Outsource Virtual Assistants Businesses Rely On For Best Practices


Virtual Assistance Now Used For Combating Workload

Outsource daily tasks to a virtual assistant is a fantastic resource for delegating responsibilities. Entrepreneurs are taking advantage of new services be offered online as a quick solution to building their business.   Companies are using these services to cut cost usually associated with running typical operations.  Using the internet as a primary tool for reaching large scale opportunities through online marketing efforts.  The digital workforce enables business’s to hire employees from other countries at a fraction of what it would normally cost paying minimum wage in the US.  Typically companies utilize an outside firm to handle jobs that were usually completed within the establishment.

Hiring contractors offer a diverse bilingual approach to new geo-location demographic location offers a highly educated labor force.  Companies such as Amazon, Intel, Bank of America, Gensler, HP, Proctor, and Gamble all have huge operations in  Costa Rica.  Recently there has been a huge growth in using the virtual assistance of white collar work in various emerging positions from bookkeeping, data processing, email management, banking and legal services to Companies such as US Resources a leading provider in staffing services.

For over a decade Resources US Resource has provided a highly experienced and motivated professional staff offering both short and long-term services.   Using innovative technologies to improve productivities while managing over 3 million resumes in their database.  Business owners use this resource as a solution for streamlining your operations and increase revenue providing an unmatched source of expertise.  Other services including cloud services and managed IT services.  Us Resources can help deploy and complete outsourcing solutions using a fully customizable plan for your specific business needs in human resource support requirements.  Replace or customize existing internal operations to compliment team workforce with the specialized knowledge and core advantage.

Top reasons for outsourcing is to foster innovation within the company base while conserving on capital reducing operation costs. As of 2004 Us companies have outsourced 300,000 to almost one million jobs. In 2013 Business Week and Goldman and Sacks future projection would grow to 6 million jobs outsourced.


Outsourcing can help your business grow 90% in the first 3 months

Professional services offered through US Resources has the staffing and expertise to assist your short or long term project.  Clients are provided a comprehensive assessment and complete network audits establishing a long-term budget plan.  Proven methodologies help businesses develop a secure customized plan for using virtualization design and implementation of streamlining transactions.

Outsourcing was formally coined as a  business term in 1998 due to the availability of work through the internet.  Corporations and business worldwide stay competitive by using services to handle manufacturing, production as well as a whole host of other services.   It is estimated that over 300,00 positions are outsourced overseas annually although pinning the exact number is difficult for authorities to establish.

Outsource Tips

  • Compile a list of work that needs to be completed.  Generate a new list of work that can be delegated to an outsource agency
  • Create a budget  for your business including expenses, bookkeeping, accounting, computer and office equipment, travel,  staff, utilities, insurance, staff or outsourcing services
  • Research freelance agencies to locate the best-talented  professionals on your budget
  • Choose candidates that meet credentials with proven record
  • Use free apps to monitor freelance work progress
  • Develop a strategy to utilize a virtual team dedicated to growing your business


Benefits of Outsourcing

Benefits of using virtual assistant are the most obvious starting at the cost advantage of hiring contractors outside of the primary organization outsourcing provides.  Receive faster more effective professional service for projects waiting to be completed.  Increased efficiency brings years of experience in delivering solutions for complex business outsourcing solutions.  Offering faster more reliable service helps grow the business exponentially.  Delivering customers quality customer experience they can count on.

Outsourcing is worth big business on a global scale with an estimated industry generated 507 billion revenue in 2014.  Manufacturing in electronics accounted for the largest sector reaching a total estimation of  381 billion.  The average wage earned by an outsourced employee vary due to project and geolocation of the country in which they live.

The banking industry uses outsourcing for helpdesk positions at 40% of outsourced workers.  Administrative positions in payroll are occupied by remote workers one-third banking industry.  Using these types of services is more affordable for many companies who want to expand their business.

Companies primarily outsource specific tasks to save on typical business expenses, regulations mandates, labor costs and production costs.  Researchers of Tennessee have studied the complexity of using outsourcing service relationships since 2003 focusing on emerging strategic planning of hiring outsource workers.  It can introduce significant cost reduction, boost productivity by improving turnaround time on projects.  Get more done with the help of freelancers who are ready and willing to work for your company in a specific area of expertise.

Flexible costs can be scalable to fit your specific budget resources for any project.  One of the greatest benefits of outsourcing is that you can customize your administrative tasks scaling up or scaling down based on current requirements.  Hard economic times require more flexibility financially to meet demand productivity.

Saving time using an outsource company trained in a specific area of expertise will result in faster service compared to hiring and training a new employee in house.  Using these services levels the competitive playing field between large corporations and small business.

Find The Perfect Freelancer Assistant

Locate the best talent for your business using Upwork, a business dedicated to bringing business’s and freelancer togeather for improved productivity.  Locate the perfect assistant narrowing down your search within country, region or time zone.  Work togeather with someone who is perfect for your team striving with a common goal of using professional virtual assistants off site.  Maximize resources by lowering expenses hiring an expert to handle specific tasks.  Many Entrepreneurs start out working long hours trying to complete all of the work themselves and soon realize that in order for a business to grow to the next level they need to hire employees or outsource work to be completed.

Build your online team using great professional services dedicated to serving your custom needs.  Find the level of service that works best for your business timetable.  Each option includes top quality professional freelancers in specific areas such as account and consultants, sales marketing experts, customer service agents, content writers, mobile developers, and web developers.  Take your business to the next level by delegating tasks to experts you want to work with.  For example, if you want to hire a freelancer to write content for your blog, simply choose the professional that fits specific requirements based on credentials range in price from 16.00 per hour to 50.oo per hour.   Companies can choose from an array of services and freelance professionals dedicated to excellent service for your business.  Find good quality freelancers anytime anywhere with Up work a company formally known as Elance-Odesk.  A global freelance platform where independent professionals and businesses collaborate remotely.

Elance-Odesk is reinventing the way businesses do business online and the way to do work.  Today they have served over 2 million businesses who tap into Elance -Odesk to find the best freelance professionals in the market making ti easier than ever to build and expand businesses thriving careers.   Elance -Odesk represents the world’s leading online workplace with clear innovation as a global enterprise.  Startups and businesses can connect with the world’s most talented professionals in the fields of support representatives, marketers, administrative assistant, writers, designers, and developers.

Global business worldwide has been seeking to outsource work at 2 million selection from 2500 skills to choose from.  Freelancers from one hundred eighty countries have worked remotely from Elance-Odesk with an outstanding rate at 9.7 million.  Annually work completed at 940 million worth of work has bees successfully completed.  Popular clients include top professional businesses Walt Disney, Careerbuilder, NBC, Pinterest, Motley Fool, Panasonic, Microsoft, OpenTable to name a few.  Ready to get to work?  Hire the best freelancers to outsource labor for your business.

Fivver remote assistant services for business and Entrepreneurs who are searching for affordable alternatives to hiring professionals.  If you need work completed in a specific area on a strict budget Fiver may suit your needs.  Starting at just five dollars select the individual you want to work for you to complete work in an array of professions like data entry, research, administrative support, content writing, design, graphic design, digital marketing, writing and translation, music and auto, programming and technical support and lifestyle.  Choose from one of many services available complete work online for one low fee with Fiver professional services.  Fivers client base include big companies such as CNN, Fox News, Forbs, Wallstreet Journal, Wired, Yahoo, NewYork Times, Toady

Build a better business with outsourcing work using the internet as a primary tool for business.  Growing a business takes a lot of work, time and effort for reaching its full potential.  Using freelance outsource professional services allow you delegate some of the work to be completed.  This leaves more free time to streamline business practices building a virtual team and generating more income.  Good customer service trained well can add a huge impact for building public relations.  Bookkeeping and email management can also be outsourced by qualified individuals who are dedicated to serving businesses online virtual assistant.

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Patricia Lynn


Images Courtesy of Geralt at Pixbay.com

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Patricia Lynn

Author of Business Today Pro. Providing the latest news and update information on business, online marketing, tech, how to make money online, how to make money with advertising, websites, blogging, affiliate marketing and much more...