How To Make Infographics Fabulous

how to make infographics

learn how to make infographics for your business and promotions. Infographic design is used worldwide and has become a huge driving force for bloggers, advertisers, publishers, artists and designers.  Driving traffic to their business with infographics.  Visual content is now being displayed on every digital device including computers, iPads, iPhones, tv and cell phones to visually communicate a message with graphics.

Follow this step by step beginners guide to infographic design. Learn how to create infographics for using software from  Free graphic design program.  Canva currently has over 1 million customers and, considered one of the best free graphic design programs available today.

Using the latest software and temples you can very easily create infographics, ads, presentations, social media posts, ebooks, and much more.  Graphics are used as small snippets of information pertaining to a certain subject. A collection of images, graphics, charts and statistical information convey a clear message about your topic. If a reader is interested in your design they are able to find your URL at the bottom of the design.  Click on that link and be redirected to your website.  One infographic can be shared over 20,000 times or more and will help your business grow over time.

Infographics are visually attractive to readers and give value to any piece of content.  Studies show that creating an infographic for your blog post and publishing it on Google, infographic directories, Pinterest and other social media can literally drive thousands of viewers back to your website.

Increasing traffic to your content, products and services will establish your brand and income.  Watch the video tutorial on how to make an infographic from scratch.  Follow the step by step instructions and you will be able to create graphics for your next project.

How To Create Infographics The Ultra Simple Easy Way

Making Infographics can completely transform any blog or social media post by using digital visualization to describe your content.  If you are just starting out there are fantastic online tutorials for beginners. Create beautiful graphics for free with Canva.

Learn how to navigate the website by completing the beginners tutorial on Canva. Use the different elements to add color text, graphics and images to make your design stand out in front of the competition.

Starting With The Basics

First you need to sign up for a free account at  Once you are registered and confirmed Canva will take you on a guided tour with simple tutorials instructing you on how to complete certain design tasks and learn how to make infographics from scratch.  Once you complete the introduction you can take the next steps in design.


  •  If you are just starting out it is a good idea to watch the video tutorial once and take notes.
  •  Prepare to complete your first design.  Open your Canva account and follow along step by step with the video tutorial for guidance.  Once you complete your first infographic you will be able to create more designs and presentations.
  •  Have a clear idea about the theme of your infographic.  Is your theme about weight loss, dog training, business, graphics, food, sports?  Decide what you want readers to visually comprehend regarding your content.
  • What colours do you want to use?  What colour scheme will coordinate with your post or advertising?
  • Organize your facts and figure out how to portray that information visually in an infographic.
  • Use Google Docs or Word to write your facts, content and associated links.  Once your information is in writing you will be ready to design.  This will give you an idea on how to build your graphic.
  • There are different sizes of infographics.  Decide what dimensions you want your design to be and use the custom setting to create your first design.  Recommended dimensions are 700 x 3000 for a infographic design.

These small decisions will make a huge impact on your final project.

Beginning Infographic Design

  1. Open up your canva account and you will see templets you are able to select from with pixel dimensions suitable for blog posts, eBooks, presentations or social media posts.  For this demonstration select the custom tab and type in 700 x 3000 and save.  This will give you a blank infographic, to begin with.
  2. On the left hand of your screen select background for colour.  Click on the background colour of your choice. The colour of your choice will appear on your infographic.
  3. Add a title to the top of your design.  The title should be different from your blog post for good SEO.
  4. For Example:  If the title of your blog Post is: 10 Ways To Lose Weight Fast the title for your design must be different such as, Fast Ways To Lose Weight In One Week.  Titles convey what the design is about and attract the reader to your information.
  5. Add a title to your design by selecting text on the left side of your screen.  Select the colour you want to chose.  Type in your title. Click and drag the title into place.
  6. Next start selecting icons to click and drag into place.  Remember your content will also have to be displayed as well. Resize your icons by clicking on the icon and reduce to the size you want.
  7. Select colourful icons & graphs to convey statistical information.  Place the icons in place.
  8. Use maps to show your location & worldwide outreach.
  9. Click & drag elements into place save & publish your design to social media, Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, Tumbler and your blog post.  Include your website and links at the end of the design for readers to find your website and content.

Experiment with different designs and layouts to achieve the desired results.  Designing takes patients and with some practice, you can design fantastic infographics for your website.

The design is the Silent Ambassador of Your Brand

Looking for inspiration?  There are several great resources available for you to view.  One of my favourites is Google Images for Infographics.  Find great examples by conducting a search on Google.  Simply type in the key phrase you are looking for example Cooking infographics and click search.  You will be shown infographics on the topic of cooking.  See how others are using different elements, content and icons to create great designs.  Search for different topics related to your niche and gather design ideas for your next creation.

how to makeinfographics design

How To Make Infographics

Infographic tools and templets make designing a breeze with click and drag technology you can create a specular image with custom dimensions, colours and themes in minutes.  Do you need ideas for your creation? Finding inspiration online is a great way to see how others are laying out their designs in blogs, advertisements, slide presentations and more.

When conducting research on design elements look at the font types, font sizes, font configuration, Color scheme, layout, icons, icon placement, digital images, content and use of templets.  Begin to visualize how your finished design will look and draw a rough sketch on a piece of paper.  Make any necessary changes and proceed to work in the canva design program.  Publish your infographic on social media and infographic directories for more exposure and make money online.

Create professional infographics with this step by step video tutorial guide. Find great tools and resources that show you how to make infographics look amazing with this beginners guide. Using the latest technology can make any presentation pop. Utilizing templets, themes and colours for customizing your graphic designs.


25 Free Infographic Directories

Graphic Design Software

www.viz.lalizeme Graphic design program is recommended for beginners and advanced designers.  If you want to add infographics to your blog or website canva is the perfect solutions for all your design needs.  Create specular presentations, slides, and ebooks. Infographics and images with ease. Make infographics for free.  Everything you need to create and publish infographics for your business.  Easy to use templets let you create beautiful designs incorporating your individual colour scheme and content.  Make your presentations stand out with colourful images, icons and graphics.  Worlds class graphic design without the cost.

31 Ultimate collection of Canva design videos.  These video tutorials are a great beginners guide to infographics.  Work with the tutorials and programs to create fantastic designs.  Follow standard online marketing strategies for promoting your work.

10 Free Tools for infographic design. Learn how to make infographics using the latest tools and technology. If you don’t have a lot of time to create great designs takes advantage of these easy to use tools for making visual content.  It is indisputable that graphics play an important role in online marketing.  Infographics take complex information from content and transform it into a visually appealing graphic design that is easy to understand for the reader.  It is no wonder that magazine readers and web viewers love the 100 best Infographics.

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Patricia Lynn


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Patricia Lynn

Author of Business Today Pro. Providing the latest news and update information on business, online marketing, tech, how to make money online, how to make money with advertising, websites, blogging, affiliate marketing and much more...