Small Business Growth Essential Solutions For Entrepreneurs 


Finding Solutions For Small Business Growth

Small business growth in 2018 has exceeded expectations for many entrepreneurs who want to build a passive income online.  New technological advances have given more accessibility for developing a new business idea into actual products and services that can be sold in stores or on a personal website.

Developing a profitable foundation for your business should result in a scaleable sales funnel helping you reach your financial goals.

According to the Census Bureau in 2010 in the United States there were 27.9 million small businesses and 18,000 firms with 500 gainfull employees or more.  Individuals seeking new opportunities of development are encouraged to break barriers to accomplish their personal goals.

Often lack of capital hinders small business start-ups leaving some individuals struggling financially.  New opportunities in funding have given new hope to those who want to become successful in promoting their products or selling products for a commission.

Digital marketing trends prove to be profitable in 2018 due to popular social media marketing techniques and the use of mobile and internet technologies.

Small businesses established in many countries provide services in a wide verity of enterprises and manufacturing services.  Building a business requires a huge amount of time and personal investment before reaping the rewards of hard work and dedication.  Small business is often privately owned sole proprietorships, corporations and partnerships usually having fewer employees resulting in less annual revenue.

Entrepreneurs use various resources for funding their projects as startup capital helping small business growth in the future.  In the United States, the SBA Small Business Administration runs several loan programs specifically designed to help small business secure loans.  The loan programs guaranteed a portation of the loan to the issuing bank relieving the bank of some of the risks associated with extending a loan to small businesses.

Funding your business is one of the most important financial choices an entrepreneur can make for small business growth.  How you choose to fund your business can directly affect the future outcome of your enterprise.


How To Calculate Start Up Costs

Business expenses can be expensive for anyone who wants to embark on a new venture.  Calculating startup costs in advance can help budget future choices when developing a clear plan to determine how much money will it take to start your small business.

Current data from Goldman and Sacks demonstrates the importance of stimulating small business growth in the United States showing the lasting effects on small business growth providing crucial insights on how Business’s in America are proving jobs and creating new opportunities. (1.)

Start by calculating start-up costs for your small business in order to request funding from investors and estimate when you can start to see a profit from sales and commissions.

All businesses have expenses even before they open the doors or launch their business to the public.  Successful business plans need a well-planned budget in place is the key to successful preparation.  Conduct a breakdown analysis to help secure loans, attract investors and help with itemized tax deductions.  Excellent Startup Business Ideas for entrepreneurs is available to assist small business interests helping to guide you to resources you can use in the future.

Typically business falls into 3 categories including online businesses, brick and mortar and service providers. Identify your business type calculating detailed expenses associated with the goals you want to accomplish.  Common expenses can be kept to a minimum with careful planning.

Researching resources online can prove to be invaluable for startups who are searching for specific services to help small business growth.   Most companies offer a free trial of service or discounted services to attract new customers on a strict budget.  These offers can lead to a huge saving for the entrepreneur who wants to profit in the near future.

Some of the most successful businesses begin with one idea and a computer as their primary tool to create and develop their plan of action, keeping expenses low personally completing most of the work before hiring professionals and expanding their business.

  • Office space
  • Office equipment, computer, fax machine, copier and supplies
  • Communications
  • Business applications
  • Utilities
  • Licenses and permits
  • Insurance
  • Account and lawyer
  • Market research
  • Employee salary
  • Marketing and Advertising
  • Website
  • Printed materials

Fueling Small Business Growth

Many Enreperprenuers have a great idea for a particular business or invention they would like to profit from only to hit a plateau due to a lack of financial funding.  Using resources to help your small business growth can accelerate your companies performance yielding more revenue from sales and conversions.

Take time to analyze your current business expenses and projection of future expenses before proceeding in growth to access your weaknesses and strengths.  Knowing where to make improvements in staff or selected services can be vital for running your business smoothly.  Lack of accounting and finance may be the only thing holding you back from reaching your goals.  Luckily there are great resources available for entrepreneurs who are on the cutting edge of technology using the internet as a primary tool of choice.

Developing a website dedicated to your area of expertise can provide small business growth due to enormous exposure online.  Reach your potential audience through written content, visual content, infographics and all social media platforms to build a reputable brand around your products and services.

Using SEO search engine optimization can help you rank well in quarries ultimately driving more traffic to your website.  Dedicated readers will be directed to your webpages reading articles that are engaging and informative about your topic.  Offering a free weekly newsletter builds your subscriber email list enabling you to stay in constant contact with people who are interested in your content.

Excellent SEO Tactics of Business Today Pro suggests using Natural Search Engine Optimization to Promote your business using all available resources on the internet including social media platforms Facebook, Twitter and Linkedin for small business growth.


Funding For Small Business

Kickstarter is a global crowdfunding platform based in Brooklyn New York in America a public corporation with the focus of creativity and merchandising.  The companies sole mission is to bring new projects to life with its funding program.  Kickstarter has received approximately 3,816,319,752 dollars in pledges from 15,011,570 backers to fund 147,290 new creative projects including music, film, stage shows, comics, journalism, video game technology, and projects related to food.

As of July 2018 Kickstarter has tens of thousands of creative projects in various sizes that have been brought to life due to the support of the community.  Over 10 million people have backed Kickstarter from every continent around the world to help provide resources to fuel small business growth.  Kickstarter launched in April 2009 is dedicated to bringing your project to life.

SBA Small Business Administration

SBA Small Business Administration for funding your business can be found online and is considered to be one of the most important financial choices you can make.  The choices you make with financing your project could affect small business growth in the future including the structure of running your business.

Determine how much money you will need for future expenses carefully analyzing all the costs needed for your business to profit.  Your personal vision for your business will shape your financial future as you discover methods for funding your business.

Programs are available for funding your business including an SBA Backed loan to help grow the small business venture.   Other options for funding include self funding using personal savings, or investments to start your business or get venture capital from investors who can give you money to start your business or use affiliate marketing strategies to build an income online.

 Building a Profitable Business Online

ClickBank affiliate marketing allows people to earn a commission based income online selling digital and physical products or selling products you design with their comprehensive program dedicated to helping you make money.   If you can make one sale online learn how to you can generate sales 24/7 even when you are sleeping using simple techniques taught by professionals who know how to get results.

Learn how to you can build a funnel scaling your sales and conversions for maximum profitable results.  Use the latest internet technology available to work from any location that has internet access to develop a profitable business model.  Learn how you can create an online business that allows you to schedule flexible hours for work, family, and travel on your own terms.

Get access to the ClickBank Blueprint at ClickBank University and team up with faculty members to help you discover how to develop your business online.   Over the years ClickBank has sold 300 million digital products to 100,000 people online indicators of huge profit margins for affiliates and creators of products.

Reach your financial goals to grow the small business or for personal use with ClickBank University   Generate an income that may allow you to replace your current job with a profitable business online.  Click Here to get detailed information.

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Patricia Lynn

Photo by Olu Eletu on Unsplash Images Courtesy of Garalt at

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Patricia Lynn

Author of Business Today Pro. Providing the latest news and update information on business, online marketing, tech, how to make money online, how to make money with advertising, websites, blogging, affiliate marketing and much more...