Ideal Internet Of Things


Internet Of Things Possibilities

Internet of things extensive applications for IoT devices are often divided into commercial, industrial, infrastructure, and consumer based spaces facilitating processors abilities effortlessly connecting devices across the web.  5.07 billion people around the world will use the internet in 2023 as more than two thirds of global internet users use laptops and desktops for their online activities.  The internet has revolutionized the industry consisting of organizations that provide a wide variety of products and services through their websites primarily online. Over 59.5% of the world’s population uses the internet to connect to a vast array of information based topics of interest to people on search. The Internet of things IoT uses devices with sensors with processing abilities software and other technologies to exchange digital data across other devices and systems over the Internet with other communications and networks. Smart computer like devices including smartphones, smart speakers, tablets, smart watches, smart bands use technologies as a convenience to make it possible to complete so many tasks simultaneously with little effort increasing efficiency saving time and money.

Advantages of the internet are enormous playing a critical role in innovation accessing a global marketplace with endless knowledge and entertainment the possibilities are endless in 2023. Connecting online is mainstream with the use of computer systems, mobile devices, smart pads, and emails. Globally the number of emails sent and received per day is projected to increase to 347.3 billion in 2023,  Gmail is the most popular email service in today’s world with 1.8 billion active users worldwide in 2023 used as a free email service.  Gmail is the best overall free service once you are online with no further expense with ease of use to reference. Send and receive messenger and attachments stored safely, logically, and reliably.  Yahoo email provider has good spam blocking capabilities with 227.8 billion active users in 2023. Outlook is reliable for app integrations with 400 million active users in 2023. Stay on top of your most important messengers and events with Outlook email and calendar service together all in one place prioritizing tasks with Microsoft To Do. Schedule meetings, people, and events with a calendar keeping things well organized. 

The Internet of things has changed the way people conduct business online using services designed to increase productivity. Microsoft 365 includes Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, Microsoft Teams, OneDrive, SharePoint, and Exchange used for personal or business use online. According to Mailbutler, 46 percent of smartphone users prefer to be contacted by business via email. Mobile devices are handheld computers small enough to operate in the hand and may have a physical keyboard. Such devices can connect to the internet and connect with other devices including a car, entertainment systems, and headsets via Wifi Bluetooth, and cellular networks. There are currently 6. billion smartphones worldwide in 2023  – a number that is projected to increase in later years. The advantages of smartphones allow video watching, as well as listening to radio podcasts or music as the internet of things makes it easier to surf the web, shop online, check your emails, and connect through messaging services.  Enjoy the millions of the latest Android Apps on Google Play accessing games, movies, music, Tv, books, magazines and more. Google apps keep you in the know about what matters to you while exploring topics of interest in 2023.   

The Internet of things enables building a business online using the latest technologies in 2023. E-commerce digital solutions for the entrepreneur selling products online using popular services over the internet.  Modern electronics commerce uses World Wide Web technologies to complete transactions online manage the flow of goods and fulfill orders. E-commerce businesses may employ online shopping from electronic commerce which allows consumers to buy services or goods directly from a seller online. Consumers find a product online through search queries and visit a website from the retailer directly. Shopify Inc. is a multidimensional company headquartered in Ottawa Ontario Canada founded in 2004 by Tobias Lutke, Daniel Weinand, and Scott Lake.  It is also the name of a proprietary e-commerce platform for online stores of the retail end-of-point system. The company reported it had 1,000,000 businesses located across 175 countries using its platform as of June 2019.  Gross merchandise volume online retail sales sold through Shopify marketplace exceeded US 61 billion in 2019.

Today the Internet of things is a global phenomenon in 2023 reaching worldwide proportions as technology advances across the web advances commercial opportunities for businesses to be open 24/7 online. Internet usage has gained popularity in 2023 impacting the culture including the rise of near communication by email, instant messaging, email, telephone, mobile communications, voice over the internet, two way interactive video calls, and the worldwide web. As of March 2022, the most used messaging apps worldwide include Line 217 million, Viber 260 million, Telegram with 700 million, WeChat 1.2 million, Signal with 100 million, Facebook Messenger with 1.3 billion, and WhatsApp with 2.0 billion active users. Classic internet opportunities avail for people across the globe that provide access to popular programs users can use to improve productivity in the workplace. Internet businesses are a cost effective network used by people to grow their companies online across all devices.

Virtual workspace reimagined with the Internet of things encompasses more opportunities online. Empower your workforce using digital virtual workspace solutions collaborating with mobile advances reaching employees anywhere at any time conferencing through the web, and mobile instant messaging services. Orchestrate workspace solutions securely optimizing performance giving users the right tools to succeed in business. Microsoft 360 Cloud brings together the best in productivity apps using powerful cloud services, and device management using advanced security applications in one connected experience. Microsoft Apps for the business get desktop versions of Office apps of Outlook, Word, PowerPoint, and OneNote in addition to Access and Publisher for PC.  Generate documents to view, and edit across all devices using the latest features and capabilities in business apps. Digital transformation implements effective technologies for the virtual workspace and greatly enhances productivity. The cloud is accessible anywhere virtuality anywhere provides larger businesses with multiple locations to seamlessly pass data using the Internet of things as a driving force to success online.


Patricia Lynn

Images Courtesy of 2ragon at AdobeStock


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Patricia Lynn

Author of Business Today Pro. Providing the latest news and update information on business, online marketing, tech, how to make money online, how to make money with advertising, websites, blogging, affiliate marketing and much more...