YouTube Video Marketing Guide Business Strategies Propel Profits Growth 


Internet Video Marketing On Youtube Reaches Billions

YouTube is now considered one of the best platforms for reaching the largest audience worldwide.  If you have a business or considering a start-up to sell products and services online using video streaming for promotions can instantly take your business to the next level.   Youtube is an American video sharing website located in San Bruno, California founded by PayPal employees Jawed Karim, Steve Chen, and Chad Hurley on February 14, 2005.

Google purchased the company in November 2006 for 1.65 billion dollars and now YouTube operates as one of Google’s subsidiaries.  Every minute more than one hundred hours of video is uploaded to this amazing service.  The first video was uploaded on April 23, 2005, featuring Co-founder Jawed Krim at the San Diego Zoo.  The site allows users to upload videos as well as view, rate, comment and share favorite picks from all over the world.

YouTube is the second largest search engine right after Google  It’s bigger than Yahoo, Bing and Ask search engines combined.  Generating videos using search engine optimization techniques for sites like Youtube can help business growth in the future.

Music video Gangnam was so popular that it actually broke the YouTube view counter and had to be upgraded to the newest version.  You can navigate this platform in 75 different languages serving an estimated 95% internet population online to date.

As of  February 2017, there are 400 hours of visual content uploaded to YouTube each minute and over one billion users actively watch video streaming each day.  Google earns revenue from AdSense program which promotes advertising to users based on audience and site content.

The vast majority of videos are free to view for consumers however there are exceptions including subscriptions- based channels, film rentals as well as Youtube Red a subscription service that offering access to exclusive content made in partnership with existing users and free ad access to website content.

Currently, YouTube has over one billion users that are an estimated one-third of all internet users who access video content with a cell phone, computer and iPad devices.  It uses innovative technology Adobe Flash video streaming and Web M, H.264/MPEG-4 AVC to display corporate media, user generated videos.  Available visual content has gained popularity for individuals who want to create videos for business and personal use.

Content can be displayed as video blogging, tutorials, music, concerts, product or service reviews, documentaries, film, auto recordings, video clips, educational videos, and short original videos can be uploaded for millions to view.  Did you know you can optimize your website, driving targeted traffic to your products and services simply uploading relevant video to Youtube? There are literally hundreds of ways to market content online by providing great information for readers

Studies show that YouTube’s highest earning subscription channels made anywhere from US 2.5 million to US 12 million dollars in 2015 and climbing. Business owners are using this popular resource to reach a targeted customer base offering free advice, tutorials or product reviews including a link at the bottom of the video directing users back to their website.

Entrepreneurs now have exciting opportunities available on the internet giving business owners long term sustainability promoting affiliate products services or products of your design.  Most of the content has been uploaded by media corporations Hulu, Vevo, BBC, CBS and separate individuals who want to create an impact with video streaming.

Guidelines for using Youtube are available for unregistered users who may watch videos of choice while registered users are permitted to upload unlimited videos as well as comment on unlimited video picks.

As of  April 2017, Youtube was ranked the second most popular by  Alexa Internet website traffic analysis company making this a valuable resource for business owners and consumers.


YouTube Tricks and Tips Marketing Online

There are several services available for uploading videos to the internet including a paid service Vimeo LLC hosting video sharing website service which users can upload and share videos.  It was the first video sharing site to support high definition videos with over 45 million people and businesses trust Vimeo for their business and personal video needs.  Use the following tips for creating interactive videos for publication on Youtube, social networks or other video sharing sites.

  • Create informative videos dedicated to a specific niche market
  • Build Your brand by publishing a video on YouTube consistently once per week
  • Create eye-catching graphics depicting the topic of interest
  • Generate descriptive titles and descriptions attracting visitors to your video
  • Use analytics programs to research competition and track progress
  •  Post videos on all social media enabling social share buttons for viewers to share video content
  • Add customize the video on your blog or website using HTML code
  • Create video for product reviews, promotion of products, tutorials, presentations, news, live stream, music
  • Develop video with the equipment you already have such as a computer, cell phone or tablet.
  • Video content should look and sound natural- unscripted

Vimeo offers a free 30 day trial with annual Plus, Pro or Business memberships for high-quality ad-free HD videos.  Vimeo services are filled with incredible video integrations such as no ads before or after your video, share across tablet, mobile and tv.  Upgrade to receive more from the professional community service department.

Benefits of using YouTube video streaming for business is enormous for anyone who wants to reach a large audience.  Increase ranking your website in search engine results creating video tutorials about products or services.  The more popularity your video receives the higher it will rank in search results, with the possibility of going viral.

Utilizing all social media platforms Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, Twitter, Stumbleupon and Reddit to promote videos can grow your business exponentially.  Youtube is an international sensation offering worldwide recognition full accessibility to users who want to publish video content or watch videos of interest.

Reaching full marketing potential for any business requires a complete understanding of YouTube demographic and earning capabilities. Creating a video about a specific topic establishes credibility with consumers who may be interested in your products.

Publishing a video on YouTube linking back to your website will generate an income online as users search for specific information about a particular niche. For more exposure consider placing the video on your blog or website home page for good results.  For example, if you have a website about Beta fish have a video on the first page of the website about ” How To Take Care of Betta Fish”  Allow the user to watch the video.  Offer a free pdf or free Ebook tips about Beta fish Care with an email pop-up opt-in form.

Consumers will more likely watch the video and subscribe to receive the newsletter or free information about products or services.  Give targeted quality information about a specific niche market by placing video content on Youtube, website, and blog.  Continue sharing or promoting your video content on all social media websites.

Viral marketing strategy techniques can be utilized placing HTML code to format and embed a high ranking video on a website, driving more traffic to your website.  Be consistent over time by releasing a new video once or twice a week by creating quality content.  Consider using informative descriptive titles for the video along with attention-grabbing images or graphics design.  Not a designer?  Fiverr offers video and graphic design along with a multitude of other online services for a reasonable price.

Canva Video Editing Infographic design program offers free tutorials and graphic design software.  Create fantastic designs for social media, websites, blog, presentations, Facebook cover image, ebooks and much more.  Ultize Infographic guides one of many images and temples to bring stunning graphics, texts, and images to your creations.

Generate more traffic by asking users to comment and share at the end of each video presentation.  This will promote your business on the internet for free sending more targeted traffic to your URL.


Top Youtube Video Editing Apps

Here are the top YouTube video apps you can use for editing applications.  Technology has made uploading video easy and effortless using the newest apps including tools to edit video on your smartphone.  Typically the iOS operating system and Android do not provide many options for editing video.  There are plenty of apps to choose from at Google Play and the app store available for easy to use editing applications.

  • Clips
  • Cute Cut
  • Replay
  • KineMaster
  • WeVideo
  • Magisto
  • iMovie
  • Replay
  • VivaVideo app best Youtube video editing application for Android and iOS

Generating Titles With Keywords For Video

Create a title using Google’s Keyword research tool finding keywords relevant to what users are searching for.   Use relevant keywords in the title, title tags, and description maximizing the use of specific keywords for your video.

When creating a video for Youtube optimize the description area typing a text description including your web address.  For Example:

Video Description


Take our free class at (This line should always be the same for each of your videos including you info)  You can not place hyperlinks in the video, however, placing a link in the description area is allowed.

Learn how to generate an income online with YouTube video content marketing.  Find tips, resources for creating, and publishing informative videos. The title, image, and description box will be visible for consumers to read.  It is important to write unique original titles and descriptions.

The title, image, and description box will be visible for consumers to read.  It is important to write unique original titles and descriptions.

Creating a video requires knowing your information well not following a script word for word.  Developing a guideline to follow will make the video appear naturally more engaging.  The ability to generate great content on a consistent basis increases visibility on huge proportions.

How to Create Video Content?

If you never made a video before, try shooting and uploading a short 3-minute video to Facebook or YouTube using equipment such as a cell phone or computer.  When publishing video content remember that most individuals will only spend a short period of time watching a video. Check out the YouTube editor selection at for more ways to select and edit video content.

When starting out keep video duration between three to five minutes long.  Include your website address URL at the beginning and end of each video.  This will generate traffic back to your website where users can subscribe to a newsletter, read your blog, and purchase products. If you are going to post videos on your website consider a few options before beginning.

  • It is stated from Youtube that the best format for video uploading id MP4 Providing better quality compared to FLV and is not as heavy as AVI.  While 3GPP and MPEG-ES resolutions are too small the WMV-HD format seems to lose quality
  • Consider the location of the video.  Do you want the video on your home page or deep within your blog or website.
  • Develop advanced video contextual integrations with video players, mobile apps, Windows 10, Mac
  • When you want to play edit or convert video files stored on your computer or laptop windows 10, MacOS has the solid official software.
  • Add a call to action at the end of the video requesting viewers to like and share this video on social media sites.  Ask viewers to visit your website or blog for more tips and information about your business.
  • Offer a Youtube video subscription for viewers to join
  • Utilize full-screen video option to users
  • Opt to display video ads for products on the site
  • Use popup windows  to display video content

Once you have some practice shooting then uploading a video to youtube or other social sharing sites, you can then start to distribute video to other blogs of influence in your particular niche market.  This will generate more targeted traffic back to your website.

Youtube Tools and Resources

Socialblade tracks user statics for YouTube, Twitch, Twitter, and Instagram.  Giving consumers a deeper understanding of trends by utilizing this resource. Simplified Analytics right at your fingertips as a research tool.  Socialblade gives complete access to a public database using advanced technology is able to provide global analytics for any content creator, brand, or live streamer.  Whether you are looking up Twitch streamers playing a specific game or YouTube creators Socialblade has you covered.

For Example Conducting a search on CNN News of Time Warner New York resulted in 137,166 uploads, 2,130,315 subscribers, 1,974,152,349 video views in the USA, grade score A+, 386th video rank, 784 Socialblade rank, 5,800,200 video views for the last 30 days, 55,869 subscribers, estimated monthly earnings 14.2K- 227.2K, estimated yearly income at 170.4K- 2.7 million.  Gaining access to this information is vital for researching and developing future videos for your business.

Socialblade is a valuable tool anyone can utilize for personal benefit in developing video content and analyzing data of other users.

Tools4Noobs free tool to generate valid XHTML embed code for any Youtube video.  The code Youtube shows you is not valid until you to go through the process of validation for XHTML code.  Rember that you should always validate your code to maximize capability between browsers.  This website is meant to be a collection of tools and widgets that anyone can use eventually adding custom video to their website.

WordPress Youtube Plugin essential for anyone who wants to include video on their blog.  Your WordPress YouTube embed is fully customizable for Youtube gallery channel, playlist and live stream video.  Here are a few recently added features of this amazing tool.

  • YouTube Gallery capability channel and playlist offers users the opportunity to create a layout that embeds a gallery by default settings.  The responsive gallery or playlist allows visitors to browse through thumbnails to view videos of choice from an entire Youtube channel.  Visitors enjoy quickly utilizing this guide based tool for finding requested search information.
  • YouTube Live Stream– given a link to a Youtube channel, the plugin wizard automatically finds live stream video if one is active in that channel and creates an embed code for you.  On the settings page, you can set defaults to automatically display if a live stream is not active at the moment or choose to display the entire Gallery video channels on your website for viewers to watch.
  • YouTube Gallery auto continuous playlist.  Customize viewer experience providing embed video playlist or channel gallery allows video to continually play without users having to click on video thumbnails.

Cyfe- all in one dashboard app to help you monitor all business data in one location for tracking social media marketing analytics.  Founded by Devin Patel, headcourted in Los Angeles CA, founded in 2012.  Cyfe is a cloud-based self-service intelligence software company.  Monitor everything or individual departments including subscribers, app downloads, finance, marketing, or other related KPI’s in real time with user dashboard.

SEO Chat Google bulk suggestion tool offers keyword suggestions you can use in titles and descriptions.  Research keywords directly associated with the topic of video content for best results. Enter a quarry phrase in the free suggest tool to populate a list of related terms from Amazon, Google, Bing, and Youtube.

For example, if you had a website about dog training you may consider a keyword “dog training”  Search on “dog training” turned up 792 unique suggestions found to select from.   These keywords can be used in writing content, video production, titles, and descriptions.  Find targeted data for keyword research at Google Keyword Tool and analytic information.

Video Schema Generator lets you generate code to mark up your page containing video.  This will let your pages qualify for video rich snippets.  Here is the information you need to complete the code:

  • Name of the video
  • short term description of the video
  • Embed URL: Your video file URL.  A file pointing directly to a player for a specific video.  In general, this information is in the SCR element of the embed tag.
  • Video iframe code- Your video embed code URL
  • URL where the video can be viewed on a youtube page link, video file, or a blog post with video
  • Thumbnail of video
  • Duration of the video ISO 8601 date format for example 5 minutes 10 seconds would be PT5M10S

BirdSong Analytics for Youtube is a pay as you go service dedicated to providing detailed reports you need using 30 key metrics for publically available YouTube video channels. in easy to read charts plus data exports for your own offline analysis. Search the Youtube channel you want to analyze.  Birdsong is one of the world’s leading pay as you go analytics tools used by marketing practitioners, publishers, researchers, and journalists located in 120 countries worldwide.

Search Engine Optimization For Video Content

Video content is the best online marketing resource available for building brand awareness.  Google ranks videos in search engine results leading to an increase of targeted traffic to your website.  Use video for tutorials about products and services, entertainment in the news, or music industry.

The process of creating a video from scratch can be overwhelming for beginners, however, using the right tools and techniques will yield huge results for your business.  Ther are several aspects to consider before producing then publishing video content on your website or YouTube.

According to Google statistics, more people conduct searches for video compared to searches for news, love, and religion.  Small snippets of video are now visible in search results directing users to targeted video topics.  Search engine Google allows a small portation of organic searches specifically for video content and links directed to video content in search results.

Fully optimizing video content for search engines Google, Bing, Yahoo is the next step for attracting an audience.  Strategies used in search engine optimization for video content is to make a relevant video available to people conducting a search.  The same techniques used in publishing static content also apply to video.  Follow the tips below for video search engine optimization.

  • Optimize keywords in video titles
  • Use rich file name
  • Submit video URL to search engines Google Bing, Yahoo the same way static content is submitted
  • Create a separate video sitemap then submit to search engines
  • Research and optimize keywords and keyword phrases related to the topic or niche.  For example: Music video, travel France video, gardening video,  cooking techniques video, cell phone operation video
  • Optimize keywords in the Youtube video description area and meta description

Statistics show broadband has created new opportunities for video content and advertisers on the internet.  Realizing the full potential of this amazing marketing platform can increase revenue exponentially.  There are fantastic developments in the video industry who want to make a profit if you understand the market.  Creating dynamic interactive video content for YouTube or blog can transform user experience and capture the attention of buyers.

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Patricia Lynn

Images Courtesy of Geralt, Whitesession at

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Patricia Lynn

Author of Business Today Pro. Providing the latest news and update information on business, online marketing, tech, how to make money online, how to make money with advertising, websites, blogging, affiliate marketing and much more...