpinning their operations with a 360-degree view of the customer leading to better experiences. Consumers are tending to shop earlier in 2021 due to concerns about shortages including the continuation of Covid-19 related disruptions to the supply chain and they don’t want to miss out on the hottest items on sale.

The economic recovery period is going through a process of economic adaptation changing with current circumstances using technology to advance careers. The Bureau of Labor Statistics issues monthly jobs tallying the number of jobs added to the economy including the sector of professional category. These jobs might be tied to yearly salaries or monthly wages earned by employees though those are just one aspect of income. Americans might draw an income from portfolio income from investments, dividends, and capital gains profit from sales of assets. Jobs surge in July offers a fresh sign of economic recovery says New York Times Nelson D. Schwartz. The gain of 945.000 jobs was the best showing in nearly a year and unemployment was 5.4 percent the lowest since the pandemic began.  Social media is helping fuel the global economy creating new jobs breaking down borders to reach new audiences across the globe. 

Research indicates an estimated 2.95 billion people were using social media worldwide in 2019 as the number is projected to increase by approximately 3.43 billion active users in 2023 leading the way to expand new networking opportunities globally. Internet network has gained momentum with communication between all devices integrating people, process with technology continues to modify as innovation continues to change in 2021 helping to establish the economy.  Holiday season online buy online pick up in-store and curbside pickup will tend to draw consumers especially during the latter half of the holiday season. A Survey of online consumers in the United States revealed that 72 percent of consumers had used social media channels to discover new products online.

The digital economy index measures inflation on what people are buying in the digital world in the US, Uk, and Japan.  As part of that measurement purchasing power of the US online dollar has increased by nearly 23 percent over the passes 7 years in the US and 5 percent within the past year in the UK. Key insights from the digital economy index are updated monthly indicators of what consumers are purchasing online for various goods. Data matters knowing purchase power parity consumers can learn the best times to buy a product like TVs, electronics, and groceries. Holiday season online shopping has become popular among consumers who are interested in purchasing products on demand in 2021. Companies are embracing new technology to build a business reaching global proportions using the internet as a primary tool of choice to embrace the holiday season online. Digital shoppers in the United States increased to 209.6 million as consumers browse, research, and purchase products online at astounding rates. The digital economy index helps everyone get an in-depth look at the global economy and what it means for businesses including consumers around the world says Adobe.

Amazon accounted for 44% of all economic sales in the United States indicators of relevant shopping patterns among adults.  On average Millinals now make 54% of purchases online due to the convenience of shopping on-demand instantly downloading a digital product or having products shipped directly to their location to receive deliveries. E-commerce online promotion has become a predominant marketing method for most companies who want to sell products in the online retail sector in 2019.  Shopping online estimated projections are expected to reach 230.5 million in 2012 positioning the United States in the forefront of os sales.  People shop online to compare prices, research products to effortlessly find the best deal saving the consumer valuable time.

Amazon invests heavily across the United States.  Since 2021 they have made more than 350 billion dollars in investments in corporate offices, cloud infrastructure, customer fulfillment, wind, and solar farms, eco-friendly equipment, and machinery. Amazon is a multinational technology company based in Seattle Washington that focuses on e-commerce services selling products and services to consumers worldwide. Half of the items sold on the Amazon marketplace are from small to medium size businesses sold globally.  Entrepreneurs reach hundreds of millions of customers around the world building their businesses successfully building the economy in 2021.

Amazon is the largest shopping online retail website in the United States reported earning of 10.07 billion earnings in 2018 with annual revenue of US 232.887 billion an increase of 30 % over the previous fiscal year.  Large e-commerce sellers use Amazon to sell their products in addition to selling products on their own website as part of a marking strategy. Amazon leases space for retailers, sales are processed through and end up at individual sellers for processing fulfillment of orders.  Businesses are taking full advantage of the Amazon marketplace selling physical or digital products gaining worldwide exposure.

Small sellers of products go to Amazon Marketplace offers goods to consumers at a fixed price allowing small businesses new opportunities for growth.  Amazon’s website offers a wide variety of products for shopping online and subscription services for consumers who want to shop on-demand using the convenience of the internet. Business recognizes the importance of promoting products through online retailers or using affiliates to sell products for a commission generating an income online to strengthen the economy. Digital products are created and sold online reaching global proportions selling ebooks, music, courses, movies, images, apps, and computer software. Holiday season online shopping has become one of the best resources available for consumers.


Patricia Lynn

Images Courtesy of DigitalMarketingAgency at Pixbay


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Patricia Lynn

Author of Business Today Pro. Providing the latest news and update information on business, online marketing, tech, how to make money online, how to make money with advertising, websites, blogging, affiliate marketing and much more...