How To Start A Blog 10 Easy Steps


Step by Step Beginners Guide on How To Make A  Profitable Blog In 30 Minutes

How do I start a blog? Start a blog for your business or personal use customized for your particular needs.  Business Today Pro will show you how to start a blog in just 30 minutes or less using the best tools available on the internet.  Starting your own blog does not have to be expensive or over complicated.  The fact is designing a blog is a very simple process if you take the time to learn.  Blogging started in the mid-nineties as a way to write and record a personal journal.

Blogging platforms from WordPress and Blogger have since exploded into a powerful medium for business owners who want to stay in front of their competition. Using a blog for a secondary income and for the growth of their company has huge potential if done correctly.  In 1999 there were 23 blogs online and as of 2017, there are over 1.5 billion blogs worldwide. has over 60 million alone and a new blog is created every 60 seconds making this platform the best marketing tool in the history of mankind.

It seems that just about everyone who owns a business has their own blog dedicated to their personal niche market.  Adding advertising, banner ads or content with affiliate links is a great way to monetize your blog for making money online.

If you are like most individuals who want to start a blog but find the process too complicated or intimidating, you are not alone.  If you do not have the technical skills or know how don’t worry.  Just follow the step by step process on how to start a blog from scratch using templets and easy to follow instructions for beginners.

Tutorial Choosing a Domain Name

A domain name will be associated with your blog and should be chosen with care.  For example Business Today Pro blog URL address is  If you type that address into the browser from anywhere in the world by cell phone, computer, or tablet you will be directed right to that website.  This URL can be used in creating content blog posts, advertisements, tutorials and used in social media, ebooks, video, guest posting.  Linking that websites to articles all over the web. Start a blog with a great domain name that can be easily identified with.  Some examples:, ect.

Choose a domain name that people can identify with as your brand in your niche market.  Create a domain name that individuals can easily remember, identifying the market you want to reach.  Some domain names can be purchased for as little as one dollar keeping start-up costs to a minimum.

Godaddy offers one domain name for one dollar from their hosting company, currently serving over 13 million customers and has 4,098 employees worldwide    Find and register your domain name today with the world’s largest registry.  Fast and easy setup with full 24/7 expert customer support if you have any questions or concerns.  Good blog names should be descriptive and shot for readers to remember and identify with.   Control your online identity with a personal domain name including free forwarding to your Facebook, Tumbler, Twitter, or Linkedin page.  No technical skills required!

At Godaddy, you get a domain name registered, 24-hour expert support, domain forwarding to any hosting provider, simple domain set up, real time monitoring to make sure you are always up and running.  With 60 million domains under management Godaddy has extensive experience and will make sure you have a great domain to fit your specific needs for your business.  Another option is to register your own personal name securing a virtual spot in an online real estate.  many successful bloggers do use their name as a domain name.  For Example, John Chow blog at shows the power of blogging see how he created an income online fro zero to making a six figure income in relatively a short period of time.  His blog is very well known in the online marketing industry.

Once you have a blog domain name chosen, you need to select an extension for that name such as .com is the golden standard .net and .org also work well.  It is recommended to stay away from the extensions .us or .biz as these are not easily recognized by most people.   You may find that the domain name you want is already taken and unavailable.  Start a blog using the best online tools for perfect optimization and identification for your business.

You can still get the name you want by adding a word in the name, for example, The domain name was unavailable however if I added the word Pro in the domain to become that was available for purchase.  Experiment with different domain names to find the right selection for your business. Click here to see if your domain name is available.  Please note that you can not use punctuation other than dashes in your chosen domain name. If you choose a domain name from Godaddy and want to use BlueHost as a hosting provider the domain name will have to transfered from Godaddy to Bluehost.

Another option is to purchase a domain name from BlueHost and then select a hosting package to download WordPress to your computer.  This is the easiest way to start a blog. Simply log onto BlueHost to create a new domain to see if it is available for purchase.  If that domain is not available you will be given a list to select from.  If you do not find a domain from that list that you like try to submit another domain of your choice.   Once you have a domain name that is available click next to proceed.


Step 2 Choose A Web Hosting Platform

A web hosting service stores all of your files for your blog and delivers your information to readers when someone types in your URL web address.  You must have a web hosting provider in order to have a fully functioning blog with domain name, content and use of other WordPress features, plugins, and themes.

Choosing a provider with a bad reputation will put your blog at serious risk for slow operation, and poor customer support.   You may find that your blog is too slow or not working properly, to begin with.  Avoid being doomed from the very beginning by choosing a hosting provider with a proven track record and great customer support.  Start a blog with all the right resources available to avoid complications down the road.

There are literally hundreds of hosting providers available to choose from for hosting your blog.  My recommendation is BlueHost web hosting provider for WordPress.  In fact, this website is hosted at Bluehost and I personally have had a good experience with this platform and I highly recommend it to new bloggers for its ease of use and simplicity.

In just a matter of 30 minutes or less, you can have a blog up and running on the internet with Bluehost.  Special features include Domain search and registration. one free domain name for your blog, free site builders with one click installation and 24/7 customer support if you have any questions or need technical assistance for any reason.  BlueHost is now powering over 2 million WordPress blogs worldwide.

BlueHost Web Hosting Features

  • One free domain and registration
  • Website hosting provider
  • One click WordPress installation
  • 24/7 trained experts for technical assistance
  • Video guides and tutorials for beginners
  • Money back guarantee if you are not satisfied for any reason, no hidden fees or gimmicks

Because BlueHost is so popular it may cost a bit more to purchase a package starting out at 2.95 per month for one website features include 50 GB of space, unmetered bandwidth, standard performance, 1 free domain, 5 parked domains, 25 subdomains, 5 email accounts with 100MB of space.  For 5.45 per month, features include unlimited websites, unlimited web space, unlimited bandwidth, standard performance, 1 free domain name, unlimited parked domains, unlimited sub domains, unlimited email accounts, unlimited email storage space, 200.00 dollars online marketing included.

BlueHost Prime is recommended for it’s great features for WordPress including, one free domain name, 1 domain privacy, site backup pro, unlimited parked domains, unlimited subdomains,  unlimited websites, unlimited web space, unlimited bandwidth, Standard performance, 200.00 in online marketing offers to get started, over 80.00 in extras.  With BlueHost start a blog with confidence and ease getting one free domain name and low start-up costs.


Start a blog in just three easy steps by creating a domain to register and then select a hosting package to suit your personal goals.  Consider how you anticipate using your blog.  Is your blog going to be used for business?  Are you going to have an e-commerce site and sell products online?  Maybe you want a blog for personal use to journal in.  Decide how you are going to use your blog then choose a package to suit your needs.  Always feel free to speak with a consultant at Bluehost to answer any questions by chat, email or telephone number.

Once you have chosen a domain name you will be directed to a registration page this is where you will input all of your billing information.  You will also have to select a hosting package for your provider.  The the12-month option has a low upfront cost and the 36-month package has a lower rate and saves you money in the long run.  Both packages work well.


Start Your Blog In Minutes

Once your billing information has been completed usually only takes just a few minutes you will be ready to begin the process of setting up your blog.  Log on to your Bluehost account homepage and then click on the login at the top.  Enter your selected domain name and password you chose during registration.

Now that you have logged into your control panel in BlueHost we can install the free WordPress software used to create a new blog.  First be sure to close any open programs and popups before installing WordPress.  Next, locate the install WordPress by looking under “website” heading and click the link for  WordPress install.

You will automatically be logged into the MoJo Market Place.  This is where you can click the install button to download the WordPress program to your computer to get started with your blog.

It is recommended to check the “show advanced options” box This is where you can enter your username, password and website title.  It is very important to keep track of your personal information such as password and username and website address for future use.  If you need to talk to a BlueHost representative for any reason you will be required to submit your username and the last 4 digits of your password for security reasons. Use Bluehost to start a blog for personal or business use online.

WordPress is now installing and should take only a short period of time.

View Credentials is only available for up to twelve hours.  Please note that this information is important for future use and should be recorded for your records and kept in a safe place.  Once the installation is complete click on “view credentials” at the top of the page to view your login information.  An email confirmation will be sent to your inbox as soon as the installation process is fully complete.  Congratulations!  Your blog should be ready for configurations in settings.

How To Make a Website

Once your WordPress blog has finished completing the installation you are now ready to begin the process of setting up and configuring specific settings so your blog.  In this next section, watch the video tutorial to go over the basics of how to get started in settings to get started with.  Once you become familiar with WordPress themes, plugins and features you will be able to navigate with ease.  Laern how to start a WordPress blog step by step instruction shows you how to get started.

How To Create A WordPress Blog Video Tutorial

Follow along with this beginning tutorial to learn WordPress.  At this point, your WordPress Installation should be complete.  You will be able to choose a free theme or purchase a theme of your choice to get started.  Most of the themes will give yield great results and be compatible with the latest plugin options.  Once you log into your WordPress Website dashboard you will be able to go through all the settings for your blog.  Take time to go through all the configurations to get started. Choose your blog title, color combinations, theme and digital images that will compliment your niche market.

Start by logging into your WordPress website at www.YOURWEBSTEADDRESS/wp-login.php?  This will take you to your website login.  Use your email and password to access your WordPress Dashboard.

Once logged into your account use the step by step by step video tutorial for selecting a theme for your new blog by selecting the appearance tab on the left side of your dashboard.  Learn how to use posts and pages to start building up the website on a post at a time starting with an about page giving good information what your blog is about.

Top Ten Plugins For WordPress

WordPress Plugins can really take your website to the next level without using coding and are usually easy to configure and setup installation.  Plugins can easily add opt-in forms, video, WP Link Status to check links, Wordfence fro security, Google API key, and much more.  If you want more information on plugins for WordPress to visit 10 Top WordPress Plugins For Success.  There you will get access to the best plugins for optimizing your blog.  Still, need help on how to start a blog?  Affilorama can help get you started.  Join for free to get access to tools and information you need to become successful online.

This beginners guide has only scratched the surface for starting a blog in a few easy steps.  There is a lot more to learn in settings and online marketing.  How to get your website on Google Index.  At Business Today Pro will show you how to generate traffic for your website with SEO, social media marketing and paid advertising.

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Patricia Lynn


Interesting Facts About Bloggers & Blogging

How To Turn Your Personal Blog Into a Business

My Recipe For Success: How To Launch A Successful Blog




Image Courtesy of JuralMinGeralt,





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Patricia Lynn

Author of Business Today Pro. Providing the latest news and update information on business, online marketing, tech, how to make money online, how to make money with advertising, websites, blogging, affiliate marketing and much more...