Virtual Reality Future In Gaming Experience


Innovative Virtual Reality Enhanced

Virtual reality gaming applications have increased in popularity as an estimated 171 million active users enjoy VR entertainment worldwide.  In 2019 the consumer reality market is divided into software and hardware segments forecasted to reach 16.3 billion US dollars value in 2022. 

CES annual Electronic show located in Los Vegas featured virtual reality technology systems including headsets, controllers and plenty of merchandise to showcase. Virtual reality is a simulated experience that can be perceived as similar or differ from real world experience through a gaming system.

Virtual reality applications make use of VR and immersive sensory experience that digitally simulates a remote environment in conjunction with an environment including entertainment gaming or used for educational purposes.

Augmented reality AR is an interactive simulated experience where objects that occupy the real world are enhanced by computer generated perceptual information digitally enhanced. Mixed reality MR integrates realism with virtual worlds to create new environments for visualizing where a digital and physical object appears through imagery exist interacting in real time.

Virtual reality applications system currently a virtual reality headset a head mounted device that provides an exceptional experience for the wearer.  People can visually see multi project environments generating digital environments enhanced by graphic imagery and corresponding sounds.

Interactive Environment Simulators

Simulators a physical presence in an interactive environment using a VR headset consisting of a headset display unit with a small screen in front of the eyes. A person who uses virtual reality equipment is able to look around in an artificial world is able to interact with key visual features with the program.

Typically virtual reality is commonly used in the entertainment industry including applications in video gaming using 3D cinema effects. Three dimensional stereoscopic films a motion picture enhances the illusion of depth perception of objects in a person’s visual field adding third dementation to imagery. 

Augmented reality AR is a type of virtual reality that enables the user to interact with the game or application blend what the user sees with the real surroundings with digital content generated using computer software for development.

View three dimensional images with additional software created digital imagery with a virtual scene to enhance the user entertaining experience. 

Oculus Go Virtual Reality Innovation

Oculus Go from Facebook is an all in one VR portable headset for ease of use that enables you to see it bigger and brighter, made for watching entertainment.  The Oculus Go brings digital experiences to life in vibrant color enriched details with best in class lens innovation.

Optimized 3D graphics and crystal clear optics work together offering the highest visual clarity.  Experience entertainment on the go without PC wires or hassles using the latest technology in virtual reality. Its ergonomic design uses breathable fabrics, injection foam molding allowing Oculus Go to feel light and comfortable while wearing the device 

Adjustable straps hold the headset in place gently and securely for ease of use. Spatial audio drivers built in surround sound in the headset provide the user with cinematic immersive sound without the need for extra headphones equipment.    

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Patricia Lynn

Images courtesy of geralt at Pixbay



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Patricia Lynn

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