Social Media Marketing Techniques Enhance Business Growth and Profits 


Increases Business Populatery Using Social Media Marketing

Social media marketing is one of the best methods of developing a strong presence online for your business.  Social networks are popular among all demographics including targeted gender, age, and location of users.  Social media is technologies used on computer-based communication services that facilitate the creation and sharing of information.

Social media marketing for business has changed the way individuals and businesses interact with users by building an online presence.  Social media marketing refers to the process of driving targeted traffic back to your website increasing your brand awareness.

Studies indicate the computer remains the prominent device of choice for accessing social media, mobile devices delivering internet connectivity has fueled the growth of social media interactions.  Users spent time with social media connecting with the latest mobile web and mobile apps increased 63% in the year 2012.  Continued growth in this area indicates the importance of using social media marketing for business purposes.

Web-based technologies are usually accessed by users on their cell phones, laptop computers, desktop computers or download services that service social media on tablets and smartphones.  Social media has changed the way business is conducted online providing a large platform for users to instantly communicate with the public.

Social media marketing benefits are enormous for online business owners who want to engage with users to increase a positive reputation.  When using social media services organizations and individuals can create informative posts using video, blog post, images or text to reach a large audience in a specific area of interest.  Users can create a discussion around generated content posted on social media services.

Digital marketing trends in 2018 have a new perspective in advertising technology for social media marketing advances.

Social Media Services

Some of the most popular social media services are the following.  These social media websites have over 100,000,000 registered active users online.  Interacting with all social media sites is a great way to increase brand awareness while providing detailed information about your products and services using this vast marketplace.

  • Facebook
  • Facebook Messenger
  • Google+
  • Twitter
  • Tumbler
  • Linkedin
  • Pinterest
  • Instagram
  • Snapchat
  • WhatsApp
  • YouTube
  • Baidu- China
  • Tieba- Chinese
  • Viber- Japenese

Social media is completely different compared to paper-based content written for newspapers and magazines. Anyone connected to the internet can post comments, video, images or a small introduction to a blog post through social media marketing reaching your optimizing your potential.  According to Neilson social networking and social media are no longer in their infancy while continued growth is rapid offering consumers global outreach including new and meaningful ways to communicate with one another

NM insights the latest report indicating the latest social media report according to Neilson Individuals continue to spend more time on various social networks compared to any other category spending 30% of their time on mobile devices and 20% of their personal time on the computer.  Studies indicate total time spent in the United States on social media using mobile and computer reached an astounding increase 37 percent usage and 121 billion minutes in July of 2012.


Social Media Marketing Strategies

How To Do Social Media Marketing

Facebook still remains number one for social media networking offering individuals or businesses the opportunity to connect with others globally.  New emerging websites dedicated to social media are emerging online in the United States reaching 152.2 visitors on computers and mobile web 74.3 users, while mobile apps have now reached 78.4 million users.

Facebook continues to be the top brand in social media according to the amount of time a person spent on this networking site reached 17% using personal computers.

Social media marketing does not require any money or upfront cost to open an account.  Any person or business can open an account in all social media platforms completely free of charge.  If you have a new business open an account in your business name filling out your information.  It is advised to keep personal information privet to prevent online complications.

Setting up a P.O. Box number at your local post office for business purposes is a great way to protect privet information.  Some social media sites require a mobile number for account confirmation for personal or business purposes.  YouTube video marketing guide business strategies can people profits and growth online.

If you have a business it is recommended that you join all social networking sites in your area including Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Quora, Instagram, Tumbler, Pinterest, Instagram, Snapchat, Youtube and other international social networking sites to expand your reach.

Social Media Marketing Tips

  • Publish post related to your niche on Quora- Post comments and answer questions
  • Join forums related to your niche- Answer questions and post comments giving relevant advice
  • Join all social networking platforms, Facebook, Twitter, Linkin, StumbleUpon, Pinterest, Quora, Reddit, Snapchat, Youtube, Whatsapp, Instagram, Tumbler.
  • Post on all Social networking websites once per week providing fresh valuable content to readers.
  • Post a short video once per week on Youtube related to your topic.  Offer tips, resources and webinars or tutorials about your topic.
  • Join Facebook groups related to your niche.  Post comments and gets involved in conversations providing important information to the reader.
  • Optimize your website for mobile marketing with Adwords reaching your full potential in social media marketing

Social Media Marketing Growth

Quora A Place to Share Knowledge

Quora is a question and answer site where questions are asked and answered online, edited and organized by the community.  Quora user base has grown substantially over time reaching 190 million unique visitors up from 100 million from the previous year.   If you want more traffic back to your website join Quora for free adding your business information in your profile area.  Start answering questions in your area of business.  Ask questions and wait for an answer.

Every time you write a post on your blog post some of your article on Quora blog with a link back to your website.  This process will drive targeted traffic back to your website and over time your brand will become more popular online. Innovative trends in future online marketing strategies and methods have proven results.

Facebook Social Media Marketing Tips

Facebook is number one in America for social media marketing for business and personal use.  Join Facebook for free adding your business by adding your own business group page dedicated to your website.  Each time you write a post publish your title and link to your Facebook page asking readers to click on the link to read more.  New followers will enjoy your content linking back to your website for additional information.  Facebook does offer advertising and additional traffic to your Facebook page for a small fee.

Gain popularity commenting on other groups in your niche area providing detailed information that is helpful to the consumer.  Joining other groups on Facebook related to your niche will help establish your persona as an authority in your niche.

Join all social networking sites in an effort to publish your latest post on all social media to promote your information through sharing sites.

Social media is responsible for 30% of all web traffic as of 2014 and that establishes social media shares is the number one traffic generation tool available internet. If your website isn’t ranking well online that means you are missing out on a large part of your traffic.

Reddit Social Media News

Reddit was founded in June 23, 2005, by University of Virginia roommates Alexis Ohanian and Steve Huffman is America’s social news platform for online discussion websites and content rating.  Registered members have the opportunity to submit content to the site including images, text posts, and links that are voted up or down by readers.  Join Reddit for free for personal or business purposes.   Posts are organized by subject referred to subreddits created boards by the users.

Analytics indicate Reddit had 542 million monthly visitors in 2017 including 234 unique users, ranking number 4 most visited websites in the United States placing at eighth in the world according to Alexa Internet.  In the year of 2015 Reddit had 82.54 page views, 725,58 million comments, 75,15 million submissions, and 6.89 upvotes by users.  Reddit is the perfect platform for social media marketing business purposes.

Follow the rules and regulations on Reddit for continued posting success.  Join groups in your niche area to answer questions and post relevant comments that are useful to the reader.

Online Marketing Methods

Affilorama affiliate marketing tutorials.  Learn how to make money online by selling other people products on your website.  Create your free membership and start today.  Join the largest affiliate marketing community and training website on the internet and discover the freedom of making money online.

Become a member and get access to the affiliate marketing quick start guide showing you what traps to avoid and how to become successful online.  Get access to 120 affiliate marketing video lessons by Affilorama showing you how to earn money online.

Forums Internet Message Board

Forums are an internet messaging board is an online discussion website that allows readers to hold a public conversation in the format of posted messages.  Forums have a specific set of jargon special word or expressions associated with them.   A single conversation is referred to as a topic or thread

Forums are a great place to interact with consumers in your specific area of interest according to your business.  Locate forums of interest conducting a search online.  For example, The Warrior forum is dedicated to internet marketing founded in 1997 helping others succeed online.  Join the community of over 1 million users in the Warrior forum discussions for the latest news in digital and online marketing advice.  If you want to participate in a forum related to business Digital Point and the Warrior forum are fantastic resources.

Social Media On Mobile Optimizes Traffic

Studies indicate over half of the world’s population is on the internet.  Approximately 75% of those individuals are on social media and three-quarters of those people have social media accounts on their personal cell phones. Mobile phones have grown in popularity over the past few years due to technological advances users now have access to the internet from any location.

Mobile phones and the internet greatly influence that way consumers interact with social media and has further implications including for mobile commerce, advertising, and tv ratings.  In the United States, there are 100 million active users on mobile devices and are projected to access online video content through mobile applications.  As of February 2017 excluding tablets accounted for 49.73 web page views worldwide.

Africa and Asia had higher than average traffic mobile shares 65.1% indicating a rise in cell phone use for personal and business purposes.  As of 2020, the number of smartphone users is projected to reach 2.87 billion worldwide at an increased rate up from 2,1 billion users in 2016.

Join the Adword team hangout on YouTube about mobile advertising for your website.  Optimize your website for mobile applications and social media marketing best practices.

Affiliate marketing is one of the best opportunities for anyone who wants to earn money online with there own business.  Join others as they discover new and exciting methods of building an online presence using a  website or blog dedicated to a specific niche.  Affilorama the largest affiliate community and training website on the internet today.  Learn how to make money online using proven strategies taught by an expert.

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Patricia Lynn

Images Courtesy of  the DigitalArtistGeraltKrooxyMaialisa at



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Patricia Lynn

Author of Business Today Pro. Providing the latest news and update information on business, online marketing, tech, how to make money online, how to make money with advertising, websites, blogging, affiliate marketing and much more...