Make Money Testing Apps


New Technology Offers Opportunities For Job Seekers

Do you use a lot of apps on your smartphone or tablet? If you are like most people you probably do, but did you know
that there is a way you can actually get paid for using the hottest new apps as soon as they are available.  Apps from custom maps, games, recipes, iPhone music, sports, medical information and more. There are millions of apps being used worldwide. When you think about the fact that the app
market is growing like crazy and is worth billions of dollars, it’s easy to see why this makes sense. Every day thousands of apps are released
into the app store, and most get lost amongst the crowd.  Get a list of the Top twenty apiPhones and ipads this month.


Discover New Apps

Developing an app costs thousands of dollars
and app developers really don’t want to put all that effort in just to
see it flop, so they pay regular app users to download their apps, test
them and write a review.  Companies like has apps built for doing. Seamlessly integrate all of your devices, tablets, iPhones and computers running on Windows 10.  Get connected with social apps for Instagram, Twitter and Facebook., The Google Chrome app store, offers apps for your computer. Instantly connect to your favorite games, music, and entertainment with the latest apps. Apps are used by social media to use on websites and blogs for social sharing porpoises.  Powering a more social sharing experience.

This helps their app climb the rankings in the app store and get positive feedback, the more money they make the
more they have to pay app testers like you! This is a HUGE opportunity and those who get in now are going to profit the most.  Go to and join today.  Make money testing apps.


Design your Own APP

Adobe uses the latest technology to develop and create websites and apps for our business.  Design and prototype your websites and mobile apps with Adobe Experience Design CC.  This is an all in one tool for UX designs. Adobe Ux is made for fast fluid design with innovative tools to eliminate slow integration and to deliver breakthrough performance.  Switch from design to prototype in a single click.  Quickly create wireframes and visual designs.  Preview changes in real time and instantly share your porotype with your team.

Make an app easy as pie. Create your own app with the fastest growing DYI mobile app builder.  Simply drag,drop and create a world-class app in just minutes.  For more detailed information go to  Make an app for free or upgrade your account for more benefits.

Create your own app for your small business, iso, and Android phone, no coding required. Appinstiture at  Harness the power of mobile marketing to create a custom app for your business.  Build, launch and promote your app from one platform.  Simple drag and drop editor allows you to create an app with ease.  Choose from one of 20 professional temples to create your design. Publish your app to Google Play and the apple store and take your business to the next level.

If you want more information on how to make money online and take your business to the next level go to for more information.  Find everything you need to make money online with your own niche website, business, tools, mentor, and step by step instruction on how to make money online.

See you on the inside


Patricia Lynn

Images Courtesy of LoboStuidoHamburg, Fimbee, Jeshoots at

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Patricia Lynn

Author of Business Today Pro. Providing the latest news and update information on business, online marketing, tech, how to make money online, how to make money with advertising, websites, blogging, affiliate marketing and much more...