Work Life Balance Modern Day Essentials


Work Life Balance Prioritize Endeavors

Work life balance implements time management strategies are essential for success for part or full time professionals; routines protect their time at work, set rituals to protect their time at home. Establishing schedules prioritizes projects for a career including the demands of personal life enables greater productivity. Systematically prioritize tasks according to importance structures a plan of action for completion within a specified time frame. The goal of time management is to reduce distractions, finding reliable methods to complete tasks on a flexible schedule, and ultimately balance workflow. 

Expecting the unexpected planning ahead is crucial, striking a balance in preparedness as a continual state of readiness. Flexibility is key in responding to changes in the workforce environment adapting relativities quickly to external circumstances.  The internet is a global system of interconnected networks used as an information system where resources, documents are accessible on the world wide web. Access internet from any location across all devices computer, tablets or phone linked by wireless technologies to enhance workflow.

Harness technology to your advantage using online resources to organize your priorities creating a one page business plan using Google Docs word processor web based software office suite, Google Slides, presentation program and word processor.  The service includes an array of templates to select from the template gallery. Google Sheets is a spreadsheet program included as a free web based software program office suite offered by Google within it’s Google Drive Service. Google Sheets serve as a collaborative tool editing spreadsheets in real time. 

Share documents with collages edited by multiple users simultaneously.  Changes are saved automatically to Google servers and revision history is automatically kept so passed edits may be viewed. G Suite is the suite for cloud computing collaboration tools that increase productivity fee to use by individuals also available as part of business centered G Suite which is a monthly subscription that enables additional business focussed functionally.  Google calendar is a time management scheduling calendar  service developed by Google. 

It became available in beta released April 13, 2006 and in general release in 2009 on the web as an mobile app for the Android and iOS platforms.  Google calendar allows users to create, and edit events in advance, plan work life balance schedules. Google Voice telephone service provides voicemail and call forwarding, voice, text messaging including US and international calls. The service was launched by Google on March 11, 2009, after the company acquired the service GrandCentral. Professionals find solutions using ingenuity following a written plan of action utilizing online resources to facilitate progress.

Modern Entrepreneurs use digital technology to their advantage building a business online secure their future creating brand awareness around their services.   Work life balance benefits from effective time management optimizing what can be accomplished in a workday actively progressing toward your goals. Reduce stress focussing on time management using automation tools when possible allows users send emails communications, pay bills, send messages to colleagues. Automation frees up time for more important tasks focusing on creative ideas that may generate an income increasing business globally.  

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Patricia Lynn

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Patricia Lynn

Author of Business Today Pro. Providing the latest news and update information on business, online marketing, tech, how to make money online, how to make money with advertising, websites, blogging, affiliate marketing and much more...