Mike Rowe Return To Discovery Premier New Series 


Mike Rowe Campaign To Reconnect

Mike Rowe is an American television host also known for his work as a narrator for the Discovery Channel series Somebody’s Gotta Do It and the series Dirty Jobs was originally created for a worldwide news network debut in October 2014.  Mike Rowe is set to premiere a new series, Dirty Jobs, on the Disney Channel highlighting an appreciation of the famed brand in 2020.  Rowe currently hosts a series produced for Facebook Returning the Favor in which he finds people doing good deeds and does something for them in return. 

In 2008 he wanted to find new ways to express work ethic qualities he values the most through writing The S.W.E.A.T Pledge which stands for “Skills and Work Ethic Aren’t Taboo”  It is a collection of beliefs summarizing the importance of good work ethic taking personal responsibility encompass an optimistic outlook conveying a positive attitude with the belief that every worker can benefit from it.  Contemplating today’s job market with record unemployment millions of jobs are unfilled due to a massive skills gap in the labor force essential jobs are still in demand may secure a path to prosperity.

As an apprentice on the television series Dirty Jobs Mike Rowe traveled throughout the United States to work with a wide variety of skilled workers electricians, pipefitters, bricklayers, and other proficient workers who keep our polite society bustling along. Celebrate people who work out of sight out of mind still continue to thrive despite the current economy jobs are still available for those seeking new opportunities.  They were entrepreneurs functioning as a successful business providing essential services for the general public who managed to positively balance work allocating time for personal life activities and fulfilling the demands of a professional career.

Mike Rowe realizes the path to success is profoundly disconnected among the American workforce.  Some Americans have become slowly disconnected from the fundamental elements of civilization education, food, energy including work itself the skill gap for professionals is wider than it’s ever been in 2020.  According to the Labor of Statistics, there were 7 million jobs available across the United States requiring specific qualifications.  Our society doesn’t have a trained workforce willing to fulfill many available existing positions.  The increase of the skills gap combined with the disappearance of Vocational education and the exuberant rise in college tuition results in symptoms of disconnection in the workforce. 

The mikeroweWORKS Foundation launched a national PR campaign to reconnect the average American with the values of the skilled workforce inspiring the next generation to do good work.  The foundation is on a mission closing the skills gap challenging the average stereotype that has discouraged many people from pursuing millions of available jobs. Rowe is convinced the solution has to begin with a new appreciation for hard work focusing on redefining the definition of obtaining a good education and a good work ethic. 

With record unemployment millions of jobs are unfulfilled the mikeroweWorks Foundation focuses on the blue collar skills trade and the state of the economy finding solutions providing people with information and resources about pursuing a career in the trades. The mikeroweWORKS Foundation launched its newest initiative Profoundly Disconnected in the spring of 2013 with the purpose to convey the simple truth that many of the best opportunities exist today require tangible skills to get people to change the way work is perceived.   

Mike Rowe, author of “The Way I Heard It” New York Times best seller, presents 35 mysteries for the curious mind with a short attention span conveyed with Rowe’s sense of humor.  He writes about their personal stories as part of a montage sequencing a collection of events through observation as a descriptive memoir full of surprising revolutions depicting transformative events.


Patricia Lynn




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Patricia Lynn

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