MIT Media Lab Innovative Designs In Product Development  

Media Lab Designing Future In Innovation

MIT Media Lab is a research laboratory located in the United States Cambridge MA also referred to as  Massachusetts Institute of Technology.  CBS News 60 Minutes aired on Sunday Night MIT Media Lab Making Ideas Into A Reality showcased several stories about MIT who recruits people with outlandish ideas who want to work in the Media lab creating life changing innovations.

Nicholas Negroponte founded Media Lab in 1985 and former MIT President Jerome Wisener housed in the Widener building designed by Chinese American Architect Ioech Mig Pei.

Media Lab researchers have created new technologies with a clear vision to make our lives healthier, safer, and more productive using innovative ideas currently working with 26 programs varying in subject matter. Media lab research community mission impacts important issues addressing concerns leveraging the best technology has to offer connecting people socially.

Achemidic programs offered at Media Lab in the Arts and Sciences in part of  Architecture and planning include three levels of study doctoral program, masters of science that offers alternative programs for students.   For more than 30 years MIT has been recruiting people to join Media Lab designing new technologies with a strong emphasis on making the human experience enhanced.

In the early years, MIT developed image technology for movies on demand for data compression and Csound the most widely used software synthesis systems.  Lab founders demonstrated a revolutionary hypermedia system called the Aspen Movie Map that allowed users to take a virtual tour of Aspen.  The colorado pre dated Google Earth by 25 years. Lab researchers drove the industry to scalable generations in digital television.

In 1985 the lab created the first multi colored computer graphic hologram demonstrated in 1990 the worlds first real time moving hologram received as impressive among peers.

Early developers of wearable computing established digital tools used for educational purposes and conducting experiments with online social media years before Twitter and Facebook platforms were developed.   The next decade at MIT Media Lab discovered new breakthroughs introducing the world into computers that recognize and respond to emotion with inexpensive wireless digital centers capable of providing world access.

Project Guided Wave light Modulator for Holographic video by Taylar Schoppner has been covered over decades beginning in 1989 continuing to be researched by the main Object Based Media group.  New technological advances in manufacturing have developed Hologvideo display.

Optical components guide the laser light to a viewer in order to give 3D effect continues to improve in design with an efficient holographic display.  The Holographic video guided wave light is just one example of what is being created at MIT.

For over 30 years Meda lab has recruited individuals with innovative ideas to work in the Media Lab where new invitations are developed, changing improving lives through new discoveries inside the MIT’s future factory.

Innovation is encouraged through diversity at MIT Media Lab from eager students and underrepresented groups among minorities, women can submit an application.  New technology is created 400 projects are in the making in 2019 true to the vision at Media Lab making ideas into a reality.

Patricia Lynn

Images Courtesy of geralt at Pixbay



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Patricia Lynn

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