Brilliant Internet Marketing Strategies Go From Zero To Hero

internet marketing

Internet marketing also is known as digital marketing has become a necessary part of the business who want to succeed online.  There are literally hundreds of ways to fully optimize your website for search and generate traffic.  If no can find you online you will not earn money with your site.  Learning how to use your computer internet service to drive targeted traffic to your website using free and paid services will earn a great income.

Make money online you must be visible to the public who are interested in your services and products   You need targeted traffic and lots of to become successful online.  Advertising can be expensive, however, there are low cost and free ways to get the word out about your business.

Driving targeted traffic to your website is one of the most important function to get leads, customers and sales in internet marketing.  Search engine optimization is the key factor in growing any business.  When optimizing your website be careful to make small changes one at a time and then test your website to analyze the functionality of your website.  This will give you the opportunity to check for errors or misconfigurations that need to be fixed.  Errors on the website such as broken links, missing alt tags for digital photos or other technical issues can prevent proper indexing in search results.  Luckily there are great tools available for testing websites.  If you make several changes and one of the changes does not work your site will not be fully optimized to maximize your earning potential.

This will give you the opportunity to check for errors or misconfigurations that need to be fixed.  Errors on the website such as broken links, missing alt tags for digital photos or other technical issues can prevent proper indexing in search results.  Luckily there are great tools available for testing websites.  If you make several changes and one of the changes does not work your site will not be fully optimized to maximize your earning potential.

Optimizing Search Engine Performance For Internet Marketing

WP Checkup for WordPress blogs is a free diagnostic tool blogger can use to analyze their website for error and performance to help take your website to the next level.  This scan is fast and easy and free giving access to your SEO, professional performance, and security report.  Utilize this information to your advantage fixing any and all errors in content goes out.  WP offers free scans for a website and other services that you need for a WordPress blog for a free trial membership. Other services include internet marketing, security, hosting, plugins, WordPress themes, blog, and support.  Join the Academy to get expert advice from developers, content marketers, and Entrepreneurs. Sharing their expertise with others is completely free to WPMU DEV members for developing your internet marketing skills.

Moz Open Site Explorer free tool to develop high-quality inbound link profile.  Research backlinks to help find good link building opportunities and discover bad links that may be damaging to your website.  Moz Pro offers complete tools to improve website SEO and ranking search engine visibility.

Unique data you can trust, powered by the industry-leading SEO metrics including, domain authority, page authority giving you the highest quality to do your job fully optimizing your website.  Moz data source is an excellent resource for gaining insights to link equality.  Save time to work on several projects at one time using Moz metrics information streamlining workflow.   Successful SEO takes time in learning how to implement internet marketing strategies however there are great tools and tutorials available for businesses.

Hubspot Grader Tool launched in 2006 has graded more than 4 million websites.  This award winning service is free to use and gave marketers advice on how to improve their website performance and encourage millions to take their business to the next level.  These days internet marketing has evolved into much more than just having a website.  Other marketing methods must be used to drive traffic to your website through social media marketing, branding, PPC marketing, directories, banner advertising and much more.  In 2011 HubSpot launched Website Grader a totally new free tool that can analyze your website and all of your marketing seconds reviewing thirty different factors and then provide an online marketing grade report.  Using these impressive tools will help optimize your website for maximizing earning potential.

Affilorama internet marketing services provide tools, services and online marketing course for making money online.  Improve your search engine ranking with a premium suite of online tools for internet marketing to provide the whole picture of website statistical analysis.  AffilioTools crunches data from several resources providing an in-depth analysis of your website performance with social media, search engine, and revenue earned all in one place.  Dig deeper into search engine ranking to see if your internet marketing efforts are productive.  AffilioTools automatically track your ranking in greater depth so you can see real results.  Get the most comprehensive ranking data available for your website.

Discover which keywords are helping you the most.  AffilioTools stacks real ranking against actual traffic data so you can see which keywords are helping your business grow.  Track ranking in several different regions and search engines, Google, Bing, Yandex.  Your rankings may be different in the United States compared to Canada or other areas.  Watch your pages get indexed in search engines or easlly see when the number dips indicating a biger problem, as well as Facebook, likes, Tweets, earnings and ranking for each keyword.  Try it for free.

Fully optimize your website for maximum earning potential can be done with two basic ways.  Once your website has been developed and checked for errors you will have the ability to publish content relative to a specific niche.  The first involves techniques that allow search engines to crawl and index your website effectively.   These are largely based technical challanges.  The second method involves search engine ranking that falls in the scope of internet marketing and business strategies.  Some of these techniques are technical and may require a mentor for learning.  The good news there are great resources for those who want to learn internet marketing.

Below you can find a list of practical strategies you can implement to make your internet presence visible to consumers online

  • Link Building the real currency on the internet
  • Content Applications
  • Domaine Names, Website Submissions, and Links
  • Keyword Applications
  • Benefiting and Understanding Indexing and Ranking
  • Outbound and Inbound Links

Before moving on let’s review how search engines really work and how it can benefit internet marketing.  Search engines gather raw data electronically with “spiders” crawling across the web.  The search engines then index the data, quickly and accurately for search engine retrieval when someone conducts a search.  This means you must pay close attention to ranking and indexing process.

The details of how search engines works are changing daily along with technological advances.  The information listed here is meant to guide you and could change at any time.   Find resources that you can implement in your business to stay current with the latest resources and insights.


Content Applications

Content applications using unique content relevant to your specific niche market.  Content is king in internet marketing writing about specific information that links to great resources will be invaluable to consumers will give your business a huge boost in business.  Increase conversions by writing a call to action on your webpage such as offering free tips or ebook with information consumers can use.  For example, If you have a website about cooking you could offer free healthy recipes or free tips on How To Cook Dinner in 20 minutes plus recipes.  This offer can go out as a pop-up on your website.  The consumer will see the free offer and sign up using their email.  Then the consumer gets great information about a

The consumer will see the free offer and sign up using their email.  Then the consumer gets great information about a specific need.  You get their email through their subscription and now you can build an email list.  This enables you to stay in contact with a potential customer by sending out a free weekly newsletter and information about your business.  Staying in contact with subscribers will enable you to market products, services, webinars, software and ebooks users may be interested in.

Keeping content fresh and new will help you rank in search engines writing one to 5 times per week with a word count 1600 up to 3000 for best results.  Making small changes to existing content is not nearly as effective as writing new content.  For this reason, a blog that is linked to a business website, landing pages, and perhaps to another blog have the best results getting a higher ranking in search results.

If you would like to build credibility about your business asks you SEO to write on the blog for better optimization in search results.  This strategy benefits your internet marketing strategies in several ways including good PR and representation of the business.

Old copy does not work as well as new content.  Don’ allow others to use your text on their website as it will dimish your search results ranking.  Change your copy often and don’t allow resellers or other firms use the same content on their website.

Keyword Applications

Good SEO starts with strategic keyword placement in your blog post.  Start by figuring out the keyword you want to focus on in the post.  Create an interesting title including the keyword.  The first word in the first paragraph should be the keyword followed by an introduction into the artical and what the article will cover.   Include keywords in the beginning of your pages as correct placement counts although not as much as headings, tags or anchor text.

Focus on one keyword throughout the blog post making readable and relevant to your topic.  Use the keyword in one header tag for a title within the post.

Place keyword header tags in your code on your website, for example, <H1> <H2>  Theses placement rank higher in search results.  You also need to place the chosen keyword throughout the post and an ALT tag for one digital image.  Use Yoast plugin for analyzing your SEO keywords, title, content, subheadings and slug to get good results.  This plugin is like having an internet marketing specialist do SEO for you.

Place keywords in meta tag descriptions for good SEO in search engines google, Yahoo and Bing

You can also optimize keyword phrases that are used in search quarries, for example, a search for the phrase ” generate traffic”  will lead to different results if you search for “traffic”  Consider using one word to optimize your post.

Optimize Outbound Links In Blog Posts

Link by definition is a “hyperlink” that you can use in your content to link to your blog to another post or link to somewhere else on the internet as a navigation element.  Usually, the links are blue or can be configured to a different color. The anchor text of your internal links matter but not as much as the inbound links.  Consider writing content that includes longer questions and phrases for anchor texts.  A lot of searches entered phrases and quarries such as ” How to train a dog” or “How to cook a chicken”  If you use phrases in your content that will help link all of it.  Build pages around key phrases when writing content.

Want to speed up the spider process and rank in search results?  Get an inbound link from a quality site.  This can be achieved by guest posting on a popular blog and linking back to your website.  Try writing for government sites linking back to your website to increase popular inbound links. Posting questions and answers on relevant forums can be a great way to link back to your website.   Simply fill out your profile registration information including a link back to your website.  Then go and comment on the forum in your niche giving good advice and posting questions.  Individuals will check out your profile and may click on your website link directing them back to your business.

Domain Names Site Links and Directories

Create a domain name that can be easily identified with your brand, products, and services.  Be careful with redirects for www. and non-www.domain names.  Decide what you want to use as your permanent URL address and 301 redirect to it.  For example, if your is your personal preference than should redirect to it.  301 redirects are considered permanent address and considered more search friendly in search results.

If you decide to use keywords in your chosen URL for a permanent web address and file name this is considered important for MSM and Yahoo rankings.

Use a dedicated server for your website rather than using a hosting service that multiple websites.  This will minimize the risks and problems that can occur when you share a server.  Sharing a hosting site may contain malware issues, time out due to technical issues and problems with the email service not working properly.  There are great hosting services available however using a privet dedicated server reduces downtime and tends to draw more inbound links if your server is not down.

Submit your website to online directories once per month to show search engines that your website is up and running.  This is how search engines know you exist and want to be crawled.

Benefits of Ranking and Indexing Tips

  • When writing content for your blog it is important to follow a few guideline when placing your keywords throughout your post.  Don’t over stuff your content with too many keywords as this be used against you in rankings.  Content must read and appear natural to the reader.  Use keyword throughout your post 3 to7 percent for major keywords and 1 to 2 percent for minor.  Internet marketing may look suspicious if your post looks more like keyword stuffing.  If you want to rank high in search results find the right balance of using keywords in your content throughout your post.  Search engines can blacklist you if you are overstuffing content with keywords.
  • Don’t over optimize keywords or keywords that do not pertain to your topic or business structure.  This may constitute as keyword spamming in search results and may result being blacklisted for overuse of a particular keyword,
  • Meta tags should be unique for each page to avoid complications in search engines
  • Over populating your post with outbound links directing users to a new page can get you blacklisted.  Try not to use more than 100 inbound links per page to avoid spamming.
  • Be careful when choosing inbound links to publish your content as bad outbound links to link farms will go against your rankings.  Use Moz online marketing services to check the value of links before you use them in your content to avoid problems in the future.
  • Once a post is published submit your link to Google webmaster and Bing Webmaster and select crawl.
  • Submit your web post link to all 40 plus social bookmarking sites drawing attention to your website.  Automate the process by using OnlyWire a social bookmarking automation service that can save time and effort in internet marketing.

Advertising your Website To Reach Millions of Targeted Visitors

Advertising your business using free or paid services can be a great combination for attracting customers to your site.  Writing content is king when it comes to expressing yourself about a specific topic.  Using Facebook advertising for internet marketing is a good resource for individuals who want to spend a low amount of money and reach a huge audience.  For more information on advertising with Facebook go to Facebook Business to learn more.  Connect your website with targeted individuals who want to learn more about your niche and grow your business online with internet marketing.

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Patricia Lynn

Images Courtesy of typrographyimages, 568647 at

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Patricia Lynn

Author of Business Today Pro. Providing the latest news and update information on business, online marketing, tech, how to make money online, how to make money with advertising, websites, blogging, affiliate marketing and much more...