Website Performance Enhance User Experience For WordPress Optimization  


Website Performance Optimization Increase Content Delivery

Website performance is crucial for increasing speed of web pages that are downloaded and displayed on the user’s web browser.  Increasing website speed has been shown to develop user satisfaction while improving customer retention for the loyalty of services. This is especially important for users who are dealing with slow internet connections or using mobile devices to search for information.  Configuring your website correctly using the latest website optimization plugins can improve website performance test scores leading to enhanced user experience.

Faster downloads of website information lead to fewer data traveling across the internet resulting in a reduction in environmental impact and website power consumption. Typical aspics of slow website performance issues may include image optimization, browser server cache delivery, SSL certificate encryption may affect the time it takes a page to render correctly. Fortunately, there are fantastic tools and resources to help take the frustration out of properly optimize your website for increasing performance.

Amazon CloudFront a content delivery network CDN delivered by Amazon Web Services.  A content delivery network providing globally distributed network of proxy servers enabling the cache of website content, media files, website videos resulting in the increase the speed in which content is delivered to the reader.   Website loading time is essential for users who want to engage with your content building a better business while increasing sales.  Users who experience a slow website are 30% less likely to wait for a page to open or return as a customer.  Research shows website performance has become an essential element for search engine optimization strategies.

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Benefits of using Amazon CloudFair securely deliver video, data, applications, and API to viewers with high transfer speeds and low latency following the instruction of data transfer.  CloudFront is integrated with AWS physical locations directly connected to global network infrastructure and specialized software that transitions seamlessly with important services AWS shield for DDoS migration.  You can get started with Amazon CloudFront services in a matter of minutes using familiar tools including APIs AWS management console.

This high-performance delivery system includes 44 availability zones with 16 geographic regions today with announced plans for 14 additional availability zones and five more regions including France, China, Hong Kong, Sweeden, and a second AWS Amazon CloudFront region in the US with 101 points of presents resulting in 90 edge locations, 11 edge caches in 51 cities across 23 countries.

A network of the Edge application helps to ensure availability, scalability delivering high website performance to all of your customers anywhere around the world.


Plugins Deliver Speed Improved Website Performance

W3 Cashe

W3 Cache Plugin for WordPress website optimization improves the user experience of your site by increasing speed performance while reducing download times including features CDN content delivery network applications.  Trusted by numerous companies such as, AT&T,,,,,,,, and tens of thousands of others.

The only recommended WordPress optimization framework utilized by countless developers and web hosts on the internet today.  One million active installations requiring WordPress 3.2 and has been frequently updated for best performance practices.

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Benefits of W3 Cache include improved server performance to sustain periods of high traffic resulting in more sales or commissions for your business.  Improvements in search engine page result rankings especially for users who utilize SSL certificate and mobile-friendly websites.  Save up to 80% bandwidth via minify files with HTTP compression of CSS, HTML, JavaScript and feeds.  Reduce page load time while increasing the time users actually stay interacting on your blog.  Optimize rendered pages quickly and effortlessly leading to customer satisfaction with a 10x improvement in website performance including a Grade A in WebPageTest or Google Page Speed test.

Smush Image Compression

Sumsh Image Compression Plugin for optimizing and compression all images on your website with this fantastic image smusher for WordPress.  Award-winning image optimization including 900,00 active installations, requiring WordPress3.5 including recent updates.  Smush servers do all the heavy lifting stripping bulky heavy information from your images reducing file size without losing quality from the image.

Large image files may slow down your site without your knowledge or even aware of the problem.  WP Smush uses WPMU DEV’s super servers quickly scan and smash each and every image removing unnecessary data without slowing down your website.

Smush has been compared and tested against other digital compression plugins resulting number one for optimal speed performance.  Proven to be a crowd favorite compatible with your favorite media library plugins.  Wp Smush scans every image you upload or have already added to your site while cutting all the unnecessary data and properly scales it for you before adding it to your media library.

P3 Performance Plugin

P3 Performance Plugin developed by Godaddy creates a profile of your websites plugins performance by scanning then analyzing your site plugins total impact on site load times.  Often website performance is affected by plugins that are not up to date or poorly configured or simply there are too many plugins on your website.  This plugin uses a canvas element for creating analytical charts and requires Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Safari, or IE9 or later.

This plugin has not been updated for 2 years and may not be compatible with current versions WordPress, however installing this plugin may be beneficial for some users in analyzing website performance issues.

Install and activate P3 Performance plugin in your WordPress plugin section,  First select a scan to profile your site.  The scanner generates traffic on your site and monitors your site’s performance on the server then provides you with detailed graphs showing results.  Use this information to take action in optimizing plugin performance.

Wp Fastest Cache

Wp Fastest Cache plugin for cache computing a complete collection of data duplicating original values stored at another location on a computer device for easier access.  The web cache is a tempory storage of web documents to increase website performance.  Database caching is a mechanism used to cache content within the database in multi-tier applications while DNS cache a server in the domain name system stores quired results for a specified time period.

This plugin helps users simplify the cache process by creating static HTML files from your WordPress blog.  When a page is rendered the primary function of the web browser to display quarried information to the reader through requesting resources on the web.

Therefore the cache system needs RAM and CPU to operate optimally.  This plugin is easy to use with 400,00 active installations there is no need to modify the htacces file manually.  It will be modified automatically helping website performance optimization minify HTML decrease the size of the page, minify CSS to decrease the size of CSS files, Leverage browser cache to reduce page load times for repeat visitors.


Performance Optimization Tips

  • Combine JavaScript files
  • Combine CSS to reduce the number of HTTP round trips by combining multiple CSS resource files into one
  • Leverage browser cache to reduce page load times for repeat visitors
  • Enable Gzip compression to reduce the size of files sent to your server.  This will increase the speed of files transferred to the browser
  • Minify CSS to decrease the size of CSS files
  • Minify HTML decrease the size of the page
  • Delete unused plugins for faster website performance
  • Generate static HTML from your WordPress blog
  • Automate performance website optimization with WP Fastest Cache plugin

Google Page Speed Insights Plugin

Developers of Google Page Speed Insights plugin have created a comprehensive solution for any webmaster who desires to speed up their website performance based on the current digital trend practices for mobile and computer usage.  Page Speed Insights tools enable users to make quick decisions about optimizing website performance resulting in an increase in search engine ranking, and improvement is browser experience.

Analyze your page reports by the page speed score test to expedite the largest areas of opportunity for your site.  Improve your website performance utilizing accurate easy to read reports using graphic visualizations allowing you to focus on data that requires attention.

Test your website performance using the latest tools available generating report summaries displaying your page score, showing the largest areas of improvement, as well as the comparison of best and wost page scores.  Report summaries can be filtered by page, categories, custom post types and custom URLs.  Utilizing the report summary feature allows users to focus on the page level for a clear understanding of website performance.

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Currently, there is 20,000 active installations from developers and users who desire better site performance.  Configure Google Page Insights plugin to generate reports for WordPress utilizing both mobile reports and desktop reports.  Use the report snapshot tool builds analytical report summaries providing accurate historical data of a point in time information about your website.

Configure settings in Google Page Insights to automatically scan and check your website on a preferred schedule, daily, weekly, bi-weekly or monthly.  Each new scan discovers new posts or pages and existing summary reports will be automatically updated providing you with recommendations for website performance adjustments.

WP Optimize Plugin

WP Optimize plugin will automatically clean up your WordPress database helping your site run at an optimal level for maximum efficiency.  Once enabled WP Optimize can clean up with scan feature automatically on the desired schedule retaining several weeks of data according to specifications enabled in settings.  When you use the plugin for the first time or make major adjustments it is recommended to back up your database with Updraft Plugin.  Developers of this plugin advise users to back up data before altering your database even though none of the queries are considered dangerous.

This plugin can defiantly help website optimization as the tables in MySQL the database WordPress uses will become less efficient over a period of time as data changes to be added, removed or moved to another location.  Requesting a periodical scan of MySQL will help keep your website running as fast as possible.

Failing to optimize your database can lead to slow load times and other website complications. For example:  Everytime you save a post WordPress creates a version of the page or post.  If you edit the post 7 times you might have 6-7 revision copies stored in your database slowing down your site.  This adds unnecessary rally used data to your database making them slower to access.  Utilizing WP-Optimize Plugin automatically helping you take control using definitive reports on what database tables have wasted space providing insight on how to keep your website performance optimal.

Testing Tools For Website Performance


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Patricia Lynn

Image Courtesy of  Postman85Vanmarciano, BenjaminNelam at

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Patricia Lynn

Author of Business Today Pro. Providing the latest news and update information on business, online marketing, tech, how to make money online, how to make money with advertising, websites, blogging, affiliate marketing and much more...