Zoom Video Technology Online Communication Solutions


Zoom Innovative  Communication Technology

Zoom is an American communications technology company Headquartered in San Jose California.  The company added 2.22 million monthly active users in 2020 while in 2019 Zoom added 1.99 million according to estimates. Peer-to-Peer (P2P) software computing network is a distributed application designed to divide task workloads between people through online chat cloud based services. 

It provides videotelephony technologies for the reception and transmission of audio video signals by users from different locations real time communication between people.  The Zoom platform is used for teleconferencing the live exchange of information among several people using computers and cell phones remotely linked by a telecommunications system used for work and social relations. 

Telecommunication working remotely online using the internet as a flexible workplace people improve efficiency in communication improves teamwork.  Businesses realize the importance of utilizing video calling systems, teleconferencing, and video conferencing collaboration between employees.  Zoom’s business strategy primary focus is providing advanced communication technology enhancing efficiency in the workplace while reducing costs to employers harness virtual technology. 

Distance education is the education of students who may not be physically present at school allows people to participate in virtual webinars as an attendee to further their education online using Zoom.

Eric Yang former Cisco Webex executive and engineer founded Zoom in 2011 soon launched its software in 2013 perceived as easy to use and reliable software resulting in a 1 billion valuation in 2017 as a privately held startup company.  Zoom is compatible with macOS, Windows, iOS, Android and Linux.   

Use the platform for video conferencing up to 100 participants at once with a time limit of 40 minutes per session. Participants do not have to download the app if they are using Firefox or Google Chrome simply click on the link to join from the browser. 

Longer conferencing sessions paid subscriptions with more features are available. Zoom is committed to keeping you connected with convenient plans and services using simplified video conferencing including messaging across any device enabling quick meeting capabilities for collaboration among users. Zoom meetings sync with your calendar system streamlining video conferencing from mobile or desktop helping you connect anywhere.

Zoom is built for modern teams using HD high definition video and audio support up to 1000 video participants and 49 videos on screen.  Built in collaboration tools for participants enable screen sharing simultaneously for interactive virtual meetings.  The advantage of engaging in interactive conferencing is an affordable solution for businesses encourages positive reinforcement of inventive ideas through online collaboration between creative thinkers.

Consumers who use Zoom report an increase of 92 percent performance rate among users who modernized meeting solutions.   Zoom is recognized for its usability and simple interface for non-tech individuals who use features of one to one meetings, screen sharing, video conferencing, browser extensions, plugins, record meetings for automatic transcription. 

Today’s mobile professionals are able to work from any location utilizing video conferences wherever they are using Zoom meetings for mobile providing a great user experience for business and personal use.  Zoom is engineered optimized for work reliable enterprise for video collaboration using video conferencing real time messaging.   


Patricia Lynn

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Patricia Lynn

Author of Business Today Pro. Providing the latest news and update information on business, online marketing, tech, how to make money online, how to make money with advertising, websites, blogging, affiliate marketing and much more...